MedCa Review Exam 126 Questions with Verified Answers
Normal Respiration for normal adult - CORRECT ANSWER 12-20
Procedure for fasting blood test? -
... [Show More] CORRECT ANSWER Drink only water; and refrain from eating for at least 8 hours
Turboculocious - CORRECT ANSWER Infection Disease
Use to prep patient for EKG? - CORRECT ANSWER Alcohol Wipes
Novacane - CORRECT ANSWER Used for anestectic
Unsure of interaction with a drug? - CORRECT ANSWER Physician's Desk Reference
Area to place leads on arms and legs? - CORRECT ANSWER Apply to fatty tissue area
Use of enema? - CORRECT ANSWER To clear bowels
Caring for a child with measles, you should? - CORRECT ANSWER Protect child's eyes from direct light
Patient starts to cough and causes hemmorage? - CORRECT ANSWER Apply cold compress to the back of neck
Patient with gall stones diet? - CORRECT ANSWER Low calorie diet
When is the best time to schedule follow up? - CORRECT ANSWER When patient gets ready to leave.
How long should you apply pressure to area after blood draw? - CORRECT ANSWER 1 minute
What is the purpose of a fecal blood test? - CORRECT ANSWER To test the stool
Instructions to patients in regards of over the counter prescriptions? - CORRECT ANSWER Read side effects
Patient with communicable diseases use dishes, you should? - CORRECT ANSWER Boil dishes for 20 minutes
Effective oxygen therapy procedure? - CORRECT ANSWER Hypoventerlation
NPO - CORRECT ANSWER nothing by mouth
Air leaking around needle? - CORRECT ANSWER Start collection over
When is it okay to give medical record? - CORRECT ANSWER For organ or tissue donation
Describe a biopsy? - CORRECT ANSWER Pathology in a living organism
When you're exposed to bloodborn pathogens? - CORRECT ANSWER Wash with soap and water
Most effective instrument to clean examine table? - CORRECT ANSWER Disposable wipes
MAs are crosstrained to? - CORRECT ANSWER Remove suctures
Proper procedure for bandage removal? - CORRECT ANSWER Rub adhesive remover with alcohol
In order to avoid requisition or testing errors, you should? - CORRECT ANSWER Check test orders
Test used to determine diphtheria? - CORRECT ANSWER Schick test
Test used to determine syphilis? - CORRECT ANSWER Wasserman test
Wong baker scale is used for? - CORRECT ANSWER Accessing pain level
Pelvic meters are found in? - CORRECT ANSWER Prenatal clinics
When testing a patients blood sugar, alert doctor if? - CORRECT ANSWER Test is 70 or below
What does Doctor need to release info? - CORRECT ANSWER Signed consent
Bed cradles are used to: - CORRECT ANSWER Keep weight off patients
When shaking down a thermometer, which temperature should you allow the mercury to fall? - CORRECT ANSWER 95
What is incontinence? - CORRECT ANSWER involuntary passage of urine
Specialty concerned with the non surgical care of an adult? - CORRECT ANSWER Internal medicine
Tylonel should be given to a patient when they complain of? - CORRECT ANSWER Muscle aches
Signatures necessary when administering controlled substances? - CORRECT ANSWER 2
Color tube used for hemoglobin - CORRECT ANSWER Purple/lavender
When drawing blood from child? - CORRECT ANSWER Butterfly needle/23 gauge
Pressure sore at the base of the spine? - CORRECT ANSWER Place air ring under patients buttocks
When to mix when collecting blood in tube with additives? - CORRECT ANSWER Immediately
muscle to bone attachment? - CORRECT ANSWER tendon
Aorta? - CORRECT ANSWER an artery
Specialty that covers ear and throat? - CORRECT ANSWER Otolaryngology
Proper way to store blood specimens at the end of the work day? - CORRECT ANSWER Fridge
How much blood should collected in tube? - CORRECT ANSWER Predetermined mark/Fill line
Most important item in exam room? - CORRECT ANSWER Gloves
Tube color for CBC - CORRECT ANSWER lavender/purple
Hematology? - CORRECT ANSWER study of blood
Complication when pressure isn't applied after blood draw? - CORRECT ANSWER Hematoma
After blood collection, when should serum or plastic tubes be tested? - CORRECT ANSWER 3 hours
coagulate - CORRECT ANSWER clot
What causes a ringworm? - CORRECT ANSWER fungus
Should be worn during all exposure? - CORRECT ANSWER Gloves
Bronchoscope - CORRECT ANSWER Used to examine lungs
Who should be prioritized when scheduling appointments? - CORRECT ANSWER Patients
HIPPA - CORRECT ANSWER Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Bacteria forms best in? - CORRECT ANSWER Hot and damp
Additive in light blue tube? - CORRECT ANSWER sodium citrate
Solution appropriate to cleanse a wound? - CORRECT ANSWER Saline
Where should V1 lead be placed? - CORRECT ANSWER Fourth intercostal space at the right sternal
Type of test performed when using blood smear? - CORRECT ANSWER Blood type
VAS pain scale - CORRECT ANSWER Visual Analogue Scale
used to measure blood pressure - CORRECT ANSWER sphygmomanometer
Who orders EKGs? - CORRECT ANSWER Physician
subcutaneously? - CORRECT ANSWER beneath the skin
Cold comfort does what do blood supply? - CORRECT ANSWER Increase
When filing papers by subject, what is the primary consideration? - CORRECT ANSWER Main topic
Blood cells are divided into how many types? - CORRECT ANSWER 4 blood types
Necessary to establish patients medical history? - CORRECT ANSWER Lifestyle
Classified as blood vessel? - CORRECT ANSWER Capillary
What a medical assistant can and cannot do: - CORRECT ANSWER Scope of practice
Treatment of Arthiritus? - CORRECT ANSWER Diathermy
When getting ready for EKG? - CORRECT ANSWER Position on back
upper endoscopy - CORRECT ANSWER Stomach
Test used to examine inside of stomach? - CORRECT ANSWER Photo absorption test
irrelevant - CORRECT ANSWER Inappropriate
Smelling chart test: - CORRECT ANSWER Used to test eyes
Filing papers? - CORRECT ANSWER Alphabetically
When collecting tube in light blue top, how many times should you convert? - CORRECT ANSWER 4
Maintaining sterile enviroment? - CORRECT ANSWER Gloves
Normal BMI index - CORRECT ANSWER 20
What is the dick test used to determine? - CORRECT ANSWER Scarlet fever
When collecting capillary stick, the strips should? - CORRECT ANSWER Touch the finger
Processing blood specimen; what form should be completed? - CORRECT ANSWER Recqusition
sthethoscope - CORRECT ANSWER Blood pressure
Part of code of ethics - CORRECT ANSWER Patient confidentiality
Difference between oral and rectum temp? - CORRECT ANSWER Oral is 1 degree lower
Sever bleeding, most effective technique? - CORRECT ANSWER Apply pressure
When collecting blood, what is important to know? - CORRECT ANSWER Allergies
Patient in clinic in need of shock? - CORRECT ANSWER Cover them with blanket
Tube for Drug screen blood draw? - CORRECT ANSWER Gray
Human and Animal blood? - CORRECT ANSWER Considered bio hazardous
Part of human skeleton? - CORRECT ANSWER Sacrum
normal blood pressure - CORRECT ANSWER 120/80
Non-prescription drugs - CORRECT ANSWER Regulated by FDA
When collecting a clean urine catch? - CORRECT ANSWER Toilet first, then cup
How many towelettes for female when collecting clean catch? - CORRECT ANSWER 3
Needed in order to maintain confidentiality? - CORRECT ANSWER HIPPA FORM
An immediate reading of a glucose reading? - CORRECT ANSWER Capillary/Finger Stick
Tube used for glucose? - CORRECT ANSWER Red top without additive
Basic knowledge needed for medical profession? - CORRECT ANSWER Laws and Ethics
Biceps and Triceps? - CORRECT ANSWER Arm
When feeding a patient "intravaneously" - CORRECT ANSWER Through tube
Sleep apnea is: - CORRECT ANSWER Respiratory disorder
Thoracic Area - CORRECT ANSWER Chest
What carries oxygenated blood from the heart to other parts of the body? - CORRECT ANSWER Arteries
Glaucoma effects? - CORRECT ANSWER Eyes
When performing EKG, which lead is located at the 5th convicular line? - CORRECT ANSWER V5
Generic name for Tylenol - CORRECT ANSWER Acetaminophen (APAP)
Branch of medicine concerned with older individual - CORRECT ANSWER Geriatrics
Branch of medicine dealing with woman - CORRECT ANSWER Gynecology
If blood pressure cuff for child is missing? - CORRECT ANSWER Alert Office Manager
Measures oxygen levels - CORRECT ANSWER Pulse ox
In order to share records with Employer - CORRECT ANSWER Signed consent
edema - CORRECT ANSWER Too much fluid; swelling
Leads attached to patient - CORRECT ANSWER 10 leads; 12 electrodes
Prescription pad left on exam room? - CORRECT ANSWER Return to Doctor
Sterilization? - CORRECT ANSWER Complete destruction of all forms of microrganisms
Suspects patient has flu? - CORRECT ANSWER Wear mask
Ibuprofen - CORRECT ANSWER Used to alleviate pain
If patient is light headed after blood draw? - CORRECT ANSWER Give sweet beverage
If taking pain medicines: - CORRECT ANSWER No wine or alcohol
Best solution to cleanse wound? - CORRECT ANSWER Saline [Show Less]