Medca Study Guide Test 150 Questions with Verified Answers
Hippocrates (460-377 BC) - CORRECT ANSWER Father of medicine , & starts study of medicine
... [Show More] and prescribes asprin as medicine
When was the invention of the stethoscope by Rene Laennec - CORRECT ANSWER 1816
When was the first transfusion of human blood performed by James Blundell - CORRECT ANSWER 1818
When was the development of the syringe by Charles Pravaz and Alexander Wood - CORRECT ANSWER 1853
When was germs identified as cause of disease by Louis Pasteur - CORRECT ANSWER 1857
Who and when was Antiseptic principal of the practice of surgery - CORRECT ANSWER Joseph Lister and 1867
When was the discovery of TB Bacillus by Robert Koch - CORRECT ANSWER 1882
When was the discovery of antitoxins and development of tetanus and diphtheria vaccines by E. Von Behring - CORRECT ANSWER 1890
When was the introduction of the system to classify blood types by Karl Landsteiner - CORRECT ANSWER 1901
When was the development of the first vaccine for tuberculosis - CORRECT ANSWER 1927
When was the development of the first vaccine for influenza - CORRECT ANSWER 1945
When did Francis Crick and James Watson work on structure of DNA molecules - CORRECT ANSWER 1953
When was the first development of the first vaccine for measles - CORRECT ANSWER 1964
When was the first vaccine for pneumonia - CORRECT ANSWER 1977
The DEA has to approve - CORRECT ANSWER Medicine
In order for patients to obtain certain medications - CORRECT ANSWER Prescriptions are written
topical administration - CORRECT ANSWER Onto the skin ( epicutaneous )
Enternal administration - CORRECT ANSWER By swallowing ( oral route )
parenteral administration - CORRECT ANSWER Into veins ( intravenous )
injection beneath the skin is called - CORRECT ANSWER Subcutaneous administration
analgesic drugs - CORRECT ANSWER Medications that reduce/alleviate pain
antianxiety drugs - CORRECT ANSWER Medication used to suppress anxiety and relax muscles
Antibiotics - CORRECT ANSWER Stops the infection from producing organisms- PENICILLIN is a common medicine
Anti fungal drug - CORRECT ANSWER Used to treat infections caused by fungus such as ringworm
anti-inflammatory - CORRECT ANSWER Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NASIDs)
Sleeping Aids - CORRECT ANSWER Used to help with sleeping disorders
AMBIEN - common medicine
anesthetics - CORRECT ANSWER medicines that cause the loss of feeling ANESTHESIA
Common anesthesia - CORRECT ANSWER Novocaine
active records - CORRECT ANSWER patients who have been seen within the past 2-5 years
New Patient - CORRECT ANSWER You havent been seen in the office in 3years
Open booking - CORRECT ANSWER Gives patients times to come to the office to be seen
Methods of filing - CORRECT ANSWER By Subject & By Date (of receipt)
Duties of medical assistant - CORRECT ANSWER scheduling appointments, updating medical records, vital statics
When obtaining medical record information patients should be - CORRECT ANSWER Discouraged to give irrelevant information
Co-pay - CORRECT ANSWER Collected each time a patient is seen
Insurance - CORRECT ANSWER Should be updated each visit
Super bill - CORRECT ANSWER Document used to determine payment due
ICD-9 - CORRECT ANSWER Codes used to identify patient diagnosis
HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) - CORRECT ANSWER Patient pay fixed amount or periodic fee for medical care providers belonging to HMO
Who offers more cost advantages when compared with traditional payment plans - CORRECT ANSWER HMO (Health Maintenance Organization)
Taking vital signs means - CORRECT ANSWER Recording body temperature, blood pressure, respiration and pulse
Normal vital signs can change due to - CORRECT ANSWER Age, Sex, Weight, Exercise and health conditions
Average temp for healthy adult - CORRECT ANSWER 97.8 - 99.1 F
Average BP for healthy adult - CORRECT ANSWER 120/80
Average Respiratory Rate for healthy adult - CORRECT ANSWER 16-20 reps per min
Average Heart Rate (pulse) for healthy adult - CORRECT ANSWER 60-100 beats per min
Equipment used to record vital signs - CORRECT ANSWER Thermometer (temperature
Sphygmomanometer (blood pressure)
Watch (measure pulse)
body temperature refers to - CORRECT ANSWER The amount if heat produced and sustained by the body processes
The metabolism of nutrients - CORRECT ANSWER Generates heat within the body
The production and loss of heat are generated and controlled in the - CORRECT ANSWER Hypothalamus and the brainstem
The average adult temperature is around - CORRECT ANSWER 98.6 taken orally
Temperature taken under arm (axillary) is usually - CORRECT ANSWER 0.5 to 1 degrees lower than orally
Temperature taken rectal can be - CORRECT ANSWER 0.5 - 1 degrees higher than orally
Rectum temperature - CORRECT ANSWER Most accurate
oral temperature can be affected by - CORRECT ANSWER Smoking, intake of food and drink, breathing
Temperature measured orally is lower than - CORRECT ANSWER Rectal
Core Body Temperatures
Temperature taken under the arm - CORRECT ANSWER Are the lowest in temps
Temperature will increase - CORRECT ANSWER With the intake of food or drinks that are calorie rich
Temperatures drop - CORRECT ANSWER At night and throughout the night
Poor sleep quality or insomnia can lead to - CORRECT ANSWER A decrease in temperature
Sites used for temp measurements - CORRECT ANSWER Oral (mouth)
Rectal (anus)
Tympanic (ear)
Axillary (arm)
Vaginal (vagina)
In the gut
Over temporal artery
Temperature vary depending on - CORRECT ANSWER Body part being measured
Typical temps in the daytime for healthy adults - CORRECT ANSWER Oral about 98.6
A medical sign characterized by an increase of temperature above normal leavel - CORRECT ANSWER Fever
A significant core body temperature increase (hyperthermia) or decrease in core body temperature (Hypothermia) - CORRECT ANSWER Core Body Temperature
The lowest temperature attained by the body (low early in the morning) - CORRECT ANSWER Basal Body Temperature
core temperature drops below required temperature level (95 degrees) - CORRECT ANSWER Hypothermia
The core temperature increases - CORRECT ANSWER Hyperthermia
Blood pressure is exerted by - CORRECT ANSWER Circulating blood upon the walls of blood vessels
Blood pressure varies between a - CORRECT ANSWER Systolic (maximum) and diastolic pressure (minimum)
Blood pressure drops most rapidly along the - CORRECT ANSWER Small arteries and arterioles
Bp measurement is usually expressed as the - CORRECT ANSWER Systolic pressure over the diastolic pressure
systolic pressure - CORRECT ANSWER When the heart is contracting (heart sound during systole)
diastolic pressure - CORRECT ANSWER When the heart is relaxed ( heart sound during diastole)
Medical term for low blood pressure - CORRECT ANSWER Hypertension
orthostatic hypotension - CORRECT ANSWER low blood pressure that occurs when standing up from a lying or sitting position
Dehydration - CORRECT ANSWER Causes the body to lose more water than it is taking in
Post prandial hypotension - CORRECT ANSWER Sudden drop in blood pressure after eating
Shy-Drager syndrome - CORRECT ANSWER Associated with muscle tremors, slowed movement, problems with speech and incontinence
hypertension risk factors - CORRECT ANSWER Age (^65)
Certain disease
Drug often used to raise standing blood pressure levels in people with chronic orthostatic hypotension - CORRECT ANSWER Midodrine (Orvaten, Proamatine)
Hypertension (high blood pressure) - CORRECT ANSWER Can cause health problems such as heart disease
Hypertension (high blood pressure) risk factors - CORRECT ANSWER Age
Family history
Overweight or Obesity
What is Thiazide diuretics - CORRECT ANSWER Water Pills
Reduce the work load of the heart and open vessels, causes heart to beat slower - CORRECT ANSWER Beta Blockers
Helps relax muscles of blood vessels. Some can also slow the heart rate - CORRECT ANSWER Calcium channel blockers
What Reduce nerve impulses to blood vessels - CORRECT ANSWER Alpha beta blockers
What is normal blood pressure? - CORRECT ANSWER 120/80 mmHg
prehypertension tends to - CORRECT ANSWER Gets worse over time
medical device used to measure blood pressure and is an inflatable cuff - CORRECT ANSWER Sphygmomanometer
Number of breaths a person take per minute - CORRECT ANSWER Respiratory rate
Respiration rate for person 18 and over (healthy adult) - CORRECT ANSWER 16-20 breathes per min
Fast respiration rate are called - CORRECT ANSWER Tachypnea (more than 20 breaths per minute)
Low respiration rates are called - CORRECT ANSWER Bradypnea (less than 12 breaths per minute)
the number of times the heart beats per minute - CORRECT ANSWER heart rate PULSE
A persons pulse can be felt at any place that will - CORRECT ANSWER Allow an artery to be compressed against a bone
Bradycardia - CORRECT ANSWER heart rate below 60 bpm
Normal pulse for newborn - CORRECT ANSWER 120-160 beats per minute
The heart rate can be affected by (weight is not a factor) - CORRECT ANSWER Medications
A persons natural response to psychological stress may increase HR - CORRECT ANSWER Emotional Stress
Illness such as fever will put an increased metabolic demand on the body and heart rate will increases due to oxygen requirements - CORRECT ANSWER ILLNESS
Abnormal heart rates - CORRECT ANSWER tachycardia, bradycardia and arrhythmia
Bradycardia is caused when - CORRECT ANSWER There is not enough oxygen being pumped to the heart (could cause cardiac arrest)
Tachycardia is caused when - CORRECT ANSWER Heart beats faster and less blood flow is provided to the body
Abnormality of the heart and rhythm - CORRECT ANSWER arrhythmia
Some arrhythmias can cause what? - CORRECT ANSWER They can cause your heart to suddenly stop beating. (Which is called sudden cardiac arrest) or even death
A pulse rate can be measured - CORRECT ANSWER In any place where arteries can be pressed against a bone
The average brain weighs about? - CORRECT ANSWER 3 lbs
The spinal cord is about - CORRECT ANSWER 16inches long and less than 1 inch wide
What separates the brain from the skull - CORRECT ANSWER Meninges (connective tissue membranes)
The brain does not grow but - CORRECT ANSWER Develops over time
somatic nervous system - CORRECT ANSWER Consist of peripheral nerve fibers
autonomic nervous system - CORRECT ANSWER Divided into 3 parts - sympathetic nervous system, parasympathetic nervous system and enteric nervous system
Cerbral cortex functions what - CORRECT ANSWER Voluntary movement
brain stem functions what - CORRECT ANSWER Heart rate
Blood pressure
Hypothalamus functions what - CORRECT ANSWER Thirst
Body temp
Circadian rhythms
Thalamus funtions what - CORRECT ANSWER Movement
Sensory processing
basal ganglia functions what - CORRECT ANSWER Movement
midbrain functions what - CORRECT ANSWER Vision
Eye movement
Body movement
EYE- To determine a persons vision health professionals use a - CORRECT ANSWER Snellen Chart
EAR- Tinnitus is characterized by symptoms such as constant - CORRECT ANSWER Buzzing or whistling sound
NOSE - Anosmia is a condition with the - CORRECT ANSWER Inability to smell
Tongue has receptors for taste (tastebuds) that are able to detect - CORRECT ANSWER Salty, Sweet, Bitter and Sour
A condition with reduced ability to taste - CORRECT ANSWER Hypogeusia
congenital analgesia - CORRECT ANSWER A child may have little or even no sense of touch
cataract - CORRECT ANSWER clouding of the lens of the eye
Epilepsy - CORRECT ANSWER brain disorder that causes repeated seizures
To diagnose epilepsy an - CORRECT ANSWER EEG (electroencephalogram) is done
Glaucoma - CORRECT ANSWER A group of eye conditions causing damage to the optic nerve
Parkinson's disease - CORRECT ANSWER a neurological disease, leading to degeneration of brain cells
Parkinson's disease can cause - CORRECT ANSWER Stiffness in limbs or shaking
A brain tumor consist of - CORRECT ANSWER A group if abnormal cells
Risk factors of a tumor include - CORRECT ANSWER Exposure to radiation and possible inherited conditions
Respirations refers to - CORRECT ANSWER The act of breathing
respiratory system organs DOES NOT INCLUDE ALVEOLI - CORRECT ANSWER nose
oral cavity (mouth)
Throat (pharynx)
Voice box (larynx)
Wind pipe (trachea)
Left bronchi divides into - CORRECT ANSWER 2 lobes
Right Bronchi Divides into - CORRECT ANSWER 3 lobes
Each lung has a hilus - CORRECT ANSWER A slit where lymphatics, nerves and bronchial tubes reach the lungs
respiratory arrest is also known as - CORRECT ANSWER Apnea
Condition is caused by bacteria of virus - CORRECT ANSWER Acute bronchitis
Diphtheria - CORRECT ANSWER an acute infectious disease
measles - CORRECT ANSWER contagious viral infection
Children affected by measles, it is best to protect the eyes from - CORRECT ANSWER Direct sunlight
Pneumonia - CORRECT ANSWER Common infection of the lung
Pneumonia causes - CORRECT ANSWER Breathing germs
Bacteria - common cause
scarlet fever - CORRECT ANSWER Infection caused by the bacteria streptococcus ( also causes strep throat)
sinustis - CORRECT ANSWER inflammation of the sinuses due to viral, bacterial infection
Tuberculosis - CORRECT ANSWER Contagious infection of the lungs caused by bacteria
Tuberculosis occurs the most between ages - CORRECT ANSWER 15-30 years old
Treatment for tuberculosis - CORRECT ANSWER Isoniazid or rifampin [Show Less]