Medca Study Guide: Medical Assistant 96 Questions with Verified Answers
Basal ganglia - CORRECT ANSWER responsible for movement
Snellen chart -
... [Show More] CORRECT ANSWER used to measure visual acuity
Tinnitus - CORRECT ANSWER characterized by symptoms like a constant buzzing or whistling sounds
Vapors - CORRECT ANSWER smells consist of __________ or different substances.
brain tumor - CORRECT ANSWER consist of abnormal cells
Aveoli - CORRECT ANSWER what is not a part of the upper respiratory tract
Bronchi & bronchioles - CORRECT ANSWER lower respiratory tract infections consist of _______.
Pneumonia - CORRECT ANSWER common infection of the lungs
streptococcus - CORRECT ANSWER scarlet fever infection is caused by this bacteria
sinusitis - CORRECT ANSWER inflammation of the sinuses due to viral bacteria or fungal infection
Tuberculosis - CORRECT ANSWER treatment included medications lisoniazid
call in prescriptions - CORRECT ANSWER medical assistant can _________.
Subcutaneous administration - CORRECT ANSWER administering medications by injections under the skin is called what?
peniciilin - CORRECT ANSWER common medications include
ambien - CORRECT ANSWER common sleeping aids include
dehyrdation - CORRECT ANSWER causes the body to lose more water than it takes in
beta blockers - CORRECT ANSWER reduces the workload on the heart and opens blood vessels causing the heart to beat slower with less force
Calcium Channel Blockers - CORRECT ANSWER helps relax muscles of the blood vessels some to slow the heart rate
meninges - CORRECT ANSWER separates the brain from the skull
prehypertension - CORRECT ANSWER tends to get worse over time
diuretics - CORRECT ANSWER water pills used to elevate the rate of bodily urine excretion
health conditions - CORRECT ANSWER normal vital signs can change due to ________.
metabolism - CORRECT ANSWER the ______ of nutrients generates heat within the body.
98.6 - CORRECT ANSWER the average oral temperature of an adult
drop - CORRECT ANSWER in general, temperatures ________ at night and throughout the night.
smoking - CORRECT ANSWER oral temperatures can be affected by
fever - CORRECT ANSWER a common medical sign characterized by an increase of temperature above the normal level
hypothermia - CORRECT ANSWER the condition in which the core temperature drops below the required temperature level for normal metabolism and body function.
systolic and diastolic - CORRECT ANSWER during each heartbeat, blood pressure varies between _________(maximum) and ________(minimum) pressure.
postprandial hypotension - CORRECT ANSWER Sudden drop in BP after eating.
Shy-Drager syndrome - CORRECT ANSWER along with muscle tremors and speech problems, its main characteristic is sever orthostatic hypotension.
age - CORRECT ANSWER hypotension can occur in anyone, though certain types of low bp are more common depending on _____.
certain diseases - CORRECT ANSWER hypotension may also be caused by ____________.
hypertension - CORRECT ANSWER high blood pressure
Chronic orthostatic hypotension - CORRECT ANSWER the drug midocrine is often used to raise standing blood pressure levels in people with _______________.
heart disease - CORRECT ANSWER hypertension can cause health problems such as ________________.
120-160 beats per minute - CORRECT ANSWER The normal pulse rate for a newborn infant is
increase - CORRECT ANSWER a person's natural response to psychological stress may __________ their heart rate.
earlobe - CORRECT ANSWER heart rate sites do not include ______________.
3 pounds - CORRECT ANSWER Average weight of the human brain
16 inches long - CORRECT ANSWER how long is the spinal cord?
does not - CORRECT ANSWER the brain ______________ grow, but develops overtime.
somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system - CORRECT ANSWER the peripheral nervous system is divided into 2 main parts
sympathetic, parasympathetic, and enteric nervous system - CORRECT ANSWER 3 parts of the autonomic nervous system
voluntary movement, language, and perception - CORRECT ANSWER cerebral cortex is responsible for:
Hypothalamus - CORRECT ANSWER is responsible for hunger
movement and sensory processing - CORRECT ANSWER the thalamus is responsible for:
memory - CORRECT ANSWER the midbrain is NOT responsible for:
hypogeusia - CORRECT ANSWER condition that reduces the ability to taste sweet, salty, sour, and bitter tastes
congenital analgesia - CORRECT ANSWER condition causing little, or even no, sense of touch
cataracts - CORRECT ANSWER clouding of the lens
glaucoma - CORRECT ANSWER group of eye conditions causing damage to the optic nerve
Parkinson's disease - CORRECT ANSWER a neurological disease leading to degeneration of brain cells
thrombophlebitis - CORRECT ANSWER swelling/inflammation of the the veins caused by a blood clot
risk factors include exposure to radiation and possible inherited conditions - CORRECT ANSWER brain tumor
sprain - CORRECT ANSWER injury to a ligament
bone - CORRECT ANSWER dense type of connective tissue that is impregnates with inorganic salts
shafts and ends - CORRECT ANSWER a typical bone of an adult consists of 2 important parts:
osteoblasts, osteocytes, osteoclasts - CORRECT ANSWER 3 types of bone cells
fat storage - CORRECT ANSWER metabolic function of bones
cartilage - CORRECT ANSWER a connective tissue which is composed of cells known as chondrocytes together with collagen and yellow elastic fibers
ligaments - CORRECT ANSWER Connect bone to bone
30 bones - CORRECT ANSWER How many bones are in the upper limb?
colon cancer - CORRECT ANSWER affects the large intestine
constipation - CORRECT ANSWER infrequent or incomplete bowel movements
dyspepsia - CORRECT ANSWER indigestion
secretion of enzymes - CORRECT ANSWER is NOT an important role of the kidneys
hypernatremia - CORRECT ANSWER the increase in plasma sodium levels above normal
hormones - CORRECT ANSWER diuretics can either provoke or prevent certain _________ in the body in order to regulate urine production.
urinary retenion - CORRECT ANSWER condition where a person is unable to empty the bladder properly
cystitis - CORRECT ANSWER bladder infection
floroscopy - CORRECT ANSWER a sub-category of diagnostic radiography
Osteoporosis - CORRECT ANSWER A disease that causes brittle, fragile bones; can lead to fractures
uterus - CORRECT ANSWER once an egg is fertilized where is it implanted?
chief complaint - CORRECT ANSWER the main reason for the patient's visit
certified mail - CORRECT ANSWER the dismissal of a patient should be delivered via __________.
ICD-10 coes - CORRECT ANSWER used to identify a patients diagnosis
written request - CORRECT ANSWER before releasing a patients information, a __________ is required from the patient.
social history - CORRECT ANSWER an example of subjective data is:
intranet - CORRECT ANSWER electronic communication within a facility
active records - CORRECT ANSWER records of patients seen in the office within the last 2-5 years
medical records - CORRECT ANSWER should be updated daily
referral - CORRECT ANSWER authorization for a patient to see another doctor is known as ________________
open booking - CORRECT ANSWER gives patients a range of times to come into the office to be seen
superbill - CORRECT ANSWER used for documentation of office visit to determine payment due
copay - CORRECT ANSWER collected each time a patient is seen by the primary care physician
3 years - CORRECT ANSWER a patient is considered new if they have not been seen in the office within ___________ years.
insurance - CORRECT ANSWER should be updated each office visit
demographics - CORRECT ANSWER should be obtained on a patients registration form
births, marriages and deaths - CORRECT ANSWER data realting to vital statics
irrelevant information - CORRECT ANSWER inappropriate information
bradycardia - CORRECT ANSWER heart rate less than 60 bpm
hematology - CORRECT ANSWER study of blood
pulmonary arteries - CORRECT ANSWER return blood to the right side of the heart
HMO - CORRECT ANSWER an organization that provides health coverage for a fixed payment
Father or Medicine - CORRECT ANSWER Hippocrates [Show Less]