EKG MEDCA TEST 57 Questions with Verified Answers
How to measure temp: - CORRECT ANSWER 1.Skin on
... [Show More] forehead
7.Temporal artery
In gut
Temperature regulated by - CORRECT ANSWER hypothalamus. Short-term sleep deprivation causes higher temp. Long-term sleep deprivation causes lower temp.
Normal temperature range - CORRECT ANSWER oral: 98.2
Armpit: 97.6
Rectal: 99.7
Normal vital signs range - CORRECT ANSWER Temp: 97.8-99
Blood Pressure: 120/80
Respiratory Rate: 16-20 per min
Heart Rate: 60-100 bpm
Problems that can cause low blood pressure - CORRECT ANSWER 1.Pregnancy
2.Loss of blood
4.Heart problem: heart attack, heart failure, bradycardia etc.
6.Allergic reaction
7.Lack of nutrients: vitamin B12
8.Endocrine problems: diabetes, hyper and hypo thyroidism, low blood sugar, low adrenal...
Types of low blood pressure - CORRECT ANSWER 1.Postural/orthostatic hypotension: maybe caused by pregnancy, dehydration, diabetes, heart problems, burns, excessive heat, large varicose veins, and certain types of neurological disorders.
2.Postprandial hypotension: after eating. Mostly poeple suffering autonomic nervous system disorders or high blood pressure.
3.Neurally mediated hypotension: caused by miscommunication between the heart and brain.
4.Shy-drager syndrome: this rare disorder causes progressive damage to the autonomic nervous system, which controls in voluntary functions such as blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, and digestion. Main characteristics-- severe orthostatic hypotension in combination with very high blood pressure when lying down.
blood pressure - CORRECT ANSWER described as systolic and diastolic pressure
Hypertension or high blood pressure treatment - CORRECT ANSWER 1.Alpha-blocker
4.Calcium-channel blocker
5.Renin inhibitor
6.Angiotensin II receptor blocker
7.Thiazide diuretics
9.Central acting agents
10.ACE inhibitor
Measurement of blood pressure - CORRECT ANSWER Normal: 120/80
Prehypertension: 120-139/80-89
Stage I: 140-159/90-99
Stage II: over 160/100
Heart rate/ pulse rate can be measured at - CORRECT ANSWER carotid artery, radial artery, popliteal artery, posterior tibial artery, ulnar, brachial, femoral, abdominal, facial, dorsalis pedis, superficial temporal, apex of heart.
Newborn 120-160
1-12 month: 80-140
1-2 year: 80-130
2-6: 75-120
6-12: 75-110
Above 13: 60-100
Adult athlete: 40-60
Upper limb - CORRECT ANSWER axillary, brachial, ulnar, radial
Lower limb - CORRECT ANSWER popliteal, tibial posterior, dorsalis pedis, femoral
torso - CORRECT ANSWER apical
head/neck - CORRECT ANSWER facial, temporal, carotid
the right coronary artery branches into and supplies... - CORRECT ANSWER the right marginal artery and posterior descending artery, supply the right atrium and right ventricle
the left coronary artery branches into and supplies... - CORRECT ANSWER the circumflex artery and the left anterior descending artery, supply the left atrium and left ventricle.
medulla - CORRECT ANSWER controls autonomic functions such as breathing, heart function, and blood vessel function.
blood flowing through the lungs - CORRECT ANSWER oxygen-deprived
CO2 bonds to hemoglobin to form - CORRECT ANSWER bicarbonate
aortic arch 1 forms - CORRECT ANSWER maxillary arteries
Aortic arch 2 forms - CORRECT ANSWER stapedial arteries
aortic arch 3 - CORRECT ANSWER carotid
arch 4 - CORRECT ANSWER subclavian
arch 6 - CORRECT ANSWER pulmonary
vitelline arteries form - CORRECT ANSWER abdominal arteries eg. superior arteries, inferior mesenteric arteries and the celiac arteries of GI tract
umbilical arteries form - CORRECT ANSWER
function of cardiovascular system - CORRECT ANSWER 1. protection
2. transportation
3. regulation
P-wave duration - CORRECT ANSWER 0.08-0.1 s
missing p wave - CORRECT ANSWER atrial fibrillation
long p wave - CORRECT ANSWER left atrial enlargement
spike formed p wave - CORRECT ANSWER atrial flutter
high amplitude p wave - CORRECT ANSWER right atrial enlargement or hypokalemia
short PR - CORRECT ANSWER early depolarization of the ventricles
PR interval duration - CORRECT ANSWER 0.12 to 0.20
QRS complex duration - CORRECT ANSWER 0.04 to 0.12
long QRS - CORRECT ANSWER impairment within the ventricles
ST seg vs. ST interval duration - CORRECT ANSWER 0.08-0.12 and 0.32
ST seg downwards or flat - CORRECT ANSWER coronary ischemia
ST seg Upwards - CORRECT ANSWER myocardial infarction (A heart attack usually occurs when a blood clot blocks blood flow to the heart)
RR interval duration - CORRECT ANSWER 0.6-1.2
J-point - CORRECT ANSWER the point where QRS stops and ST segment starts
J-Wave - CORRECT ANSWER a wave after QRS
Where is U wave - CORRECT ANSWER follow the T-waves
noticeable U-wave - CORRECT ANSWER hypokalemia
inverted U-wave - CORRECT ANSWER myocardial ischemia
atrial fibrillation - CORRECT ANSWER rapid irregular heart rate
cardiomyopathy - CORRECT ANSWER weakening or change of the heart muscle
arrhythmia - CORRECT ANSWER heart rate too fast or too slow
atherosclerosis - CORRECT ANSWER fatty materials collect on the artery walls
coronary heart disease - CORRECT ANSWER vessel narrows. treat with ACE inhibitors or beta-blocker
heart attack - CORRECT ANSWER Myocardial infarction. death to the tissue
heart murmur - CORRECT ANSWER turbulent blood flow
congestive heart failure - CORRECT ANSWER unable to pump enough blood to the body
myocardial ischemia - CORRECT ANSWER blood flow to the heart is temporarily decreased. treat with nitroglycerine and or beta-blocker
thrombophlebitis - CORRECT ANSWER inflammation or swelling of veins caused by blood clots. treat with antibiotics and or NSAIDs
ventricular fibrillation - CORRECT ANSWER severe arrhythmia. can be caused by heart attack, congenital heart disease, and or ischemia. [Show Less]