MedCA Exam 59 Questions with Verified Answers
The cerebral cortex controls what? - CORRECT ANSWER Voluntary movement, perception, & language
... [Show More] midbrain controls - CORRECT ANSWER Body movement, vision & hearing
The Thalamus is responsible for? - CORRECT ANSWER Sensory processing
The Hypothalamus controls - CORRECT ANSWER hunger, thirst, body temperature
Condition characterized by the ability to taste sweet, salty, sour and bitter tastes - CORRECT ANSWER Hypogeusia
Shy-Drager syndrome can be associated with? - CORRECT ANSWER Muscle tremors and speech problems
The drug Midodrine is often used to raise blood pressure in people with? - CORRECT ANSWER Chronic orthostatic hupotension
Normal pulse rate for healthy adults - CORRECT ANSWER 50-75 bpm
A condition in which someone has little to no sense of touch is known as? - CORRECT ANSWER Analgesia
Clouding of the eyes - CORRECT ANSWER Cataract
A group of eye conditions causing damage to the optic nerve is known as? - CORRECT ANSWER Glaucoma
The skeletal system consists of fused as well as what other type of bone that are supported by tendons, ligaments and muscles? - CORRECT ANSWER Individual
According to Hilton's law, the nerve that supplies a muscle also supplies the? - CORRECT ANSWER Joint
Connective tissue which is composed of cells known as Chondrocytes together with collagen or yellow elastic fibers? - CORRECT ANSWER Cartilage
Fibrous bands that connect adjacent bones and form integral parts of joints - CORRECT ANSWER Ligaments
Sprains are injuries to the - CORRECT ANSWER Ligaments
Over stretching and excessive work of muscles - CORRECT ANSWER Strain
Characterized by symptoms such as a constant buzzing or whistling sound - CORRECT ANSWER Tinnitus
Reduces the workload on the heart and opens blood vessels, causing the heart to beat slower and with less force - CORRECT ANSWER Beta blockers
Helps relax the muscles of blood vessels and some can also slow the heart rate? - CORRECT ANSWER Calcium channel blockers
The basal ganglia is the brain structure responsible for? - CORRECT ANSWER Movement
Each Hemoglobin contains how many oxygen molecules? - CORRECT ANSWER 4
What is hypernatremia? - CORRECT ANSWER Increase in PLASMA sodium levels above normal
What is cystitis? - CORRECT ANSWER Bladder infection
The aorta is an? - CORRECT ANSWER Artery
What are bronchoscopes used for? - CORRECT ANSWER Examination of the lungs
Shaking a thermometer does what? - CORRECT ANSWER Allows the Colum of mercury to fall below 95
What is the most infectious stage of measles? - CORRECT ANSWER Coryzal stage
What is the dick test used for? - CORRECT ANSWER Susceptibility to scarlet fever
Specialty concerning no surgical care of an adult - CORRECT ANSWER Internal medicine
Definition of biopsy - CORRECT ANSWER Excision and diagnostic study of tissue
What is least related to pulse? - CORRECT ANSWER Weight
Definition of sterilization - CORRECT ANSWER Complete destruction of all forms of living micro-organisms
Branch of medicine that deals with diseases pertaining to women - CORRECT ANSWER Gynecology
Is Quinine used to alleviate pain? - CORRECT ANSWER No
Papers filed according to date received? - CORRECT ANSWER Chronologically
What is therapeutic radiology? - CORRECT ANSWER It's used to treat tumors and cancers
What is the Wasserman test used for? - CORRECT ANSWER Determine if the patient has Syphillis
Vision defect is also known as? - CORRECT ANSWER Astigmatism
The spinal cord is part of which system? - CORRECT ANSWER Nervous
Nova Caine is? - CORRECT ANSWER An anesthetic
Are ganglions blood vessels. - CORRECT ANSWER No
EKG machine is used for? - CORRECT ANSWER Diagnosis of heart disease
Medical supplies that should be refrigerated? - CORRECT ANSWER Auromycin
What consists of chills, cough, inflammation of the eye? - CORRECT ANSWER Measles
How should you care for a child with measles? - CORRECT ANSWER Needs to be kept out of direct sunlight, and use a room that is light and airy.
Medical assistants should not? - CORRECT ANSWER Administer local anesthetic
What is not part of the skeleton? - CORRECT ANSWER Brain
Vitamin K source? - CORRECT ANSWER Spinach
What is the Schick test used for? - CORRECT ANSWER diphtheria
Which organ secretes bile? - CORRECT ANSWER Liver
What is the fatty substance in the blood that goes into artery walls to cause hardening of the arteries? - CORRECT ANSWER Cholesterol
What is artificial respiration? - CORRECT ANSWER Air that goes into the lungs by the expansion of the chest cavity
Blood takes on oxygen as it passes through what organ? - CORRECT ANSWER Lungs
Mass program designed to curb the spread of Palomyelitis is based upon the hypodermic injection of all children? - CORRECT ANSWER Gamma-globulin
The esophagus is part of? - CORRECT ANSWER Alimentary canal
Birth, death & marriage are all part of what? - CORRECT ANSWER Vital statistics
Body temp taken in the rectum is? - CORRECT ANSWER 1 degree higher than oral temp
What is commonly associated with nose treatment? - CORRECT ANSWER Argyrol [Show Less]