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MedCa Exam 91 Questions with Verified Answers Pathology - CORRECT ANSWER The study of nature and the cause of disease How many liters of blood does t... [Show More] he body contain? - CORRECT ANSWER 5 liters Erythrocytes - CORRECT ANSWER Red blood cells Leukocyte - CORRECT ANSWER White blood cell Thrombocytes - CORRECT ANSWER Platelets 120 days - CORRECT ANSWER How long does mature red blood cells live once they enter blood stream Hemoglobin - CORRECT ANSWER Iron containing pigment of red blood cells Pre-analytical phase - CORRECT ANSWER Phlebotomist are primarily responsible for this phase of lab testing Blood collected in neonatology department - CORRECT ANSWER This is Done for patients who are hours to a few days old Pharmacy department - CORRECT ANSWER Primary consultant on timing for collecting blood for drug levels Where blood cells begin formation - CORRECT ANSWER Lymph nodes and bone marrow Flowchart - CORRECT ANSWER Used in quality improvement methodologies and designed to assist in breaking out components into diagram to understand a process Quality improvement for specimen collection involve - CORRECT ANSWER -Phlebotomist technique -Recollection rates -Frequency of hematomas Pareto charts - CORRECT ANSWER Designed to assist in making bar charts that show frequency of problems Anemic - CORRECT ANSWER A person who has too little hemoglobin or a decreased number of red blood cells Type and cross match - CORRECT ANSWER Process of determining if a person will react after a transfusion Total volume of formed elements of blood - CORRECT ANSWER 45% total volume of blood liquid makes up - CORRECT ANSWER 55% Serum - CORRECT ANSWER When blood is removed from body, blood clots and the liquid portion is called Centrifuge - CORRECT ANSWER Instrument used to speed the removal of serum by spinning the blood Supine position - CORRECT ANSWER Lying face up on back RFID - CORRECT ANSWER Identification tag using silicon chips and a wireless receiver Normal Blood pH range - CORRECT ANSWER 7.35 to 7.45 Blood for lead levels are collected in - CORRECT ANSWER Tan topped tubes 2 hours - CORRECT ANSWER Within how many hours should Serum be transported to lab for testing and separated from red blood cells, preventing erroneous results Acid citrate dextrose - CORRECT ANSWER Anticoagulant used in blood donations To avoid micro clotting in tube, important that blood be collected - CORRECT ANSWER Why should the purple topped tube be gently inverted a minimum of 8 times Why should Clean gloves be put on in front of patient - CORRECT ANSWER It is a reassuring safety conscious gesture for both patient and worker Pneumatic tube system - CORRECT ANSWER Most efficient and safe methods of specimen transportation in large health care organization Royal blue topped tube - CORRECT ANSWER Measurement of blood cooper trace element Computerized labels using bar codes - CORRECT ANSWER Most reliable method for avoiding transcription errors in specimen collection Dorsal side of hand and wrist - CORRECT ANSWER If veins in arm cannot be used for venipuncture where the preferred alternative veins lie Glucose level - CORRECT ANSWER Most commonly requested timed specimen When collecting blood in evacuated tube with an anticoagulant, what is the importance of having correct volume of blood? - CORRECT ANSWER It provides the correct blood additive ratio When are Skin puncture techniques are most often used? - CORRECT ANSWER When Small amounts of blood are needed for testing, neonate or anemic How many chromosomes are in human cells - CORRECT ANSWER 46 chromosomes Therapeutic phlebotomy is used in treatment of - CORRECT ANSWER Polycythemia In relation to veins, what does occluded mean - CORRECT ANSWER Obstructed Which finger has a pulse - CORRECT ANSWER Thumb Last step in any phlebotomy procedure, including skin puncture - CORRECT ANSWER Check that the bleeding has stopped and thank the patient for cooperating What causes pooling of blood in veins - CORRECT ANSWER Tourniquet What is the Best way to decontaminate phlebotomist hands if they are visibly dirty with dust and dirt - CORRECT ANSWER Wash hands with soap and water Alcohol should be allowed to dry for how many seconds before venipuncture - CORRECT ANSWER 30-60 seconds During venipuncture, what is the best angle for inserting the needle into the skin - CORRECT ANSWER 15-30 degrees During venipuncture procedure, what does phlebotomist do after needle is inserted and blood begins to flow - CORRECT ANSWER Release the tourniquet The term butterfly refers to - CORRECT ANSWER The winged infusion set During venipuncture, the needle should always be inserted with - CORRECT ANSWER Bevel side up What is the antecubital area - CORRECT ANSWER Slightly below the elbow What is importance of hand hygiene techniques - CORRECT ANSWER It significantly reduces the number of outbreaks of infections Why should blood and urine specimens for microbiological culture be transported to the labs quickly - CORRECT ANSWER To improve the likelihood of detecting pathogens Approximately how long does it take a normal blood specimen to clot - CORRECT ANSWER 30-60 minutes Quality control records include information about - CORRECT ANSWER -Proper use and storage -Expiration dates and stability -Precision and accuracy of testing supplies/reagents Glycolytic action refers to which condition - CORRECT ANSWER Breakdown of glucose Bar codes in phlebotomy applications can be used for - CORRECT ANSWER -Specimen accession numbers, test codes -Product number, inventory expiration dates -Patient names, DOB, patient identification number Which anticoagulant is found in Royal blue topped tube - CORRECT ANSWER No anticoagulant Lithium heparin is suitable anticoagulant for which study - CORRECT ANSWER Stat chemistry Preferred anticoagulant for collection of whole blood for STAT situations in clinical chemistry - CORRECT ANSWER Heparin Which Needle gauges has smallest diameter - CORRECT ANSWER 23, the larger gauge has the smaller the needle Intravenous device used in collecting blood from patients who are difficult to collect blood by conventional methods - CORRECT ANSWER Butterfly needle Blood cell count requiring whole blood collection - CORRECT ANSWER Purple topped tube What tube should Alkaline phosphate never be collected in - CORRECT ANSWER Gray topped tubes Color coding for needles indicates - CORRECT ANSWER Gauge Light sensitive blood analytes - CORRECT ANSWER Bilirubin Monoject monoletter - CORRECT ANSWER Safety device for collecting capillary blood Yellow topped vacuum collection tube has what additive - CORRECT ANSWER Sodium polyanetholesulfonate (SPS) For newborns the penetration depth of lancets for blood collection must be less than - CORRECT ANSWER 2.0 mm Cytogenetic analysis requires whole blood collected in which tube - CORRECT ANSWER Green topped tube Report form for lab results include - CORRECT ANSWER -Patient and physician identification -Date and time collected -Reference ranges pre-analytic variable that might affect lab testing results - CORRECT ANSWER Patient ate a hearty breakfast Hemolyzed specimens - CORRECT ANSWER Cause Chemical interference with lab assays Blood specimen with separation device should be centrifuges how many times - CORRECT ANSWER 1 time To chill a blood specimen as transported, healthcare worker should use - CORRECT ANSWER Icy water Handwritten info cannot be converted into bar code symbols - CORRECT ANSWER True Homeostasis refers to - CORRECT ANSWER Steady state condition Chemical substance that prevents blood from clotting - CORRECT ANSWER Anticoagulant Systolic pressure - CORRECT ANSWER Pressure when heart is contracted 120/80, the 120 is - CORRECT ANSWER Systolic pressure Diastolic pressure - CORRECT ANSWER Pressure when heart is relaxed between beats Median cubital - CORRECT ANSWER The vein most preferred when drawing blood Autoclave - CORRECT ANSWER An instrument for sterilizing that uses steam under pressure Sharps container - CORRECT ANSWER Specially labeled puncture resistant container for disposal of needles, scalpels and syringes Hand washing - CORRECT ANSWER Single most important way to prevent spread of infection in health facility What are the Components in a chain of infection - CORRECT ANSWER -Source -Poor isolation technique -Susceptible host Nosocomial - CORRECT ANSWER Patient develops infection during hospital stay not present beforehand Primary purpose of infection control - CORRECT ANSWER Prevent spread of infection within hospital and other health facilities Under universal precautions all used needles are to be disposed of in following manner - CORRECT ANSWER Discarded intact A potential source of infectious material from a patient in protective isolation includes - CORRECT ANSWER None the phlebotomist is a potential threat to patient When coming in contact with patients under protective isolation it is necessary to wear - CORRECT ANSWER -Mask -Globes -Gown Cultural sensitivity for phlebotomist involves learning about - CORRECT ANSWER The Skin's sensitivity to pain Refer to patients right/left arm - CORRECT ANSWER When speaking with patient about which arm to use for venipuncture, how should phlebotomist refer to r/l arm? Biopsy tissue - CORRECT ANSWER The Specimen taken to anatomic pathology [Show Less]
Medca Study Guide Test 150 Questions with Verified Answers Hippocrates (460-377 BC) - CORRECT ANSWER Father of medicine , & starts study of medicine an... [Show More] d prescribes asprin as medicine When was the invention of the stethoscope by Rene Laennec - CORRECT ANSWER 1816 When was the first transfusion of human blood performed by James Blundell - CORRECT ANSWER 1818 When was the development of the syringe by Charles Pravaz and Alexander Wood - CORRECT ANSWER 1853 When was germs identified as cause of disease by Louis Pasteur - CORRECT ANSWER 1857 Who and when was Antiseptic principal of the practice of surgery - CORRECT ANSWER Joseph Lister and 1867 When was the discovery of TB Bacillus by Robert Koch - CORRECT ANSWER 1882 When was the discovery of antitoxins and development of tetanus and diphtheria vaccines by E. Von Behring - CORRECT ANSWER 1890 When was the introduction of the system to classify blood types by Karl Landsteiner - CORRECT ANSWER 1901 When was the development of the first vaccine for tuberculosis - CORRECT ANSWER 1927 When was the development of the first vaccine for influenza - CORRECT ANSWER 1945 When did Francis Crick and James Watson work on structure of DNA molecules - CORRECT ANSWER 1953 When was the first development of the first vaccine for measles - CORRECT ANSWER 1964 When was the first vaccine for pneumonia - CORRECT ANSWER 1977 The DEA has to approve - CORRECT ANSWER Medicine In order for patients to obtain certain medications - CORRECT ANSWER Prescriptions are written topical administration - CORRECT ANSWER Onto the skin ( epicutaneous ) Enternal administration - CORRECT ANSWER By swallowing ( oral route ) parenteral administration - CORRECT ANSWER Into veins ( intravenous ) injection beneath the skin is called - CORRECT ANSWER Subcutaneous administration analgesic drugs - CORRECT ANSWER Medications that reduce/alleviate pain antianxiety drugs - CORRECT ANSWER Medication used to suppress anxiety and relax muscles Antibiotics - CORRECT ANSWER Stops the infection from producing organisms- PENICILLIN is a common medicine Anti fungal drug - CORRECT ANSWER Used to treat infections caused by fungus such as ringworm anti-inflammatory - CORRECT ANSWER Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NASIDs) Sleeping Aids - CORRECT ANSWER Used to help with sleeping disorders AMBIEN - common medicine anesthetics - CORRECT ANSWER medicines that cause the loss of feeling ANESTHESIA Common anesthesia - CORRECT ANSWER Novocaine active records - CORRECT ANSWER patients who have been seen within the past 2-5 years New Patient - CORRECT ANSWER You havent been seen in the office in 3years Open booking - CORRECT ANSWER Gives patients times to come to the office to be seen Methods of filing - CORRECT ANSWER By Subject & By Date (of receipt) Duties of medical assistant - CORRECT ANSWER scheduling appointments, updating medical records, vital statics When obtaining medical record information patients should be - CORRECT ANSWER Discouraged to give irrelevant information Co-pay - CORRECT ANSWER Collected each time a patient is seen Insurance - CORRECT ANSWER Should be updated each visit Super bill - CORRECT ANSWER Document used to determine payment due ICD-9 - CORRECT ANSWER Codes used to identify patient diagnosis HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) - CORRECT ANSWER Patient pay fixed amount or periodic fee for medical care providers belonging to HMO Who offers more cost advantages when compared with traditional payment plans - CORRECT ANSWER HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) Taking vital signs means - CORRECT ANSWER Recording body temperature, blood pressure, respiration and pulse Normal vital signs can change due to - CORRECT ANSWER Age, Sex, Weight, Exercise and health conditions Average temp for healthy adult - CORRECT ANSWER 97.8 - 99.1 F Average BP for healthy adult - CORRECT ANSWER 120/80 Average Respiratory Rate for healthy adult - CORRECT ANSWER 16-20 reps per min Average Heart Rate (pulse) for healthy adult - CORRECT ANSWER 60-100 beats per min Equipment used to record vital signs - CORRECT ANSWER Thermometer (temperature Sphygmomanometer (blood pressure) Stethoscope Watch (measure pulse) body temperature refers to - CORRECT ANSWER The amount if heat produced and sustained by the body processes The metabolism of nutrients - CORRECT ANSWER Generates heat within the body The production and loss of heat are generated and controlled in the - CORRECT ANSWER Hypothalamus and the brainstem The average adult temperature is around - CORRECT ANSWER 98.6 taken orally Temperature taken under arm (axillary) is usually - CORRECT ANSWER 0.5 to 1 degrees lower than orally Temperature taken rectal can be - CORRECT ANSWER 0.5 - 1 degrees higher than orally Rectum temperature - CORRECT ANSWER Most accurate oral temperature can be affected by - CORRECT ANSWER Smoking, intake of food and drink, breathing Temperature measured orally is lower than - CORRECT ANSWER Rectal Core Body Temperatures Temperature taken under the arm - CORRECT ANSWER Are the lowest in temps Temperature will increase - CORRECT ANSWER With the intake of food or drinks that are calorie rich Temperatures drop - CORRECT ANSWER At night and throughout the night Poor sleep quality or insomnia can lead to - CORRECT ANSWER A decrease in temperature Sites used for temp measurements - CORRECT ANSWER Oral (mouth) Rectal (anus) Tympanic (ear) Axillary (arm) Vaginal (vagina) Forhead In the gut Over temporal artery Temperature vary depending on - CORRECT ANSWER Body part being measured Typical temps in the daytime for healthy adults - CORRECT ANSWER Oral about 98.6 A medical sign characterized by an increase of temperature above normal leavel - CORRECT ANSWER Fever A significant core body temperature increase (hyperthermia) or decrease in core body temperature (Hypothermia) - CORRECT ANSWER Core Body Temperature The lowest temperature attained by the body (low early in the morning) - CORRECT ANSWER Basal Body Temperature core temperature drops below required temperature level (95 degrees) - CORRECT ANSWER Hypothermia The core temperature increases - CORRECT ANSWER Hyperthermia Blood pressure is exerted by - CORRECT ANSWER Circulating blood upon the walls of blood vessels Blood pressure varies between a - CORRECT ANSWER Systolic (maximum) and diastolic pressure (minimum) Blood pressure drops most rapidly along the - CORRECT ANSWER Small arteries and arterioles Bp measurement is usually expressed as the - CORRECT ANSWER Systolic pressure over the diastolic pressure 120 80 systolic pressure - CORRECT ANSWER When the heart is contracting (heart sound during systole) diastolic pressure - CORRECT ANSWER When the heart is relaxed ( heart sound during diastole) Medical term for low blood pressure - CORRECT ANSWER Hypertension orthostatic hypotension - CORRECT ANSWER low blood pressure that occurs when standing up from a lying or sitting position Dehydration - CORRECT ANSWER Causes the body to lose more water than it is taking in Post prandial hypotension - CORRECT ANSWER Sudden drop in blood pressure after eating Shy-Drager syndrome - CORRECT ANSWER Associated with muscle tremors, slowed movement, problems with speech and incontinence hypertension risk factors - CORRECT ANSWER Age (^65) Medications Certain disease Drug often used to raise standing blood pressure levels in people with chronic orthostatic hypotension - CORRECT ANSWER Midodrine (Orvaten, Proamatine) Hypertension (high blood pressure) - CORRECT ANSWER Can cause health problems such as heart disease Hypertension (high blood pressure) risk factors - CORRECT ANSWER Age Race Family history Overweight or Obesity What is Thiazide diuretics - CORRECT ANSWER Water Pills Reduce the work load of the heart and open vessels, causes heart to beat slower - CORRECT ANSWER Beta Blockers Helps relax muscles of blood vessels. Some can also slow the heart rate - CORRECT ANSWER Calcium channel blockers What Reduce nerve impulses to blood vessels - CORRECT ANSWER Alpha beta blockers What is normal blood pressure? - CORRECT ANSWER 120/80 mmHg prehypertension tends to - CORRECT ANSWER Gets worse over time medical device used to measure blood pressure and is an inflatable cuff - CORRECT ANSWER Sphygmomanometer Number of breaths a person take per minute - CORRECT ANSWER Respiratory rate Respiration rate for person 18 and over (healthy adult) - CORRECT ANSWER 16-20 breathes per min Fast respiration rate are called - CORRECT ANSWER Tachypnea (more than 20 breaths per minute) Low respiration rates are called - CORRECT ANSWER Bradypnea (less than 12 breaths per minute) the number of times the heart beats per minute - CORRECT ANSWER heart rate PULSE A persons pulse can be felt at any place that will - CORRECT ANSWER Allow an artery to be compressed against a bone Bradycardia - CORRECT ANSWER heart rate below 60 bpm Normal pulse for newborn - CORRECT ANSWER 120-160 beats per minute The heart rate can be affected by (weight is not a factor) - CORRECT ANSWER Medications Trauma Illness Temperature Exercise Stress Bp A persons natural response to psychological stress may increase HR - CORRECT ANSWER Emotional Stress Illness such as fever will put an increased metabolic demand on the body and heart rate will increases due to oxygen requirements - CORRECT ANSWER ILLNESS Abnormal heart rates - CORRECT ANSWER tachycardia, bradycardia and arrhythmia Bradycardia is caused when - CORRECT ANSWER There is not enough oxygen being pumped to the heart (could cause cardiac arrest) Tachycardia is caused when - CORRECT ANSWER Heart beats faster and less blood flow is provided to the body Abnormality of the heart and rhythm - CORRECT ANSWER arrhythmia Some arrhythmias can cause what? - CORRECT ANSWER They can cause your heart to suddenly stop beating. (Which is called sudden cardiac arrest) or even death A pulse rate can be measured - CORRECT ANSWER In any place where arteries can be pressed against a bone The average brain weighs about? - CORRECT ANSWER 3 lbs The spinal cord is about - CORRECT ANSWER 16inches long and less than 1 inch wide What separates the brain from the skull - CORRECT ANSWER Meninges (connective tissue membranes) The brain does not grow but - CORRECT ANSWER Develops over time somatic nervous system - CORRECT ANSWER Consist of peripheral nerve fibers autonomic nervous system - CORRECT ANSWER Divided into 3 parts - sympathetic nervous system, parasympathetic nervous system and enteric nervous system Cerbral cortex functions what - CORRECT ANSWER Voluntary movement Language Reasoning Thought Perception brain stem functions what - CORRECT ANSWER Heart rate Breathing Blood pressure Hypothalamus functions what - CORRECT ANSWER Thirst Hunger Body temp Emotions Circadian rhythms Thalamus funtions what - CORRECT ANSWER Movement Sensory processing basal ganglia functions what - CORRECT ANSWER Movement midbrain functions what - CORRECT ANSWER Vision Eye movement Audition Body movement EYE- To determine a persons vision health professionals use a - CORRECT ANSWER Snellen Chart EAR- Tinnitus is characterized by symptoms such as constant - CORRECT ANSWER Buzzing or whistling sound NOSE - Anosmia is a condition with the - CORRECT ANSWER Inability to smell Tongue has receptors for taste (tastebuds) that are able to detect - CORRECT ANSWER Salty, Sweet, Bitter and Sour A condition with reduced ability to taste - CORRECT ANSWER Hypogeusia congenital analgesia - CORRECT ANSWER A child may have little or even no sense of touch cataract - CORRECT ANSWER clouding of the lens of the eye Epilepsy - CORRECT ANSWER brain disorder that causes repeated seizures To diagnose epilepsy an - CORRECT ANSWER EEG (electroencephalogram) is done Glaucoma - CORRECT ANSWER A group of eye conditions causing damage to the optic nerve Parkinson's disease - CORRECT ANSWER a neurological disease, leading to degeneration of brain cells Parkinson's disease can cause - CORRECT ANSWER Stiffness in limbs or shaking A brain tumor consist of - CORRECT ANSWER A group if abnormal cells Risk factors of a tumor include - CORRECT ANSWER Exposure to radiation and possible inherited conditions Respirations refers to - CORRECT ANSWER The act of breathing respiratory system organs DOES NOT INCLUDE ALVEOLI - CORRECT ANSWER nose oral cavity (mouth) Throat (pharynx) Voice box (larynx) Wind pipe (trachea) bronchi lungs Left bronchi divides into - CORRECT ANSWER 2 lobes Right Bronchi Divides into - CORRECT ANSWER 3 lobes Each lung has a hilus - CORRECT ANSWER A slit where lymphatics, nerves and bronchial tubes reach the lungs respiratory arrest is also known as - CORRECT ANSWER Apnea Condition is caused by bacteria of virus - CORRECT ANSWER Acute bronchitis Diphtheria - CORRECT ANSWER an acute infectious disease measles - CORRECT ANSWER contagious viral infection Children affected by measles, it is best to protect the eyes from - CORRECT ANSWER Direct sunlight Pneumonia - CORRECT ANSWER Common infection of the lung Pneumonia causes - CORRECT ANSWER Breathing germs Bacteria - common cause Viruses scarlet fever - CORRECT ANSWER Infection caused by the bacteria streptococcus ( also causes strep throat) sinustis - CORRECT ANSWER inflammation of the sinuses due to viral, bacterial infection Tuberculosis - CORRECT ANSWER Contagious infection of the lungs caused by bacteria Tuberculosis occurs the most between ages - CORRECT ANSWER 15-30 years old Treatment for tuberculosis - CORRECT ANSWER Isoniazid or rifampin [Show Less]
MedCa Phlebotomy Certification Exam 43 Questions with Verified Answers MedCa Phlebotomy Certification Exam Review - CORRECT ANSWER Collection of quiz st... [Show More] yle questions for study purposes What department studies disease? - CORRECT ANSWER Pathology What is the general blood volume for the average adult? - CORRECT ANSWER 5 Liters. 55% plasma, 45% formed elements What are erythrocytes? - CORRECT ANSWER (RBC) Red Blood Cells. Main Function: Carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissue cells and to transport carbon dioxide away from the cells to the lungs. An leukocyte is? - CORRECT ANSWER (WBC) White Blood Cells. Main Fuction: Non-Nucleus containing blood cells whose main fuction is to combat infection and remove disintegrated tissue. Platelets are also called? - CORRECT ANSWER Thrombocytes. Cellular elements that play a role in the coagulation process and are the smallest of the formed elements. Mature RBC's have an approximate lifespan of - CORRECT ANSWER 120 Days What iron-containing pigment enables RBC'S to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide: - CORRECT ANSWER Hemoglobin (Main component of RBC) The role of a phlebotomist in the lab is: - CORRECT ANSWER Pre-Analytical Blood collection on neonatalogy floors involves what type of patients? - CORRECT ANSWER Newborn Hours to a few days old. Which department is consulated on blood collection timing and drug levels? - CORRECT ANSWER Pharmacy Where are blood cells produced? - CORRECT ANSWER RBC's are produced in the bone marrow. WBC's are formed in bone marrow and lymphatic system. Flowcharts can be used to : - CORRECT ANSWER Quality Improvement Quality Improvement for Specimen collection frequently involves everything except: - CORRECT ANSWER Frequency of hematoma's Pareto Charts are: - CORRECT ANSWER Raw charts that show frequency of problems An abnormal reduction in the number of RBC'S in the circulating blood is called: - CORRECT ANSWER Anemia To avoid transfusion reaction what should be done prior: - CORRECT ANSWER Blood typing and cross matching. Two blood group systems: ABO blood group system and the Rh factor system What is the percentage of formed elements in blood? - CORRECT ANSWER 45% What percentage of blood is plasma (pale-yellow fluid)? - CORRECT ANSWER 55% What is separated from a clotted blood specimen? - CORRECT ANSWER Serum (Clear pale-yellow fluid, doesn't contain fibrinogen, but is similar to plasma ) Machine used to remove serum from clotted blood: - CORRECT ANSWER Centrifuge The supine position is: - CORRECT ANSWER Lying in the back with the face up. RFID means: - CORRECT ANSWER Radio Frequency Identification. Identification tag using silicone chips in a wireless receiver. Normal range of Blood Ph: - CORRECT ANSWER A steady range of 7.35 to 7.45. Which tubing is used for lead determinations? - CORRECT ANSWER Tan topped tube Maximum time limit for separated specimen between collection and delivery should not exceed: - CORRECT ANSWER 2 hours for accurate results Donor Collection bags use what when collecting units of blood for transfusion : - CORRECT ANSWER Anticoagulant and perservative CPD (citrate-phosphate-dextrose) or acid citrate dextrose. Acid Citrate Dextrose (Special Use Anticoagulant) - CORRECT ANSWER For immunohematology test: DNA or Leukocyte antigen (HLA) Phenotyping, which is used in paternity evaluation and to determine transplant compatibility To avoid microclotting how many inversions should be done? - CORRECT ANSWER 8 inversions Putting gloves on in view of the patient prior to venipuncture, does what? - CORRECT ANSWER Reassures safety for patient and worker. Safest way to transport specimens: - CORRECT ANSWER Pneumatic tube system (PST) When testing for copper (Cu Level), Wilson disease or nephritic disease, which tubing is needed? - CORRECT ANSWER Royal Blue topped tube. What is the most reliable way to avoid transcription errors? - CORRECT ANSWER Computerized labs using Barcodes If arm veins cant be used for venipuncture, what other locations cam be used: - CORRECT ANSWER Dorsal side of hand or wrist Most common requested special: - CORRECT ANSWER Glucose Why is it important to have correct blood values when collecting blood with Anticoagulant ? - CORRECT ANSWER Correct blood to additive ratio stops artificially prolonged clotting times. What specimen does not need to be transported on ice? - CORRECT ANSWER Blood Culture Specimen When performing a fingerstick, it is important to? - CORRECT ANSWER Wipe away the 1st contaminated blood drop Smearing during vlood collection should be done at wgzt angle - CORRECT ANSWER 30 degrees Where should you stick during a fingerstick Procedure - CORRECT ANSWER Across the fingerprint line. In most cases, when should one determine the level of meds in the blood? - CORRECT ANSWER Just prior to next dose. Skin puncture is done: - CORRECT ANSWER To obtain small amounts of blood. (Neonate patients, anemic) How manu chromosomes are there: - CORRECT ANSWER 46 [Show Less]
Medca Test 118 Questions with Verified Answers chief complaint - CORRECT ANSWER The main reason a patient schedules an appointment Certified mail - C... [Show More] ORRECT ANSWER Dismissal of the patient should be delivered via Patient Diagnosis - CORRECT ANSWER ICD-9 codes are used to identify A written request - CORRECT ANSWER Before releasing a patient information ____________ is needed from the patient Social History - CORRECT ANSWER An example of subjective data is Intranet - CORRECT ANSWER The ____________ is the electronic communication within the facility 1-3 years - CORRECT ANSWER Active records are records of patients seen in the office within the last Daily - CORRECT ANSWER Medical records in the office should be updated Referral - CORRECT ANSWER Authorization for a patient to see another doctor is known as a Open booking - CORRECT ANSWER Gives patients a range of times to come into the office to be seen Superbill - CORRECT ANSWER A _______ is used for documentation of office visit to determine payment due Copay - CORRECT ANSWER A _____ is collected each time a patient is seem by the primary care physician 3years - CORRECT ANSWER A patient is considered new if they haven't been seen in the office within Each office visit - CORRECT ANSWER Insurance should be updated Registration Form - CORRECT ANSWER Demographics should be obtained on a patient Vital statics - CORRECT ANSWER Births, Marriages and Deaths are data relating to Inappropriate - CORRECT ANSWER Irrelevant information means ___ information Chronological filing - CORRECT ANSWER Is done by date of receipt Subject - CORRECT ANSWER Filing by ____ is done regarding the main topic of letter Patient - CORRECT ANSWER Schedule appointment to suit the needs of When in open view - CORRECT ANSWER A medical assistant desk should be free of clutter Wardrobe - CORRECT ANSWER A medical assistant, when not in uniform should still have good taste in Positive psychological - CORRECT ANSWER A well groomed assistant has a _____ effect on the patients Bradycardia - CORRECT ANSWER When a heart rate is below 60bpm is known as Auscultation - CORRECT ANSWER Is the process known as listening to an organ or a body process Early morning - CORRECT ANSWER Temperature is lowest in the Rectal Temperature - CORRECT ANSWER Is the most accurate method of obtaining body temperature orthostatic hypotension - CORRECT ANSWER a sudden drop in blood pressure resulting from a change in position, usually when standing up from a sitting Snellen Chart - CORRECT ANSWER Are used during eye exams Systolic and Distolic - CORRECT ANSWER Blood pressure has 2 readings Pulse rate - CORRECT ANSWER Weight is the least related to the vision defect - CORRECT ANSWER Astigmatism is a Prenatal care - CORRECT ANSWER A Pelvimeter is used in the will affect - CORRECT ANSWER Air seeping into the mouth ________ an oral temperature reading Spyhygmomanometer - CORRECT ANSWER the instrument used to measure blood pressure Blood pressure - CORRECT ANSWER A stethoscope is an instrument used determing 1 degrees higher - CORRECT ANSWER Temperature taken through the rectum is ______ than oral temperature Sterilization - CORRECT ANSWER Complete destruction of all forms of living organisms is called Anestetic - CORRECT ANSWER Novocaine is an TB - CORRECT ANSWER An infectious disease is disinfectant - CORRECT ANSWER Novocaine is not a Beneath the skin - CORRECT ANSWER subcutaneous administration is an injection Instrument - CORRECT ANSWER Any _________ used by a patient with communicable (contagious) disease should be boiled for twenty minutes 15-30 - CORRECT ANSWER The highest incident for TB is during the ages of Damp and Hot Places - CORRECT ANSWER Bacteria is known to flourish in Blood - CORRECT ANSWER Hematology is a study of Autoclave - CORRECT ANSWER An _______ is an apparatus for sterilizing under high pressure Antecubital Veins - CORRECT ANSWER The primary location for venipuncture is in the To form a clot - CORRECT ANSWER The word COAGULATE means Habit forming - CORRECT ANSWER Prescription are necessary for patients to obtain for certain drugs because they are Eyes and Darkened - CORRECT ANSWER When caring for a child the measles it is best to protect the childs ________ and keep them on a ________ Fungus - CORRECT ANSWER Ringworm on the skin is caused by a Conditions for growth - CORRECT ANSWER The microscopic examination of bacteria is used to determine the best Organisms causing the disease - CORRECT ANSWER Penicillin (amoxicillin) is an effective treatment in several diseases because it kills the Communicable Disease - CORRECT ANSWER Diabetes is not a Around the heart - CORRECT ANSWER The pericardium is the protective sac Away - CORRECT ANSWER Arteries carry blood _____ from the heart smallest; numerous - CORRECT ANSWER Capillaries are the ____ and most _______ blood vessels in the body Left side of the heart ; Left atrium - CORRECT ANSWER The pulmonary vein returns blood to the __________ emptying into the Out - CORRECT ANSWER Left is In - CORRECT ANSWER Right is pulmonary circulation - CORRECT ANSWER Blood flows from the right side of the heart to the lungs and back to the left side of the heart oxygen depleted blood - CORRECT ANSWER The right side of the heart has Vena cava - CORRECT ANSWER The _______ is the largest vein in the body 12 Leads - CORRECT ANSWER standard ECG consists of 10 electrodes - CORRECT ANSWER ______ Are placed on the patient for a standard EKG fatty substance - CORRECT ANSWER Cholesterol is the _______ that is deposited in the artery wall Oxygen - CORRECT ANSWER Blood takes on ______ as it passes through the lungs Blood vessel - CORRECT ANSWER Ganglion is not a Edema - CORRECT ANSWER A patient with ______ has to much water in the body tissue artery - CORRECT ANSWER The aorta is an ___ Heart disease - CORRECT ANSWER An EKG is used to diagnose __ Spinich - CORRECT ANSWER A rich source of Vitamin K is Geriatrics - CORRECT ANSWER branch of medicine dealing with older individuals and their medical problems Vein - CORRECT ANSWER Giving fluid intravenously means through the Evacuate Bowels - CORRECT ANSWER An enema is most commonly used to Chest - CORRECT ANSWER Throacic area of the body is in the The chest cavity - CORRECT ANSWER When giving artificial respiration, air is drawn into the lungs by the expansion of Eye - CORRECT ANSWER Glaucoma is a disease of the alimentary canal - CORRECT ANSWER The esophagus is part of the Bile - CORRECT ANSWER The liver secretes (release) A Biopsy - CORRECT ANSWER Is an examination of tissue removed from a living organism Psychology - CORRECT ANSWER A science if human behavior is called incontinence (loss of bladder control) - CORRECT ANSWER Involuntary passage of urine is Gastroenterology (stomach) - CORRECT ANSWER Is the study of the stomach, small intestines and bowels down to the rectum decrease blood - CORRECT ANSWER Cold application _____ supply to the areas which they are applied Keep the patient warm - CORRECT ANSWER In the absence of a physician, and if a patient is in need of first aid for shock, the Medical assistant should Severe Hemorrhage (bleeding) - CORRECT ANSWER The medical assistant should call ambulance and police if a patient has _____ in the absence of the physician Place an air ring under the butt - CORRECT ANSWER If a patient shows signs of a pressure sore, you should Lumbar region (back area) - CORRECT ANSWER Give the patient a pillow to support ______ if the patient is uncomfortable Child birth - CORRECT ANSWER Postpartum care is generally given after Allergies - CORRECT ANSWER _______ are abnormal reactions to substances that are harmless to most people Disease - CORRECT ANSWER Pathology is the study of Tendon - CORRECT ANSWER A ______ is a band of fibrous tissue that extends from muscle to bone Internal medicine - CORRECT ANSWER _____ deals with the non surgical care of an adult gynecology - CORRECT ANSWER _____ deals the disease in women and the reproductive organs Assault - CORRECT ANSWER _____ is an attempt or threat to touch without concent The Right to cure - CORRECT ANSWER ______ is NOT a part of the patient's bill of rights (cant say it will cure) Free - CORRECT ANSWER OSHA training is Prescribing medications - CORRECT ANSWER A physics must register with the DEA before rights and wrongs - CORRECT ANSWER Medical ethics are moral AMA - CORRECT ANSWER The _______ is responsible for the principle of medical ethics Suspected or Reported - CORRECT ANSWER Abuse needs to be reported if it is ________ by the patient Civil Law - CORRECT ANSWER Slander is a Implied consent - CORRECT ANSWER A patient signing for vaccine is NOT an example of Reported to the CDC - CORRECT ANSWER A positive result of TB is required to be Routine Surgery - CORRECT ANSWER Informed consent needs to be obtained before Confidentiality - CORRECT ANSWER The basis of HIPPA is a patient Medical Assistant - CORRECT ANSWER Administering local anesthesia is NOT considered to he a duty of the HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) - CORRECT ANSWER _______ is an organization that provides health care to a group for a fixed payment Patient complaint - CORRECT ANSWER Patients tend to take the opinion of the medical assistant as the opinion of the doctor, so it is best not to discuss the _____________ with them The medical assistant - CORRECT ANSWER __________ can perform emergency care in the absence of the physician Medical laws and ethics - CORRECT ANSWER The medical assistant must have basic knowledge of _________ Father of Medicine - CORRECT ANSWER Hippocrates is known as... Ambien - CORRECT ANSWER A common sleeping aid Pennicillin - CORRECT ANSWER A common antibiotic Joseph lister 1867 - CORRECT ANSWER Developed the use of antiseptic surgical method follicular phase - CORRECT ANSWER Starts the first day of your period [Show Less]
MedCA medical assistant comprehensive study set 79 Questions with Verified Answers Who is the father of medicine? - CORRECT ANSWER Hippocrates What... [Show More] is not considered a duty of an MA? - CORRECT ANSWER administering local anesthesia What is the most effective way to sterilize medical equipment/supplies? - CORRECT ANSWER boiling for 20 minutes What can an MA do in the absence of a physician? - CORRECT ANSWER give emergency care (call for ambulance if patient has more serious conditions) What medications are dangerous/habit forming and require an Rx to obtain them? - CORRECT ANSWER narcotics What should MAs have basic knowledge of? - CORRECT ANSWER the laws and ethics of medicine How should an MA present themselves in the workplace? - CORRECT ANSWER be neat & well-groomed, follow good taste in wardrobe when not wearing a uniform When interacting with a patient, what should an MA NOT do? - CORRECT ANSWER discuss a patient's complaint with them or give them a prognosis (because it may be different than that of the physician) How does being neat apply to the administrative field of medicine? - CORRECT ANSWER being free of clutter What are the main patient care duties of an MA? - CORRECT ANSWER taking vital signs administering medications explaining medical procedures What type of environment do bacteria grow/flourish in? - CORRECT ANSWER hot & damp areas What are some of the main duties when caring for bed-ridden patients? - CORRECT ANSWER 1) offering pillows for support 2) bed cradle 3) air rings under buttocks What are some of the sites of parenteral medication administration? - CORRECT ANSWER 1) intravenous 2) intra-arterial 3) intraosseous infusion (bone marrow) 4) intramuscular 5) intradermal What is called when medication is administered under the skin? - CORRECT ANSWER subcutaneous administration What are analgesics? - CORRECT ANSWER medications used to alleviate pain What is an example of an analgesic? - CORRECT ANSWER morphine What are antibiotics? - CORRECT ANSWER medications used to treat infections caused by bacteria What antibiotics must be refrigerated? - CORRECT ANSWER Amoxicillin and Aureomycin What is an example of an antibiotic? - CORRECT ANSWER penicillin What are antifungals? - CORRECT ANSWER medications used to treat infections caused by fungus (like ringworm) What are anesthetics? - CORRECT ANSWER medications that cause the reversible loss of sensation What is an example of a local anesthetic? - CORRECT ANSWER novocaine What are some administrative duties of an MA? - CORRECT ANSWER 1) the keeping, filing, and updating of patients' medical records 2) when obtaining medical record info, patients should be discouraged from giving irrelevant info 3) scheduling appointments for patients (based on patient needs) What are the primary methods of filing in a medical office? - CORRECT ANSWER by subject by date (newest first) What is an HMO? - CORRECT ANSWER a health maintenance organization patients pay a fixed amount/periodic fee for medical care from providers who belong to the HMO How do rectal temperatures differ from oral temperatures? - CORRECT ANSWER rectal temperatures are 0.5-1 degree F higher than oral temperatures What is "shaking down"? (mercury thermometer) - CORRECT ANSWER the method of pushing the mercury back into the bulb from the stem; once the thermometer reads 95 degrees F, it's shaken down enough and is available for use again What is the systolic BP? - CORRECT ANSWER when the heart is contracting What is the diastolic BP? - CORRECT ANSWER when the heart is in relaxation/dilatation/expansion period What is normal BP of an adult considered to be? - CORRECT ANSWER 120/80 mm Hg What is a sphygmomanometer? - CORRECT ANSWER a medical device used to measure blood pressure that is made up of an inflatable cuff to restrict blood flow and a mercury or mechanical manometer to measure the pressure What is the function of a stethocope? - CORRECT ANSWER used to listen to the sounds of the lungs and heart (chest) What is the normal respiration rate for adults considered to be? - CORRECT ANSWER 12-20 breaths per minute What are some of the factors that affect heart rate? - CORRECT ANSWER medication, trauma, illness, temperature, exercise, stress, blood pressure, emotional stress What is a factor that does NOT affect heart rate? - CORRECT ANSWER a person's weight What procedure is done to measure heart problems or heart disease? - CORRECT ANSWER an EKG/ECG What is the main part of the central nervous system? - CORRECT ANSWER the spinal cord What is used to determine a person's vision? - CORRECT ANSWER a Snellen Chart What is normal vision considered to be for the average person? - CORRECT ANSWER 20/20 What are cataracts? - CORRECT ANSWER the clouding of the eye lens What are petit mal seizures? (epilepsy) - CORRECT ANSWER a type of seizure that involves brief, sudden lapses in attention (absence) What test is done to determine immunity to diptheria? - CORRECT ANSWER the Schick Test What is the most infectious stage of measles? - CORRECT ANSWER the coryzal stage What are some of the symptoms of measles? - CORRECT ANSWER cough, fever/chills, runny nose, muscle pain, and/or sensitivity to light What test is used to determine susceptibility to scarlet fever? - CORRECT ANSWER the Dick Test What is used to drain the sinuses in sinusitis? - CORRECT ANSWER argyrol What is tuberculosis? - CORRECT ANSWER a contagious infection of the lung caused by bacteria Between what ages are the highest incidences of tuberculosis? - CORRECT ANSWER between ages 15 and 30 What is used to examine the lungs to diagnose tuberculosis? - CORRECT ANSWER a bronchoscope What occurs at the end of pulmonary circulation? - CORRECT ANSWER the aorta pumps oxygen-rich blood from the left ventricle out into the body What is the function of blood vessels? - CORRECT ANSWER transport blood throughout the body What are the 3 types of blood vessels? - CORRECT ANSWER arteries, capillaries, veins What is the function of the lungs? - CORRECT ANSWER the organs where the exchanges of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the air and blood take place What is atherosclerosis? - CORRECT ANSWER a disorder of the arteries characterized by the buildup of fatty deposits (cholesterol) What is edema? - CORRECT ANSWER a condition of swelling which is caused by too much fluid in body tissue What is a treatment method for hemorrhage? - CORRECT ANSWER cold applications to reduce blood flow What are tendons? - CORRECT ANSWER fibrous connective tissue bands What are the 2 ,ain muscles of the forearm? - CORRECT ANSWER biceps brachii triceps brachii What are the mucles of the thorax? - CORRECT ANSWER trapezius latissimus dorsi (carry arms, stomach, head, and other upper body parts) What is diathermy? - CORRECT ANSWER therapeutic generation of heat in body tissue (commonly used to treat arthritis) What are pelvimeters used for in prenatal care? - CORRECT ANSWER used by doctors to determine a female's pelvis in relation to the birth of the baby Why is post-partum care necessary? - CORRECT ANSWER because after giving birth, women experience physical and emotional changes What is the test called that is used to determine syphilis? - CORRECT ANSWER the Wassermann Test What organs are within the alimentary canal? - CORRECT ANSWER mouth ESOPHAGUS stomach intestines anus What is the main function of the liver? - CORRECT ANSWER produce bile What vegetable is Vitamin K found in? - CORRECT ANSWER spinach What is dyspepsia? - CORRECT ANSWER a condition in which indigestion (disturbance of digestion) occurs What is a treatment for gallstones? - CORRECT ANSWER grapefruit juice (gallbladder flushing) What is urinary incontinence? - CORRECT ANSWER the accidental leakage of urine, caused by problems with the muscles and nerves that help hold or release urine allergology - CORRECT ANSWER the study of hypersensitivity and allergies (abnormal reactions of substances) aviation medicine - CORRECT ANSWER aka aerospace medicine gastroenterology - CORRECT ANSWER field of medicine that focuses on treatment and diagnoses of diseases of the digestive tract geriatrics - CORRECT ANSWER the medical field that deals with the health care of older adults gynecology - CORRECT ANSWER specializes in the treatment and diagnosis of conditions and diseases related to females and their reproductive system hematology - CORRECT ANSWER the study of blood internal medicine - CORRECT ANSWER the medical field that specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases and conditions in adults pathology - CORRECT ANSWER study and diagnosis of disease psychology - CORRECT ANSWER the medical field which understands, prevents, and relieves psychological-based stress or dysfunction therapeutic radiology - CORRECT ANSWER used to treat tumors and cancers [Show Less]
MedCa Review Exam 126 Questions with Verified Answers Normal Respiration for normal adult - CORRECT ANSWER 12-20 Procedure for fasting blood test? - ... [Show More] CORRECT ANSWER Drink only water; and refrain from eating for at least 8 hours Turboculocious - CORRECT ANSWER Infection Disease Use to prep patient for EKG? - CORRECT ANSWER Alcohol Wipes Novacane - CORRECT ANSWER Used for anestectic Unsure of interaction with a drug? - CORRECT ANSWER Physician's Desk Reference Area to place leads on arms and legs? - CORRECT ANSWER Apply to fatty tissue area Use of enema? - CORRECT ANSWER To clear bowels Caring for a child with measles, you should? - CORRECT ANSWER Protect child's eyes from direct light Patient starts to cough and causes hemmorage? - CORRECT ANSWER Apply cold compress to the back of neck Patient with gall stones diet? - CORRECT ANSWER Low calorie diet When is the best time to schedule follow up? - CORRECT ANSWER When patient gets ready to leave. How long should you apply pressure to area after blood draw? - CORRECT ANSWER 1 minute What is the purpose of a fecal blood test? - CORRECT ANSWER To test the stool Instructions to patients in regards of over the counter prescriptions? - CORRECT ANSWER Read side effects Patient with communicable diseases use dishes, you should? - CORRECT ANSWER Boil dishes for 20 minutes Effective oxygen therapy procedure? - CORRECT ANSWER Hypoventerlation NPO - CORRECT ANSWER nothing by mouth Air leaking around needle? - CORRECT ANSWER Start collection over When is it okay to give medical record? - CORRECT ANSWER For organ or tissue donation Describe a biopsy? - CORRECT ANSWER Pathology in a living organism When you're exposed to bloodborn pathogens? - CORRECT ANSWER Wash with soap and water Most effective instrument to clean examine table? - CORRECT ANSWER Disposable wipes MAs are crosstrained to? - CORRECT ANSWER Remove suctures Proper procedure for bandage removal? - CORRECT ANSWER Rub adhesive remover with alcohol In order to avoid requisition or testing errors, you should? - CORRECT ANSWER Check test orders Test used to determine diphtheria? - CORRECT ANSWER Schick test Test used to determine syphilis? - CORRECT ANSWER Wasserman test Wong baker scale is used for? - CORRECT ANSWER Accessing pain level Pelvic meters are found in? - CORRECT ANSWER Prenatal clinics When testing a patients blood sugar, alert doctor if? - CORRECT ANSWER Test is 70 or below What does Doctor need to release info? - CORRECT ANSWER Signed consent Bed cradles are used to: - CORRECT ANSWER Keep weight off patients When shaking down a thermometer, which temperature should you allow the mercury to fall? - CORRECT ANSWER 95 What is incontinence? - CORRECT ANSWER involuntary passage of urine Specialty concerned with the non surgical care of an adult? - CORRECT ANSWER Internal medicine Tylonel should be given to a patient when they complain of? - CORRECT ANSWER Muscle aches Signatures necessary when administering controlled substances? - CORRECT ANSWER 2 Color tube used for hemoglobin - CORRECT ANSWER Purple/lavender When drawing blood from child? - CORRECT ANSWER Butterfly needle/23 gauge Pressure sore at the base of the spine? - CORRECT ANSWER Place air ring under patients buttocks When to mix when collecting blood in tube with additives? - CORRECT ANSWER Immediately muscle to bone attachment? - CORRECT ANSWER tendon Aorta? - CORRECT ANSWER an artery Specialty that covers ear and throat? - CORRECT ANSWER Otolaryngology Proper way to store blood specimens at the end of the work day? - CORRECT ANSWER Fridge How much blood should collected in tube? - CORRECT ANSWER Predetermined mark/Fill line Most important item in exam room? - CORRECT ANSWER Gloves Tube color for CBC - CORRECT ANSWER lavender/purple Hematology? - CORRECT ANSWER study of blood Complication when pressure isn't applied after blood draw? - CORRECT ANSWER Hematoma After blood collection, when should serum or plastic tubes be tested? - CORRECT ANSWER 3 hours coagulate - CORRECT ANSWER clot What causes a ringworm? - CORRECT ANSWER fungus Should be worn during all exposure? - CORRECT ANSWER Gloves Bronchoscope - CORRECT ANSWER Used to examine lungs Who should be prioritized when scheduling appointments? - CORRECT ANSWER Patients HIPPA - CORRECT ANSWER Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Bacteria forms best in? - CORRECT ANSWER Hot and damp Additive in light blue tube? - CORRECT ANSWER sodium citrate Solution appropriate to cleanse a wound? - CORRECT ANSWER Saline Where should V1 lead be placed? - CORRECT ANSWER Fourth intercostal space at the right sternal Type of test performed when using blood smear? - CORRECT ANSWER Blood type VAS pain scale - CORRECT ANSWER Visual Analogue Scale used to measure blood pressure - CORRECT ANSWER sphygmomanometer Who orders EKGs? - CORRECT ANSWER Physician subcutaneously? - CORRECT ANSWER beneath the skin Cold comfort does what do blood supply? - CORRECT ANSWER Increase When filing papers by subject, what is the primary consideration? - CORRECT ANSWER Main topic Blood cells are divided into how many types? - CORRECT ANSWER 4 blood types OSHA Laws - CORRECT ANSWER Tetanus Necessary to establish patients medical history? - CORRECT ANSWER Lifestyle Classified as blood vessel? - CORRECT ANSWER Capillary What a medical assistant can and cannot do: - CORRECT ANSWER Scope of practice Treatment of Arthiritus? - CORRECT ANSWER Diathermy When getting ready for EKG? - CORRECT ANSWER Position on back upper endoscopy - CORRECT ANSWER Stomach Test used to examine inside of stomach? - CORRECT ANSWER Photo absorption test irrelevant - CORRECT ANSWER Inappropriate Smelling chart test: - CORRECT ANSWER Used to test eyes Filing papers? - CORRECT ANSWER Alphabetically When collecting tube in light blue top, how many times should you convert? - CORRECT ANSWER 4 Maintaining sterile enviroment? - CORRECT ANSWER Gloves Normal BMI index - CORRECT ANSWER 20 What is the dick test used to determine? - CORRECT ANSWER Scarlet fever When collecting capillary stick, the strips should? - CORRECT ANSWER Touch the finger Processing blood specimen; what form should be completed? - CORRECT ANSWER Recqusition sthethoscope - CORRECT ANSWER Blood pressure Part of code of ethics - CORRECT ANSWER Patient confidentiality Difference between oral and rectum temp? - CORRECT ANSWER Oral is 1 degree lower Sever bleeding, most effective technique? - CORRECT ANSWER Apply pressure When collecting blood, what is important to know? - CORRECT ANSWER Allergies Patient in clinic in need of shock? - CORRECT ANSWER Cover them with blanket Tube for Drug screen blood draw? - CORRECT ANSWER Gray Human and Animal blood? - CORRECT ANSWER Considered bio hazardous Part of human skeleton? - CORRECT ANSWER Sacrum normal blood pressure - CORRECT ANSWER 120/80 Non-prescription drugs - CORRECT ANSWER Regulated by FDA When collecting a clean urine catch? - CORRECT ANSWER Toilet first, then cup How many towelettes for female when collecting clean catch? - CORRECT ANSWER 3 Needed in order to maintain confidentiality? - CORRECT ANSWER HIPPA FORM An immediate reading of a glucose reading? - CORRECT ANSWER Capillary/Finger Stick Tube used for glucose? - CORRECT ANSWER Red top without additive Basic knowledge needed for medical profession? - CORRECT ANSWER Laws and Ethics Biceps and Triceps? - CORRECT ANSWER Arm When feeding a patient "intravaneously" - CORRECT ANSWER Through tube Sleep apnea is: - CORRECT ANSWER Respiratory disorder Thoracic Area - CORRECT ANSWER Chest What carries oxygenated blood from the heart to other parts of the body? - CORRECT ANSWER Arteries Glaucoma effects? - CORRECT ANSWER Eyes When performing EKG, which lead is located at the 5th convicular line? - CORRECT ANSWER V5 Generic name for Tylenol - CORRECT ANSWER Acetaminophen (APAP) Branch of medicine concerned with older individual - CORRECT ANSWER Geriatrics Branch of medicine dealing with woman - CORRECT ANSWER Gynecology If blood pressure cuff for child is missing? - CORRECT ANSWER Alert Office Manager Measures oxygen levels - CORRECT ANSWER Pulse ox In order to share records with Employer - CORRECT ANSWER Signed consent edema - CORRECT ANSWER Too much fluid; swelling Leads attached to patient - CORRECT ANSWER 10 leads; 12 electrodes Prescription pad left on exam room? - CORRECT ANSWER Return to Doctor Sterilization? - CORRECT ANSWER Complete destruction of all forms of microrganisms Suspects patient has flu? - CORRECT ANSWER Wear mask Ibuprofen - CORRECT ANSWER Used to alleviate pain If patient is light headed after blood draw? - CORRECT ANSWER Give sweet beverage If taking pain medicines: - CORRECT ANSWER No wine or alcohol Best solution to cleanse wound? - CORRECT ANSWER Saline [Show Less]
MedCA Final Exam 60 Questions with Verified Answers Therapeutic phlebotomy can be used to treat what condition? - CORRECT ANSWER Hemochromatosis What... [Show More] is NOT one of the four major groups which the phlebotomist's work duties are categorized? - CORRECT ANSWER Infection Control Expiration dates should be include in quality control records (true or false). - CORRECT ANSWER True A phlebotomy technician may work in which of the following settings? - CORRECT ANSWER All of the above- Blood banks, pharmaceutical firm, research firm The chain of infection includes all of the following except- - CORRECT ANSWER The head nurse What is the first thing you should do if you are accidentally stuck by a used needle? - CORRECT ANSWER Wash the site with soap and water All of the following can influence blood pressure at various places int he body except: - CORRECT ANSWER A person's age Unless otherwise specified, blood pressure is measured at the________ - CORRECT ANSWER Inside of the elbow Why should your thumb not be used to measure pulse? - CORRECT ANSWER It has a pulse of its own Bradycardia is when the pulse- - CORRECT ANSWER Drops below 60bpm Where in the body is blood made? - CORRECT ANSWER Bone marrow The pH range of blood is: - CORRECT ANSWER 7.35-7.45 Red blood cells do not contain a nucleus (T or F) - CORRECT ANSWER True In the average adult, blood makes up about ________ of the body weight. - CORRECT ANSWER 8% Erythrocytes are ___________ - CORRECT ANSWER Red blood cells The life span of red blood cells is ____________. - CORRECT ANSWER 100-120 days Red blood cells are the body's major way of delivering ________ to the body's tissues. - CORRECT ANSWER Oxygen What is the process of the removal of old and defective red blood cells called? - CORRECT ANSWER Eryptosis Leukocytes are ___________ - CORRECT ANSWER White blood cells White blood cells are the main cells of the _______________ - CORRECT ANSWER Immune system Which of the following is the type of white blood cells that are responsible for allergic reactions? - CORRECT ANSWER Basophils Thrombocytes are ________ - CORRECT ANSWER Platelets The function of platelets is to: - CORRECT ANSWER Stop blood loss due to wounds Reserve platelets are stored in the __________ - CORRECT ANSWER Spleen Platelets secrete chemicals to urge ________ into a wound. - CORRECT ANSWER Fibroblasts Veins have two layers, while arteries have ____________. - CORRECT ANSWER Three layers _________ are small vessels located in the liver, spleen and bone marrow. - CORRECT ANSWER Sinusoids When coming in contact with patients in protective isolation, it is necessary to wear: - CORRECT ANSWER All of the above- gowns, masks, gloves What is the single most important way to prevent the spread of infection? - CORRECT ANSWER Hand washing Blood pressure ___________ as the circulating blood moves away from the heart. - CORRECT ANSWER Decreases A normal blood pressure reading is ____________ - CORRECT ANSWER 120/80 mmHg A diastolic heart sound is heard at the time the heart ________________. - CORRECT ANSWER Relaxes Which of the following activities would cause a person's heart rate to slow down? - CORRECT ANSWER Sleeping The normal pulse rate of a 9 year old child is ____________. - CORRECT ANSWER 75-110 beats per minute As blood is removed from the body, the blood clots and the fluid are also called _____________ . - CORRECT ANSWER Serum The state of being stead or stable is known as ____________. - CORRECT ANSWER Homeostasis Which of the following does NOT help in the regulation of blood cells? - CORRECT ANSWER Brain The formation of blood cells starts in the bone marrow as _____________. - CORRECT ANSWER Stem cells Plasma makes up ____________ of blood tissue. - CORRECT ANSWER 55% The blood volume in an average adult is about ______ liters. - CORRECT ANSWER 5 The lower the pH level, the more ________ blood is. - CORRECT ANSWER Acidic The most numerous blood cells in the body are __________ - CORRECT ANSWER Red blood cells People with a low number of red blood cells are considered to have a condition called __________ - CORRECT ANSWER Anemia Which of the following describes the process of development in which new red blood cells are produced? - CORRECT ANSWER Erythropoiesis How long does it take red blood cells to mature? - CORRECT ANSWER 7 days About ___________ red blood cells are produced per second. - CORRECT ANSWER 2 million Developing red blood cells are also called __________. - CORRECT ANSWER Reticulocytes Eryptosis takes place _____________ the production of red blood cells. - CORRECT ANSWER At the same rate as ______________ are developed from cells in the bone marrow called hematopoietic stem cells. - CORRECT ANSWER White blood cells White blood cells contain chromosomes. (t or f) - CORRECT ANSWER True Neutrophils defend the body against ________. - CORRECT ANSWER Fungal or bacterial infection White blood cells are grouped into B cells, T cells, and _________. - CORRECT ANSWER NK cells Macrophages are formed from monocytes. (t or f) - CORRECT ANSWER True Blood clotting is also known as ______. - CORRECT ANSWER Coagulation The average lifespan of platelets is _________. - CORRECT ANSWER 5-9 days If a person has insufficient amounts of platelets, it may lead to ___________. - CORRECT ANSWER Excessive bleeding For a normal blood specimen, it usually takes _________ for the blood to clot. - CORRECT ANSWER 30-60 minutes Venus vessels carry blood _________ the heart. - CORRECT ANSWER Towards The human arterial system develops at _________ of human development. - CORRECT ANSWER 4 weeks The smallest blood vessels are _________. - CORRECT ANSWER Capillaries [Show Less]
MEDCA exam study guide Phlebotomy 50 Questions with Verified Answers When blood is removed from the body, the blood clots and the liquid part is called ... [Show More] - CORRECT ANSWER Serum If veins in the arms cannot be used for venipuncture, the alternative veins can be found in the - CORRECT ANSWER Dorsal side of hands and wrists The instrument used to speed the removal of serum by spinning the blood is called a - CORRECT ANSWER Centrifuge Before performing a venipuncture, a clean pair of gloves should be put on the presence of the patient because it is a reassuring - CORRECT ANSWER Safety concious gesture for both the worker and the patient. Lying face up on their back is called what position? - CORRECT ANSWER Supine position To avoid blood-clotting in the collection tube, it is extremely important the blood in the.. - CORRECT ANSWER Purple-topped tube be gently inverted a minimum of eight times. What is the normal ph range of a normal body? - CORRECT ANSWER 7.35 to 7.45 Serum should be transported to the laboratory for testing and separated from blood cells within what time limit? - CORRECT ANSWER Within 2 hours Of the total volume of blood, how much percent is liquid - CORRECT ANSWER 55% is liquid A person who has too little hemoglobin or a decreased number of red blood cells is known to be - CORRECT ANSWER Anemic Where do blood cells begin their formation? - CORRECT ANSWER In the lymph nodes and bone marrow. If the phlebotomist collects blood in the neonatalogy department, how old is the patient? - CORRECT ANSWER Hours to a few days old. The iron containing pigment of the red blood cells is called - CORRECT ANSWER Hemoglobin How long do mature red blood cells live once they have entered the blood stream? - CORRECT ANSWER Approximately 120 days Approximately how many liters of blood does the body contain? - CORRECT ANSWER Approximately 5 liters of blood The study of the nature and cause of disease is called - CORRECT ANSWER Pathology A specifically labeled puncture-resistant container for the disposal of needles, scalpels and syringes is known as the. . - CORRECT ANSWER Sharps container When drawing blood, which vein is most preferred? - CORRECT ANSWER The median cubital If blood pressure is read 120/80, which is the systolic pressure? - CORRECT ANSWER 120 What is systolic pressure? - CORRECT ANSWER The pressure when the heart is contracted. A chemical substance that prevents the heart from clogging is called an... - CORRECT ANSWER Anticoagulant Steady-state condition is referred to as - CORRECT ANSWER Homeostasis What cannot be converted into bar code symbols? - CORRECT ANSWER Handwritten information What is interstitial fluid? - CORRECT ANSWER Tissue fluid Fragile veins are most likely to be found in what kind of patient? - CORRECT ANSWER Geriatric patients After a finger stick is performed what should the phlebotomist do first. - CORRECT ANSWER Wipe away the first drop of blood with a gauze. What is the best angle for spreading a blood smear using two slides? - CORRECT ANSWER A 30 degree angle. What are skin puncture samples often used for? - CORRECT ANSWER White blood cell differentials. During a skin puncture procedure, the cut should be across the - CORRECT ANSWER Fingerprint lines. In most cases, when should blood be drawn to determine medication levels? - CORRECT ANSWER Prior to the next dose of medication given. In relation to veins, what does the term occluded mean? - CORRECT ANSWER Obstructed. The thumb has a.. - CORRECT ANSWER Pulse What is the last step in any phlebotomy procedure, including skin puncture? - CORRECT ANSWER Checking that the bleeding has stopped and thanking the patient for cooperating. What is the best way to decontaminate a phlebotomists hands if they are visibly dirty with dust and dirt? - CORRECT ANSWER Wash them with soap and water. How long should the alcohol be allowed to dry before venipuncture? - CORRECT ANSWER 30 to 60 seconds During a venipuncture what is the best angle for inserting the needle into the skin? - CORRECT ANSWER 15 to 30 degrees During a venipuncture, when does the phlebotomist release the tourniquet? - CORRECT ANSWER After the needle is inserted and the blood starts to flow. The term "butterfly" refers to a... - CORRECT ANSWER Winged infusion set During a venipuncture procedure the needle should always be inserted with the... - CORRECT ANSWER Bevel side up Why should blood and urine specimens for microbiological culture be transported to the lab quickly? - CORRECT ANSWER To improve the likelihood of detecting pathogens. How long do normal blood specimens take to clot? - CORRECT ANSWER 30 to 60 minutes Bar codes in phlebotomy applications are not used to denote..... - CORRECT ANSWER Patient arm preference The preferred anticoagulant for the collection of whole blood in STAT situations in clinical chemistry is... - CORRECT ANSWER Heparin A 16 gauge needle is larger than a 24 gauge needle because.. - CORRECT ANSWER The smallest number denotes the largest gauge needle. A blood cell counts requires whole blood collected in a... - CORRECT ANSWER Purple-topped tube. Color coding of needles indicates.. - CORRECT ANSWER Gauge The yellow-topped collection tube has what as an additive? - CORRECT ANSWER Polyanetholesufonate (SPS) For newborns, the penetration depth of lancets for blood collection must be less than.. - CORRECT ANSWER 2.0mm If a blood specimen has a separation device it should be.. - CORRECT ANSWER Centrifuged once What should the health care worker use to chill a blood specimen as it is being transported? - CORRECT ANSWER Icy water [Show Less]
MEDCA PHLEBOTOMY EXAM 206 Questions with Verified Answers Work duties of a phlebotomist technician can be categorized into 4 categories - CORRECT ANSWER... [Show More] Equipment Procedure Patient Care Patient Information Equipment - CORRECT ANSWER - phlebotomists must ensure that all equipment and areas used are sterile - equipment includes needles, bandages, gauzes, tubes, other collection devices, as well as labels for tubes - tracking supplies to ensure that proper amounts are always present - disposal of needles and other used supplies Procedure - CORRECT ANSWER - correct puncture or incision of patient's skin - collecting the correct amount of blood or other fluids - correct labeling of collection tubes/devices - completing and submitting documents needed to lab Patient Care - CORRECT ANSWER - reassuring patients, as some may have fear of needles - being able to answer questions that patients may have - verifying patient information to ensure accuracy of tests or procedure - monitoring patient during procedure to prevent movement or fainting Patient Information - CORRECT ANSWER - patients' rights must be respected - keeping patients' medical records confidential - accurate documentation of collection, ordered tests, and test results - providing accurate documentation to the laboratory to ensure performance of tests ordered by physician Quality Improvement Methods - CORRECT ANSWER Include the use of data-based methods in order to reach improvement Include flow charts and pareto charts Flowchart - CORRECT ANSWER - used to break out components into diagrams in order to understand a process Pareto Chart - CORRECT ANSWER - bar charts are made that show the frequency of problems What does quality improvement for specimen collection involve? - CORRECT ANSWER Technique of Phlebotomist Frequency of hematoma Recollection Rates What is included in quality control records - CORRECT ANSWER Expiration Date Stability Information Storage Information Proper Use Precision of testing supplies/reagents Accuracy of testing supplies/reagents Where can phlebotomists work? - CORRECT ANSWER Hospital Clinic Doctor's office Laboratories Blood Banks Research Firms Pharmaceutical Firms Hospital - CORRECT ANSWER institution which provides medical and surgical treatment Clinic - CORRECT ANSWER institution or hospital department focusing on diagnosis and care of outpatients Doctor's Office - CORRECT ANSWER suite/office where doctors receive and treat patients Laboratory - CORRECT ANSWER building or room where tests are performed to evaluate specimens in order to diagnose medical conditions Blood Bank - CORRECT ANSWER institution where blood is collected from donors, and then stored and prepared for transfusion Research Firm - CORRECT ANSWER institution equipped for scientific/medical research that may specialize in basic research or on specific areas Pharmaceutical Firm - CORRECT ANSWER institution that develops and markets drugs for use as medications How must all needles be discarded? - CORRECT ANSWER intact What does it mean if an infection is classified as nosocomical - CORRECT ANSWER A patient developed the infection while they were in the hospital that was not present before entering the hospital What is included in the chain of infection - CORRECT ANSWER source susceptible host poor isolation technique Hygiene - CORRECT ANSWER wash hands with soap and water if they are visibly dirty good hand-hygiene techniques reduce number of outbreaks of infections hand washing is the single most important way to prevent spread of infection Equipment used to control infections - CORRECT ANSWER gloves, masks, goggles, gowns, or coats autoclaves (instruments for sterilizing under pressure) Emergency Needle Stick Information - CORRECT ANSWER if exposed to blood due to a needle stick or other sharp object, wash needle stick and cut with soap and water flush mouth, eyes, and skin with water report the incident to a supervisor seek medical treatment Blood Pressure - CORRECT ANSWER pressure exerted by circulating blood upon the walls of blood vessels Usually refers to the arterial pressure of systemic circulation When does blood pressure decrease - CORRECT ANSWER decreases as the circulating blood moves away from the heart through the arteries Where does blood pressure drop most rapidly - CORRECT ANSWER along the small arteries and arterioles Decreases continuously as it moves through capillaries and back through veins to the heart What other factors can influence blood pressure in the body - CORRECT ANSWER valves in veins Gravity Pumping from contraction of skeletal muscles How is blood pressure measured - CORRECT ANSWER Systolic (maximum) over diastolic (diastolic) Systolic - CORRECT ANSWER Blood pressure at the time of contraction Specifically during contraction of the left ventricle Systolic contraction is contraction of the ventricles Heard during the normal first and second heart sound Diastolic - CORRECT ANSWER Blood pressure when the heart is in relaxation and expansion Minimum arterial pressure when the ventricles are filling with blood Heard during diastole, when the heart relaxes Pulse/ Heart Rate - CORRECT ANSWER rhythmical expansion of arteries due to contractions of the heart Recorded as beats per minute Where can a persons pulse be felt? - CORRECT ANSWER any place that will allow an artery to be compressed against a bone Radial Artery Carotid Artery Brachial Artery Popliteal Artery Posterior Tibial Artery Which finger can not be used to measure pulse? - CORRECT ANSWER Thumb: it has a pulse of its own Is a lower or higher pulse rate better? - CORRECT ANSWER Lower Although, 60 may be dangerous Newborn Pulse - CORRECT ANSWER 120 - 160 beats per minute 1 month-12 months Pulse - CORRECT ANSWER 80-140 1-2 years pulse - CORRECT ANSWER 80-130 2-6 years pulse - CORRECT ANSWER 75-120 6-12 years pulse - CORRECT ANSWER 75-110 13+ pulse - CORRECT ANSWER 60-100 adult athletes pulse - CORRECT ANSWER 40-60 What are blood cells called - CORRECT ANSWER hemaocytes Serum - CORRECT ANSWER fluid portion of blood What cells does blood circulate through - CORRECT ANSWER arteries arterioles veins venules capillaries Where is blood made - CORRECT ANSWER bone marrow: soft center of bones 95% of blood cells are produced here How does formation of blood cells begin - CORRECT ANSWER Begins in bone marrow as stem cells These cells will grow and mature into blood cells 3 Types of Blood cells - CORRECT ANSWER Erythrocytes (red blood cells) Leukocytes (white blood cells) Thrombocytes (platelets) What percentage do cells make up of blood - CORRECT ANSWER 45% What percentage does plasma make up of blood - CORRECT ANSWER 55% Blood makes up how much of our body weight - CORRECT ANSWER 8% ( 5 Liters) What is the blood pH level - CORRECT ANSWER 7.35-7.45 Function of blood - CORRECT ANSWER To carry materials to bodily tissues (hormones, oxygen, vitamines, antibodies, heat, electrolytes, nourishment) To carry materials away from bodily tissues ( carbon dioxide, waste) Red Blood Cells - CORRECT ANSWER most numerous blood cell in the body Have a shape similiar to biconcave lenses and have no nucleus These cells are our way of delivering oxygen to the body Have a life span of 100-120 days Hemoglobin - CORRECT ANSWER Iron containing pigment which gives red blood cells their color Helps bind to oxygen Anemic - CORRECT ANSWER Lower levels of red blood cells or hemoglobin 3 Stages of Red Blood Cell Life Cycle - CORRECT ANSWER Development (Erythropoiesis) Functional (functional development ) Senescent (Senescence) Erythopoiesis Stage - CORRECT ANSWER - process of development in which new red blood cells are produced - cells mature in about 7 days - about 2 million red blood cells per second are continuously produced in the bone marrow - developing cells are also known as reticulocytes, and make up around 1% of the red blood cells in the circulatory system Functional Lifetime - CORRECT ANSWER - red blood cells live between 100 days to 120 days - during this stage, red blood cells move continuously - blood flow pushes erythrocytes in arteries, pulls erythrocytes in veins, and squeezes erythrocytes through capillaries and other small vessels Senescence - CORRECT ANSWER - as erythrocytes, they go through changes in their plasma membrane - these changes make the cells more recognizable for removal of old and defective cells, a process called eryptosis - eryptosis takes place at the same rate as production of cells, therefore keeping a balance in the amount of red blood cells Leukocytes - CORRECT ANSWER cells of the immune system and help the body defend against diseases and foreign materials Have a nucleus What cell to leukocytes develop from in bone marrow - CORRECT ANSWER hematopoietic stem cell Two types of leukocytes - CORRECT ANSWER Granulocytes Lymphoid Granulocytes - CORRECT ANSWER Have granules in cytoplasm Neutrophil Eosinophil Basophil Lymphoid Cells - CORRECT ANSWER Lymphocytes and monocytes Order of most abundant to least abundant white blood cells - CORRECT ANSWER NEVER LET MONKEYS EAT BASIL neutrophil 50 - 70 % lymphocyte 20 - 40 % monocyte 3 - 8 % eosinophil 2 - 4 % basophil 0.5 - 1 % Neutrophile - CORRECT ANSWER - defend against fungal or bacterial infection - unable to renew the lysosomes used in the defense against infection, these cells die and, in large numbers, form pus Lymphocyte - CORRECT ANSWER - although present in blood, lymphocytes are common in the lymphatic system - produce antibodies that bind to pathogens - grouped into B cells, T cells, and NK cells Monocyte - CORRECT ANSWER - forerunners of macrophages - larger cells that enter the circulatory system for about 24 - 36 hours before becoming macrophages Eosinophils - CORRECT ANSWER - main function is the defense against parasites Basophils - CORRECT ANSWER - responsible for antigen and allergic response by releasing histamine Platelet Function - CORRECT ANSWER to sop blood loss due to wounds to maintain homeostasis They release factors that promote blood coagulation Have a lifespan of about 5-9 days How long does it take for normal blood to clot - CORRECT ANSWER 30-60 min What cells to platelets develop from in bone marrow - CORRECT ANSWER megakaryocyte Each cell can produce 5,000-10,000 platelets How is platelet development regulated - CORRECT ANSWER regulated by a hormone called thrombopoietin hormone is produced in liver and kidneys Destruction of platelets - CORRECT ANSWER Takes place by phagocytosis in the spleen and Kupffer cells in the liver Reserve platelets are kept in the spleen How to platelets clump together - CORRECT ANSWER fibrinogen vWF (von Willebrand factor) Once activated, platelets will attach to exposed collagen and clumping and attachment will form a clot Clumped platelets secrete chemicals to urge fibroblasts into the wound to heal 3 Major Types of Blood Vessels - CORRECT ANSWER Arteries Veins Capillaries Arteries - CORRECT ANSWER Carry blood away from the heart Oxygen Rich Main arteries of body - CORRECT ANSWER Ascending aorta Arch of aorta External Carotid Internal Carotid Subclavian Axillary Brachial thoracic Abdominal Gonadal Lumbar Inferior Mesenteric Median Sacral Common Iliac External Iliac Veins - CORRECT ANSWER Carry blood towards the heart Oxygen deprived Less muscular and closer to the skin than arteries Contain valves Can be obstructed due to blood clots Two layers of veins - CORRECT ANSWER Tunica adventitia (connective tissue) Tunica Media (smooth muscle) Inside of veins is tunica intimate Pulmonary Veins - CORRECT ANSWER right superior left superior right inferior left inferior Systemic Cardia Veins - CORRECT ANSWER Great cardiac Oblique Vein of left atrium Left marginal Small cardiac middle cardiac Posterior vein of left ventricle Capillaries - CORRECT ANSWER Exchange of chemical and water between blood and tissue Systemic Head Neck Veins - CORRECT ANSWER - frontal vein - supraorbital vein - angular vein - anterior facial vein - posterior facial vein - occipital vein - superficial temporal vein - posterior auricular vein - internal maxillary vein Systemic Neck Veins - CORRECT ANSWER - anterior jugular vein - posterior external jugular vein - internal jugular vein - external jugular vein - vertebral vein Systemic Diploic Veins - CORRECT ANSWER - anterior temporal vein - posterior temporal vein - frontal vein - occipital vein Systemic Veins of brain - CORRECT ANSWER - superior cerebral vein - inferior cerebral vein - middle cerebral vein - basal vein - terminal vein - choroid vein - great cerebral vein - superior cerebral vein - inferior cerebral vein Systemic Veins of Eye and SKull - CORRECT ANSWER - superior ophthalmic vein - inferior ophthalmic vein - two transverse sinuses - occipital sinus - straight sinus - superior sagittal sinus - inferior sagittal sinus Upper Extremity systemic Veins - CORRECT ANSWER - dorsal digital vein - volar digital vein - dorsal metacarpal vein - intercapitular vein - cephalic vein - accessory cephalic vein - basilic vein - median antibrachial vein - axillary vein - subclavian vein Systemic Veins of Thoracic - CORRECT ANSWER right innominate vein - left innominate vein - internal mammary vein - superior phrenic vein - inferior thyroid vein - highest intercostal vein - superior vena cava - hemiazygos vein - accessory hemiazygos vein - bronchial vein - external vertebral venous plexus - internal vertebral venous plexus - postvertebral vein - invertebral vein - vein of the medulla spinalis Portal System Systemic Veins - CORRECT ANSWER - portal vein - lineal vein - short gastric vein - left gastroepiploic vein - right gastroepiploic vein - pancreatic vein - inferior mesenteric vein - hemorrhoidal vein - sigmoid vein - left colic vein - superior mesenteric vein - pancreatic duodenal vein - coronary vein - pyloric vein - cystic vein - parumbilical vein How many layers do arteries have - CORRECT ANSWER 3 How many layers do veins have - CORRECT ANSWER 2 Arterial Vessels - CORRECT ANSWER carry blood away from the heart Venous Vessels - CORRECT ANSWER Carry blood towards the heart Exceptions to arterial and Venous Vessels - CORRECT ANSWER Pulmonary Vein: carries oxygen rich blood Pulmonary Artery: carries oxygen deprived blood Where does arterial system develop? - CORRECT ANSWER aortic arches (and dorsal aorta) at 4 weeks of human development Where do venous system develop - CORRECT ANSWER 3 bilateral veins between 4 and 8 weeks of human development (umbilical, cardinal, vitelline ) Arterioles - CORRECT ANSWER - small blood vessels in microcirculation - extend and branch out from arteries and lead to capillaries - like arteries, arterioles carry blood away from the heart to tissues - arterioles play an important role in blood pressure regulation - arterioles generally have one to two layers of smooth muscle Venules - CORRECT ANSWER - small blood vessel in microcirculation - carry oxygen-deprived blood from the capillaries back to the veins - have 3 layers 3 Layers of Venules - CORRECT ANSWER -the endothelium (inner layer) is made up of squamous endothelial cells that act as a membrane - the middle layer is made up of elastic tissue - the outer layer is made up of fibrous connective tissue Capillaries - CORRECT ANSWER - smallest of the blood vessels in microcirculation - connect arterioles and venules - enable the exchange of oxygen, water, carbon dioxide, waste, and other nutrients between blood and body tissues - capillaries don't function on their own but as a "supply cell" Two main capillary types - CORRECT ANSWER Continuous Fenestrated Continous - CORRECT ANSWER - endothelial cells provide continuing lining, therefore allowing only small molecules to spread through junctions of intercellular clefts (unjoined membrane) Fenestrated - CORRECT ANSWER - pores in the endothelial cells are present - these pores allow small molecules and restricted amounts of protein to spread through Supine Position - CORRECT ANSWER patient is lying face-up on their back Prone Position - CORRECT ANSWER patient is lying face-down on their stomach What is important to remember about glucose testing - CORRECT ANSWER patient must be fasting for 12 hours 3 Types of blood draws - CORRECT ANSWER Venipuncture Capillary Puncture Arterial Puncture Venipunture - CORRECT ANSWER collection of blood through needle or syringe Used when large amounts of blood are needed What type of veins lack resistance - CORRECT ANSWER thromboses How can blood be forced into veins - CORRECT ANSWER massaging arm from elbow to wrist tapping site with finger applying warm cloth lowering extremity over bedside Elements of requisition form - CORRECT ANSWER Patients full name and ID number DOB and sex of patient name of physician requesting procedure source of specimen Date and Time of collection and initials of phlebotomist Labels - CORRECT ANSWER Patients full name Patients ID number Date and Time of Collection Initials of phlebotomist Capillary puncture - CORRECT ANSWER Also known as dermal puncture Used on infants are anemic patients Penetration should be less than 2.0mm Often performed for white blood cell differential Most accessible surface for capillary puncture - CORRECT ANSWER palmar/lateral surface of finger Ear lobe Big toe Heel (infants) Monoject Monoletter - CORRECT ANSWER safety device for capillary function What is blood collected from capillary puncture composed of? - CORRECT ANSWER blood from capillaries, arterioles, veins, and tissue fluid Blood Smear - CORRECT ANSWER performed right after wiping away the first drop of blood A spreader (two glass slide) is positions and a small drop of blood is placed on the slide. The top glass is pulled back into the blood drop to spread it along the back side of the glass. The slide is then pushed left quickly What is the best angle for blood smear spreading - CORRECT ANSWER 30 degrees Arterial Puncture - CORRECT ANSWER usually performed for further analysis of blood gas Should be done with no exposure to air Why should arterial pressure not be done in exposure to air - CORRECT ANSWER to prevent the escape of gas from the liquid At what angle should artery be punctured - CORRECT ANSWER 90 degreed Gloves - CORRECT ANSWER - disposable gloves used in phlebotomy to help prevent contamination - can be made of latex, nitrile rubber, neoprene, or vinyl - there are two types of gloves: exam gloves and surgical gloves - surgical gloves are better sized and made to a higher standard Goggles - CORRECT ANSWER - although not commonly used, goggles are frequently recommended for use - protect eyes from exposure due to splashing of blood-borne pathogens Antiseptic - CORRECT ANSWER - antimicrobial substances used to clean puncture sites before procedure in order to reduce the risk of possible infection - most common antiseptic is alcohol Tourniquet - CORRECT ANSWER - compressing device that is used to control blood circulation - usually resembling a rubber tube, it is wrapped around the arm during the procedure - more modern devices are available with contour cuffs attached to wire Collection Tube - CORRECT ANSWER - made of glass or plastic (plastic being preferred in use) - tubes are attached to a needle and a hub - tubes contain vacuum so that they fill automatically to a certain level - some tubes contain anticoagulants (additives) - anticoagulants are substances that prevent blood clotting - in tubes with anticoagulants, it is important to fill the tube with the correct amount of blood to provide an accurate blood-additive ratio Heparin - CORRECT ANSWER preferred in clinical chemistry Lithium Heparin - CORRECT ANSWER preferred to study glucose levels Acid Citrate dextrose - CORRECT ANSWER used in blood donations Syringe - CORRECT ANSWER - medical syringes are usually fitted with needles - consists of a plunger and a tube (plunger fits exactly into tube) - design makes it possible for fluid to be pulled in and pushed out of the syringe Needles - CORRECT ANSWER needle sizes vary, as do the gauges (openings) of needles - larger gauge sizes refer to smaller openings (diameters) of needles - the butterfly needle refers to a winged needle (infusion) set - butterfly needles are used when conventional methods are too difficult - needles have a color coding system which indicates the gauge size We Yell Good Bye Because People Orange 19 Gauge - CORRECT ANSWER White 20 Gauge - CORRECT ANSWER yellow 21 gauge - CORRECT ANSWER green 22 gauge - CORRECT ANSWER black 23 gauge - CORRECT ANSWER blue 24 gauge - CORRECT ANSWER purple 25 gauge - CORRECT ANSWER orange Disposable Unit - CORRECT ANSWER - also known as a Sharps Container - needles and other sharp objects/instruments are disposed into it - there are two different types of disposal units: - single use (container will be disposed with contents inside) - reusable (automatically emptied and sterilized for safe reuse) Centrifuge - CORRECT ANSWER - device/machine with fast rotating container which applies radial force - used to separate fluids of different densities (as in spinning blood) - if blood has a separation device, it should be centrifuged once Labels - CORRECT ANSWER - small piece of paper or plastic attached to the collection tubes/containers - labeling collected specimen/tubes must be accurate Bar Codes - CORRECT ANSWER - Codes that are machine Readable - Usually consists of numbers and patterns of lines printed on labels - Handwritten information can not be converted into bar codes Identification Tags - CORRECT ANSWER - small take, worn on bracelet with information on medical conditions - tags allow us for fast medical attention in emergencies - newer forms of tags are USB alert tags Requistion Form - CORRECT ANSWER - forms to properly identify blood samples - each specimen collected needs to be accompanied by requisition paper Order of Draw - CORRECT ANSWER Yellow light Blue Gold Red Orange Green Purple White Gray Yellow Tube Top - CORRECT ANSWER Blood Culture Additive: ACD Mode of Action: complement inactivation Uses: paternity tests, DNA studies Light Blue Tube Top - CORRECT ANSWER Citrate Tube Additive: sodium citrate Mode of Action: forms calcium to remove salts Uses: coagulation tests *Full draw required* Gold Tube Top - CORRECT ANSWER Gel Separator Tube Additive: none Mode of Action: serum separator tube, gel at the bottom to separate blood from serum when centrifuged Uses: immunology, serology, chemistry Red Tube Top - CORRECT ANSWER Serum Tube Additive: none Mode of Action: blood cots (serum separated through centrifuge Orange Tube Top - CORRECT ANSWER Rapid Serum Tube Green Tube Top - CORRECT ANSWER Heparin light and green Purple Tube Top - CORRECT ANSWER EDTA Additive: EDTA liquid Mode of Action: form calcium salts to remove calcium Uses: blood bank and hematology CBC *REQUIRES FUL DRAW* White Tube Top - CORRECT ANSWER Separator Tube with Gel Additive: Potassium EDTA Mode of Action: forms calcium salts Uses: molecular PCR and bDNA testing Gray Tube Top - CORRECT ANSWER Glucose/ Fluoride Additive: potassium oxalate and sodium fluoride Mode of Action: antiglycolytic agent, preserves glucose levels for up to 5 days Uses: glucose Requires full draw, short draw may lead to hemolysis Dark Blue Tube Top - CORRECT ANSWER Additive: EDTA Mode of Action: designed to contain no contaminating metals Uses: trace elements Light Green Tube Top - CORRECT ANSWER Additive: Plasma Separating Tube with lithium heparin Mode of Action: anticoagulants with lithium heparin Uses: chemistry Dark Green Tube Top - CORRECT ANSWER Additive: sodium/lithium heparin Mode of Action: inactivate thrombin or thromboplastin Uses: ammonia level use sodium or lithium heparin, for lithium levels use sodium heparin Pink Tube TOp - CORRECT ANSWER Additive: Potassium EDTA Mode of Action: forms calcium salts Uses: immunohematology Light Brown Tube Top - CORRECT ANSWER Additive: Sodium Heparin Mode of Action: inactivates thrombin and thromboplastin Uses: serum leads determination Black Top Tube - CORRECT ANSWER Additive: buffered sodium citrate Mode of Action: forms calcium salts to remove calcium Uses: sedimentation rate REQUIRES FULL DRAW Yellow/Black Top Tube - CORRECT ANSWER Additive: broth mixture Mode of Action: preserves viability of microorganisms Uses: microbiology What color tube tops require full draw - CORRECT ANSWER Light Blue Purple Black Gray Regulations for Specimen transport - CORRECT ANSWER - all specimens must be placed in leak-proof containers (tubes) - tubes must be bagged in special biohazard specimen bags - requisition slip must be placed on outside pocket of bag Pneumatic Tube System - CORRECT ANSWER Safest and most efficient methods of transport - place tubes in biohazard bag and seal - attach requisition slip - place biohazard bag in pouch - completely seal pouch - load pouch into pneumatic tube and send to lab Which samples must be sent to lab immediately - CORRECT ANSWER Blood and Urine - increase the chance of pathogen detection How long should serum specimens be sent to lab - CORRECT ANSWER within 2 hours Allergic Reaction - CORRECT ANSWER - some patients may be allergic to supplies used during puncture, such as latex gloves - patient records should always be checked for known allergies - if patient has allergic reactions that were unknown, be prepared to provide or call for medical attention Bleeding Does not Stop - CORRECT ANSWER - in some cases, such as patients with bleeding disorders, the bleeding does not stop - if this occurs, the patient should be instructed to lift the arm above the shoulder and apply pressure - if bleeding does not stop after 10 minutes, contact the supervisor - patients whose bleeding does not stop should not be left alone until bleeding has stopped Fainting - CORRECT ANSWER - if the patient is known to faint, the patient should be laid down for the procedure - if patient faints, the procedure should be stopped immediately - patient's head should be lowered to their knees - keep patient in sight for 15 minutes before releasing them - contact supervisor or physician if patient is unresponsive Hematoma - CORRECT ANSWER - occurs as blood that pools in tissue around veins is collected - may result in bruising and may be painful - to prevent hematoma, surface veins should be chosen and puncture should be at the accurate angle Hemolysis - CORRECT ANSWER - complication that occurs in the collected blood sample - if sample is not collected or handled properly, blood cells may start to break apart - to prevent this, the phlebotomist should collect and handle samples with care - tubes that contain additives should be inverted Hemoconcetration - CORRECT ANSWER - increased amount of large molecules and formed elements - causes may be prolonged tourniquet application or occluded veins Indwelling Lines/ Catheters - CORRECT ANSWER - this can be a source for potential errors - to prevent complications, samples should be discarded three times the amount of the line before the specimen is collected for further testing or analysis Infection - CORRECT ANSWER - when performing phlebotomy, the skin barrier is broken, allowing germs or bacteria to enter the body - to prevent infection, skin must properly be cleaned/sterilized, and gloves should always be used Prolonged tourniquet Application - CORRECT ANSWER - tourniquets should not remain on a patient for more than two minutes - if left on longer, integrity of blood and health of patient may be at risk - prolonged tourniquet applications may lead to tissue or nerve damage - if no vein can be found, the phlebotomist should try an alternate site Bleeding Time - CORRECT ANSWER a test that identifies function disorders of platelets Lastin gor prolonged bleeding may take place as a result of abnormal function or insufficient amount of platelets Causes of prolonged bleeding may be what? - CORRECT ANSWER Platelet disorder Fibrinogen Disorder Medications like aspirin Decreased platelet number Scurvy Selected site for bleeding time test - CORRECT ANSWER dorsal side of mid forearm Blood Alcohol Testing - CORRECT ANSWER measures the amount of alcohol within the body When is there the highest level of alcohol in the blood? - CORRECT ANSWER about one hour after having an alcoholic beverage Where is alcohol broken down - CORRECT ANSWER the liver In Blood donor testing each donor unit provides - CORRECT ANSWER - red blood cells (erythrocytes) - plasma - platelets (thrombocytes) - blood typing reagents - blood clotting factors - proteins and immunoglobulin In Blood Donation testing donor candidates - CORRECT ANSWER - be between 17 and 66 years of age - give permission or have written parental consent - be in overall good health - weigh a minimum of 110 pounds - have sufficient amount of hemoglobin and/or hematocrit Autologous Donations - CORRECT ANSWER - person donates blood for their own future use - if blood is donated before surgical procedure, the following criteria must be met: - written order of physician - patient must be capable of regenerating red blood cells - level of hemoglobin must be at least 11 grams - surgical procedure cannot be within 72 hours after donation Blood Donation Procedure - CORRECT ANSWER - two-step cleansing process using iodine preparations - selection of large vein, generally the antecubital area - 16-gauge needle and evacuated tube system are used - the anticoagulant in tubes is citrate phosphate dextrose - if tube does not fill completely, the sample must be discarded and the procedure repeated Aftercare in Blood Donation Processes - CORRECT ANSWER - in any blood donation procedure, patient must be monitored for any side effects such as dizziness and/or nausea that may occur - if side effects occur, make sure to keep patient in a supine position (lying face-up on back) with the head lower than the heart Requirements for Forensic Testing - CORRECT ANSWER - specimens must always be stored/kept in a locked container - the legal document must state: - person's name specimen was received from - person's name collecting the specimen - person's name specimen was given to - length of time each person handled the specimen Specimens collected for forensic testing - CORRECT ANSWER - blood - hair - saliva - sperm - sweat - skin - nails - teeth - bones - vegetation Guidelines for forensic testing - CORRECT ANSWER - gloves must be worn at all times - specimen must be collected as soon as possible - accuracy in packing, storing, and transporting the specimen is essential - specimen must be labeled properly - all handling of specimen must be recorded What does blood glucose measure - CORRECT ANSWER amount of sugar in the blood Why are blood glucose tests ordered? - CORRECT ANSWER If patient shows signs of diabetes or look diabetic Symptoms of diabetes - CORRECT ANSWER frequent urination blurred vision lightheadedness persistent thirst Blood Glucose tolerance test - CORRECT ANSWER ability of patient to metabolize a large dose of oral glucose Patients that receive a glucose tolerance test have been fasting and are therefore susceptible to fainting when given large amounts of glucose. Procedure of Blood Glucose Tolerance Test: Initial Procedure - CORRECT ANSWER collect initial fasting blood and urine samples - no further testing is required if blood glucose level is above 200 mg/dl - patient is given a large dose of glucose solution to drink if blood glucose level is below 200 mg/dl - make sure all of the solution is swallowed in 5 minutes without vomiting 3 Hr Blood Glucose Tolerance Test - CORRECT ANSWER collect fasting blood and urine samples at: - 30 minutes - 1 hour - 2 hours - 3 hours label each blood and urine sample with the time collected patients are not allowed to: - eat, drink (except water), chew gum, smoke, consume alcohol, or leave the facility Therapeutic Phlebotomy - CORRECT ANSWER a prescribed amount of blood withdrawn in order to treat blood disorders Hemochromatosis - CORRECT ANSWER - disorder where the body absorbs too much iron from the foods eaten - extra iron is mainly stored in the liver, pancreas, and skin - condition leads to diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver, enlarged heart with congestive heart failure, higher skin pigmentation, or irregular heart beat Polycythemia - CORRECT ANSWER - condition of an increase of circulating red blood cells and blood volume Porphyries - CORRECT ANSWER - metabolic disorder that is associated with enlargement of spleen and liver, pigmentation and red color in urine, and sensitivity to light Timed Specimen - CORRECT ANSWER a measurement of the concentration of a substance in the blood, such as cretin, glucose, or sodium, over a specific period of time, usually between 8 and 24 hours. Common timed Specimen - CORRECT ANSWER glucose levels iron levels cortisol levels peak and depression of medication levels cardiac enzyme levels hormone assays potassium sodium Toxicology - CORRECT ANSWER a branch of chemistry, biology, and medicine that focuses on the study of the adverse effects of chemicals on living organisms. [Show Less]
Medical assistant part 2 Medca practice Test 50 Questions with Verified Answers Once an egg is fertilized, the egg is implanted into the walls of the ... [Show More] ____________ - CORRECT ANSWER Uterus ___________________ is the stage in which the female reproductive system slowly stops making sex hormones, therefore ending the reproductive cycle. - CORRECT ANSWER Menopause Ovaries produce which of the following? - CORRECT ANSWER A. Eggs B. Sperm C. Hormones D. Both A and C < answer ! The vagina is also known as the birth canal. - CORRECT ANSWER True The follicular phase begins on the _________ day of a woman's period. - CORRECT ANSWER First Allergology is the study of hypersensitivity and __________________. - CORRECT ANSWER Allergies ___________________ is the field of medicine which focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. - CORRECT ANSWER Oncology ___________________ is the medical field which studies blood serum and other bodily fluids. - CORRECT ANSWER Serology Urinary incontinence is the accidental leakage of urine caused by problems with the muscles and _____________ that hold or release urine. - CORRECT ANSWER Nerves Administering medication by injection beneath the skin is called _______________ administration. - CORRECT ANSWER Subcutaneous Penicillin is a common type of _____________ - CORRECT ANSWER Antibiotic A common sleeping aid is _______________. - CORRECT ANSWER Ambien ____________________ developed the use of antiseptic surgical methods. - CORRECT ANSWER Joseph Lister ______________________ and James Watson worked on the structure of the DNA molecule. - CORRECT ANSWER Francis Crick It is illegal for a medical assistant to call in a prescription to a pharmacy; only a physician may do this. - CORRECT ANSWER False __________________ separate the brain from the skull. - CORRECT ANSWER Meninges To determine a person's vision, health professionals use a ________________. - CORRECT ANSWER Snellen chart _________ is characterized by symptoms such as a constant buzzing or whistling sound. - CORRECT ANSWER Tinnitus _________________ is the result of the body losing more water than it absorbs - CORRECT ANSWER Dehydration Smells consist of _____________ of different substances. - CORRECT ANSWER Vapors ________________ reduce the workload on the heart and open blood vessels, causing the heart to beat slower and with less force - CORRECT ANSWER Beta blockers ____________________ help relax the muscles of blood vessels, and some can also slow the heart rate. - CORRECT ANSWER Calcium channel blockers Diuretics are also called - CORRECT ANSWER Water pills Prehypertension tends to get _____________ over time. - CORRECT ANSWER Worse The Basal ganglia is the brain structure responsible for: - CORRECT ANSWER Movement A brain tumor consists of a group of ________________ cells. - CORRECT ANSWER Abnormal The upper respiratory tract includes all of the following EXCEPT: - CORRECT ANSWER Alveoli The lower respiratory tract includes: - CORRECT ANSWER Bronchi Pneumonia is a common infection of the _____________. - CORRECT ANSWER Lung Sinusitis is the _______________ of the sinuses due to viral, bacterial, or fungal infection. - CORRECT ANSWER Inflammation Scarlet fever is an infection caused by the bacteria _______________, which also causes strep throat. - CORRECT ANSWER Streptococcus Each hemoglobin contains ___________ oxygen molecules. - CORRECT ANSWER 4 _____________ is a condition of swelling, mainly in the feet and ankles, which is caused by too much fluid in the body tissue. - CORRECT ANSWER Edema ________________ is a condition of blood loss from blood vessels that occurs for medical or traumatic reasons - CORRECT ANSWER Hemorrhage _______________ enzymes begin the process of digestion. - CORRECT ANSWER Salivary The medical term for indigestion is __________________. - CORRECT ANSWER Dyspepsia The long axes of the kidneys are even with the body, but the kidneys' upper end is slightly tilted towards the backbone. - CORRECT ANSWER True Which of the following is NOT one of the six important roles of the kidneys? - CORRECT ANSWER Secreting enzymes which help digest fats, proteins, and carbohydrates ______________________ is the field of medicine relating to the condition of a pharmacologically-induced and reversible state of amnesia, loss of responsiveness, loss of skeletal muscle reflexes, analgesia, or decreased stress response. - CORRECT ANSWER Anesthesiology Hypernatremia is an increase in _______________ sodium levels above normal. - CORRECT ANSWER Plasma Diuretics can either provoke or prevent certain ________________ in the body to regulate urine production. - CORRECT ANSWER Hormones Cystitis is the medical term for ______________ infection. - CORRECT ANSWER Bladder Toxicology is the branch of medicine that deals with the study of _______________ in the body. - CORRECT ANSWER Chemicals Urinary retention is a condition in which a person is unable to properly empty the bladder. - CORRECT ANSWER True Ophthalmology focuses on the physiology, anatomy, and diseases of the ___________. - CORRECT ANSWER Eye Constipation is a condition in which a person experiences infrequent or uncomfortable ____________ movements. - CORRECT ANSWER Bowel Colon cancer affects the ________________. - CORRECT ANSWER Large intestine Blood is supplied to the bones through all of the following EXCEPT the: - CORRECT ANSWER Metaphysical artery Rifampin and isoniazid are drugs used to treat ______________ - CORRECT ANSWER Tuberculosis The incubation period of herpes is between ______________ days - CORRECT ANSWER 6-8 days [Show Less]
MEDCA FINAL EXAM 98 Questions with Verified Answers What is considered a normal Body Max Index (BMI)? - CORRECT ANSWER 20 What is the most effective ... [Show More] way to PREVENT the transmission of diseases? - CORRECT ANSWER wash hands How many TIMES should a light blue tube be gently inverted? - CORRECT ANSWER 4 What is the difference between body temperature taken through the rectum and taken orally? - CORRECT ANSWER rectum is 1 degree higher than oral What caries oxygenated blood from the heart to other parts of the body? - CORRECT ANSWER arteries Complete destruction of all forms of living micro organism refers to? - CORRECT ANSWER sterilization Wha procedure is used when examining the inside of the stomach? - CORRECT ANSWER upper endoscopy How long should pressure be applied to an area following venipuncture? - CORRECT ANSWER 1 min What part of a patients medical history is it important to know prior to collecting blood? - CORRECT ANSWER allergies What color tube used to check a patient for a drug screen? - CORRECT ANSWER Gray When is the best time to schedule a follow up appointment? - CORRECT ANSWER When the pt is leaving the officee What organ does glaucoma effect? - CORRECT ANSWER eye What does coagulation mean? - CORRECT ANSWER clotting Within what times after collection should serum or plasma be tested? - CORRECT ANSWER 4 hours What type of needle is recommended when taking blood for a child? - CORRECT ANSWER butterfly What two questions should a medical assistant ask to positively identify a patient? - CORRECT ANSWER name and date of birth When should blood collected in a. tube with additives be mixed? - CORRECT ANSWER immediately A fibrous band of tissue that extends from a. muscle to a bone? - CORRECT ANSWER Tendon What shaking down a thermometer below what temperature should you allow the column of mercury to fall? - CORRECT ANSWER below 95 degrees What solution is appropriate to cleanse a wound - CORRECT ANSWER saline When performing an ECG where should the V 1 lead be placed? - CORRECT ANSWER 4th intercostal space to the right of sternum What additive is in a light blue collection tube? - CORRECT ANSWER Sodium citrate Bacteria flourishes best in what type of environment? - CORRECT ANSWER moist hot damp places What does NPO mean? - CORRECT ANSWER nothing by mouth How should dishes that are used by a patient with a communicable disease be handled? - CORRECT ANSWER boils for 2o mins What is an effective oxygen therapy procedure? - CORRECT ANSWER monitor the patient for hyperventilation What does HIPAA stand for? - CORRECT ANSWER =[]Health Insurance Portability and Accountability What test can be performed for using a blood smear slide? - CORRECT ANSWER blood type What is a biopsy? - CORRECT ANSWER the excision of a small piece of tissue for microscope examination Where should the leads for an EKG for the legs be placed? - CORRECT ANSWER place over boney area Most important thing to remember when handling a patients information? - CORRECT ANSWER confidentiality What type of pain scale is a VAS? - CORRECT ANSWER visual analogue scale What should the medical assistant refer to if unsure of an interaction within a drug? - CORRECT ANSWER drug reference encyclopedia What is used to assess a patients pain level? - CORRECT ANSWER wong baker scale What causes ringworm? - CORRECT ANSWER fungus what color tube is used for a CBC? - CORRECT ANSWER purple What is a bronchoscope used to exam? - CORRECT ANSWER lungs What is the patient procedure for fasting for a blood test? - CORRECT ANSWER drink water only, refrain from eating for 8 hours What does the wasserman eat do? - CORRECT ANSWER syphilis What can a medical assistant be cross trained to do? - CORRECT ANSWER remove sutures what specialty is concerned with the complete non surgical care of an adult? - CORRECT ANSWER internal med What is used to measure the oxygen level of blood? - CORRECT ANSWER pulse oximetry what specialty covers the ear and throat? - CORRECT ANSWER otolaryngology What is a bed cradle used for? - CORRECT ANSWER keeping covers off its What is the proper way to store blood specimens until they are picked uo the next day? - CORRECT ANSWER refrigerator What is an aorta? - CORRECT ANSWER a artery b What test is administer while on a treadmill attached to and eKG machine? - CORRECT ANSWER Stress test When collecting a clean catch urine specimen from a female patient how many towelettes should be given to the patient? - CORRECT ANSWER 3 What is a normal atrial pressure for an adult? - CORRECT ANSWER 120/80 for a clean catch midstream specimen how should the CMA tell the patient tp urinate? - CORRECT ANSWER into the toilet then the cup filing papers according to the date of receipt refers to whAT? - CORRECT ANSWER chronologically according to osha laws what would constitute medical treatment for record keeping purposes? - CORRECT ANSWER loss of conscience feeding a patient intravenously refers to? - CORRECT ANSWER through the vein blood cells are divide into how many types? - CORRECT ANSWER 3 What info should be labeled on a urine collection specimen? - CORRECT ANSWER name and dob Cold compress does what to the blood supply? - CORRECT ANSWER decrease blood supply in area applied giving a drug subcutaneously means what? - CORRECT ANSWER beneath the skin? what color tube is used for fasting for a glucose test? - CORRECT ANSWER red top w/o additives what is the most commonly used treatment for arthritis? - CORRECT ANSWER diathermy what does the term irrelevant mean in the medical world - CORRECT ANSWER inappropriate how many leads are attached to a patient in order to have an accurate reading? - CORRECT ANSWER 12 the dick test is performed to determine - CORRECT ANSWER scarlet fever what complication can happen after venipuncture if pressure is not applied long enough? - CORRECT ANSWER hematoma What is the purpose of a fecal occult blood test? - CORRECT ANSWER ro detect blood in the stool What is hematology concerned with? - CORRECT ANSWER blood When performing an egg what lead is located in the 5th midclavicular line? - CORRECT ANSWER v 4 when obtaining a blood draw for a hemoglobin variants what color tube is used - CORRECT ANSWER Purple When testing patients blood sugar alert doctor if outcome is what - CORRECT ANSWER 120 how many signatures re needed for a controlled substance - CORRECT ANSWER 2 main reason pt schedules appt? - CORRECT ANSWER chief complaint dismissal of pt? - CORRECT ANSWER certified mail patients diagnosis discovered by? - CORRECT ANSWER IC9 codes before releasing its information what is needed? - CORRECT ANSWER a written request subjective data? - CORRECT ANSWER social history what is a the electronic communication within a facility? - CORRECT ANSWER intranet a patient is considered new after how many years - CORRECT ANSWER 3 what is an anestehic - CORRECT ANSWER novocaine infectious disease? - CORRECT ANSWER tb highest incident for tb? - CORRECT ANSWER age 15-30 what is an apparatus for sterilizing under high pressure - CORRECT ANSWER autoclave child with measles you? - CORRECT ANSWER protect eyes in a darkened room effective treatment in several diseases because it kills the organism causing the disease? - CORRECT ANSWER penicillin what is not a communicable disease - CORRECT ANSWER diabetes Protective sac around the heart - CORRECT ANSWER pericardium arteries do what? - CORRECT ANSWER carry blood away from the heart Capillaries are - CORRECT ANSWER Smallest blood vessels and most numerous in body pulmonary vein returns blood to - CORRECT ANSWER left side of the heart emptying into left atrium pulmonary circulations - CORRECT ANSWER blood flows right side of heart to the lungs and back to the left Sid eof the heart call ambulance and police if pt has a severe hemmorage - CORRECT ANSWER in the absence of physician right to cure - CORRECT ANSWER not part of the bill of rights who is responsible for medical ethics - CORRECT ANSWER ama pulmonary arteries - CORRECT ANSWER returnblood fro m right side of the heart right side of heart - CORRECT ANSWER oxygen depleted blood Vena cava is? - CORRECT ANSWER Largest vein of bldy How many electrodes on patient for standard elg - CORRECT ANSWER 10 What is not a blood vessel - CORRECT ANSWER Ganglion Patient with edema has too much? - CORRECT ANSWER Water in body tissue enema - CORRECT ANSWER Most common to evacuate bowels [Show Less]
Phlebotomy MedCa Exam 50 Questions with Verified Answers Serum - CORRECT ANSWER When blood is removed from the body, the blood clots and the liquid port... [Show More] ion is called Dorsal side of hand and wrist - CORRECT ANSWER If veins in the arm cannot be used for venipuncture, the alternative veins lie in the Centrifuge - CORRECT ANSWER The instrument used to speed the removal of serum by spinning the blood is called a Reassuring safety-conscious gesture for both the patient and the worker - CORRECT ANSWER Before performing venipuncture, a pair of clean gloves should be put on in the presence of a patient because it is a Supine - CORRECT ANSWER The _____________ position refers to lying face up on their back. 8 times - CORRECT ANSWER To avoid clotting in the blood collection tube, it is extremely important that the blood collected in a PURPLE-TOPPED tube be gently inverted a minimum of 7.35 to 7.45 - CORRECT ANSWER The blood PH range of the normal body is 2 hours - CORRECT ANSWER Serum should be transported to the laboratory for testing and separated from blood cells within 55% - CORRECT ANSWER Liquid makes up _______ of the total volume of the blood Anemic - CORRECT ANSWER A person who has too little hemoglobin or a decreased number of red blood cells is known to be White Blood Cells (WBC) - CORRECT ANSWER ________________ begin their formation in the lymph nodes and bone marrow. Newborns-Hours to a few days old - CORRECT ANSWER If the phlebotomist collects blood in the neonatology department, the patient is Hemoglobin - CORRECT ANSWER The iron containing pigment of the red blood cells is called 120 days - CORRECT ANSWER Once they enter the bloodstream, mature red blood cells live approximately 5 liters - CORRECT ANSWER The body contains approximately _____________ of blood. Pathology - CORRECT ANSWER The study of the nature and cause of disease is known as Sharps Container - CORRECT ANSWER A specially labeled puncture-resistant container for the disposal of needles, scalpels, and syringes is known as a Median Cubital - CORRECT ANSWER When drawing blood, the vein that is most preferred is the Systolic Pressure - CORRECT ANSWER If blood pressure is read as 120/80, the 120 is the Heart is contracted - CORRECT ANSWER The systolic pressure is the pressure when the Anticoagulant - CORRECT ANSWER A chemical substance that prevents the blood from clotting is called an Homeostasis - CORRECT ANSWER ____________________refers to the steady-state condition. Bar code symbols - CORRECT ANSWER Handwritten information cannot be converted into Interstitial fluid - CORRECT ANSWER ____________________ is tissue fluid. Geriatric Patients - CORRECT ANSWER Fragile veins are most likely to be found in Wipe away first drop of blood with gauze - CORRECT ANSWER After a finger stick is performed, the phlebotomist should 30 degrees - CORRECT ANSWER The best angle for spreading a blood smear is by using 2 glass slides at White blood cell differentials - CORRECT ANSWER Skin puncture samples are often used for Across fingerprint line - CORRECT ANSWER During a skin puncture procedure, the cut should be Prior to the next dose of meds given - CORRECT ANSWER In most cases, blood collected to determine medication levels should be collected Occluded - CORRECT ANSWER In relation to veins, the term _______________ means obstructed. Thumb - CORRECT ANSWER The ___________ has a pulse. Last step in Phlebotomy procedure - CORRECT ANSWER Check that the bleeding has stopped and thank the patient for cooperating is the Wash hands with soap and water - CORRECT ANSWER The best way to decontaminate a phlebotomist's hands if they are visible dirty with dust and dirt is to 30 to 60 - CORRECT ANSWER Alcohol should be allowed to dry for ________________ seconds before venipuncture. 15 to 30 degrees - CORRECT ANSWER During the venipuncture, the best angle for inserting the needle into the skin is Winged infusion set - CORRECT ANSWER The term "butterfly" refers to a Bevel side up - CORRECT ANSWER During the venipuncture procedure, the needle should always be inserted with the Blood and Urine - CORRECT ANSWER _________________ and _________________ specimens for microbiological culture should be transported to the lab quickly to improve the likelihood of detecting pathogens. 30 to 60 - CORRECT ANSWER Normal blood specimens take __________ to __________ minutes to clot. Bar codes - CORRECT ANSWER ___________________ in phlebotomy applications are not used to denote patient arm preference. Heparin - CORRECT ANSWER The preferred anticoagulant for the collection of whole blood for STAT situations in clinical chemistry is Largest gauge needle - CORRECT ANSWER The smallest number denotes the Purple topped tube - CORRECT ANSWER Blood cell count requires whole blood collected in a Gauge - CORRECT ANSWER Color coding of needles indicates Sodium Polyanetholesulfonate (SPS) - CORRECT ANSWER The yellow-topped vacuum collection tube has _____________________________________ as the additive. Less than 2.0mm - CORRECT ANSWER For newborns, the penetration depth of lancets for blood collection must be Centrifuged once - CORRECT ANSWER If a blood specimen has a separation device, it should be Icy water - CORRECT ANSWER To chill a blood specimen as it is transported the health care worker should use After the needle is inserted and blood begins to flow - CORRECT ANSWER During a venipuncture procedure, the phlebotomist releases the tourniquet [Show Less]
Medca Phlebotomy Technician Study Guide 182 Questions with Verified Answers Type and cross match - CORRECT ANSWER takes place for transfusions to determ... [Show More] ine if a patient will react after a transfusion (learning if blood is compatible with donors) preanalytical phase - CORRECT ANSWER the process of collecting a specimen for further laboratory testing anatomic pathology - CORRECT ANSWER process of testing specimen such as biopsy pharmacy department - CORRECT ANSWER primary consultant for blood collected for testing drug levels quality improvement - CORRECT ANSWER the use of data-based methods in order to reach improvement(may use a flowchart or pareto chart) quality control records - CORRECT ANSWER What are these examples of: -expiration dates -precision of testing supplies/reagents -storage information phlebotomist - CORRECT ANSWER Who is a potential threat to the patient yes - CORRECT ANSWER is feces and urine a potential source of infection nosocomial - CORRECT ANSWER patient developing an infection while in the hospital that was not present before they arrived fomites - CORRECT ANSWER materials that carry infections hand washing - CORRECT ANSWER the single most important way to prevent the spread of infection wash hands with soap and water - CORRECT ANSWER what do you do when you are stuck by a needle blood pressure - CORRECT ANSWER pressure exerted by circulating blood upon the walls of blood vessels arterial - CORRECT ANSWER blood pressure usually refers to the ____________ pressure of systemic circulation systolic pressure - CORRECT ANSWER ____________ is maximum while diastolic pressure is minimum decreases - CORRECT ANSWER blood pressure _______________ when blood moves away from the heart inside - CORRECT ANSWER blood pressure is usually measured on the _________ of the elbow, at a person's upper arm 120/80 - CORRECT ANSWER what is the normal blood pressure reading (with systolic being the higher number, and diastolic being the lower number) systolic - CORRECT ANSWER -heart contracting -maximum arterial pressure during the contraction is in the left ventricle -also called ventricular contraction diastolic - CORRECT ANSWER -relaxation and dilation(expansion) period -minimum arterial pressure is when ventricles are filled with blood diastolic sound - CORRECT ANSWER sound heard during diastole pulse - CORRECT ANSWER rhythmical expansion of arteries due to heart contractions increases - CORRECT ANSWER when you breathe in your heart rate __________ ankle - CORRECT ANSWER Your pulse can be felt at the wrist(radial artery), neck(carotid artery), inside elbow(brachial artery), behind knee(popliteal artery), and around the ________________ joint(posterior tibial artery) index and middle - CORRECT ANSWER the _________ _____ _______________ fingers can feel for the pulse thumb - CORRECT ANSWER what has a pulse of it's own 120-60 - CORRECT ANSWER what should someone's pulse rate be between serum - CORRECT ANSWER when blood clots what is the fluid called homeostasis - CORRECT ANSWER what is the steady state of the body called bone marrow - CORRECT ANSWER where is blood made 95 - CORRECT ANSWER the bone marrow produces __% of the blood cells using the liver, spleen, and lymph nodes to help with cell regulation stem cells - CORRECT ANSWER what do blood cells originate as platelets - CORRECT ANSWER blood cells include, red blood cells(erythrocytes), white blood cells(leukocytes), and ______________(thrombocytes) 45 - CORRECT ANSWER erythrocytes, leukocytes, and thrombocytes make up __% of the blood tissue plasma - CORRECT ANSWER what makes up 55% of the blood tissue 8 - CORRECT ANSWER blood makes up _% of the average humans body weight 5 - CORRECT ANSWER How many liters of blood are in the body pH - CORRECT ANSWER measures the hydrogen ion concentration 7.35 to 7.45 - CORRECT ANSWER what should the normal blood pH level be acidic - CORRECT ANSWER less than the 7.35 pH blood level would be considered what alkaline - CORRECT ANSWER more than the 7.45 pH blood level would be considered what carbon dioxide - CORRECT ANSWER what does blood primarily carry out of the body tissues white blood cells - CORRECT ANSWER what cell contains a nucleus and 46 red blood cells - CORRECT ANSWER blood cell that carries oxygen to body tissues hemoglobin - CORRECT ANSWER iron-containing pigment that gives erythrocytes their color anemia - CORRECT ANSWER term known as not having enough red blood cells that contain iron polycythemia - CORRECT ANSWER -term known as having too many red blood cell that contain iron -also known as hematochromatosis 100-120 days - CORRECT ANSWER life span of an erythrocyte 2 million - CORRECT ANSWER how many red blood cells are made par second 7 days - CORRECT ANSWER how long does it take for a red blood cell to mature reticulocytes - CORRECT ANSWER what are immature red blood cells called eryptosis - CORRECT ANSWER process of removing defective red blood cell hematopoietic - CORRECT ANSWER hormone in the bone marrow that produces blood cells leukocytes - CORRECT ANSWER what are these(use medical terminology): --granulocytes: neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils --lymphoid cells: monocytes, lymphocytes lymphocytes - CORRECT ANSWER -kills leukocytes after 13-20 days(lifespan of WBCs) -grouped in B,T,NK cells -common in lymphatic system neutrophils - CORRECT ANSWER defends against fungi, bacterial infection basophils - CORRECT ANSWER responsible for antigens and allergic reaction by releasing histamine monocytes - CORRECT ANSWER -forerunners of macrophages -becomes macrophages 24-36 hours after entering circulatory system eosinophils - CORRECT ANSWER defends against parasites immune system - CORRECT ANSWER white blood cells are cells of the _______________ ____________ and help defend against diseases and foreign material platelet cells - CORRECT ANSWER cells responsible for clotting hemorrhage - CORRECT ANSWER what can a low amount of platelets lead to blood clots - CORRECT ANSWER too many platelets may result in formation of _________ __________ that can hinder blood vessels 30-60 minutes - CORRECT ANSWER how long does it take for a blood specimen to clot megakaryocyte - CORRECT ANSWER what do platelets form off of thrombopoietin - CORRECT ANSWER -the process of platelets forming is called -produced in the live & kidneys 5,000-10,000 - CORRECT ANSWER how many platelets do megakaryocytes produce phagocytosis - CORRECT ANSWER -the destruction of platelets takes place by what -it occurs in the spleen spleen - CORRECT ANSWER where are some platelets stored fibrinogen and vWF - CORRECT ANSWER platelets use ___________ ___ __________ as connecting agents to clump together chemicals and water - CORRECT ANSWER capillaries are responsible for the exchange of ________ ___ _______ between blood and tissue 2 - CORRECT ANSWER how many layer do veins have 3 - CORRECT ANSWER how many layers doe arteries have aortic arches - CORRECT ANSWER what does the arterial system develop from 4 - CORRECT ANSWER after how many weeks of human development does the arterial system develop 30 - CORRECT ANSWER about how many branches branch off the aorta umbilical - CORRECT ANSWER the venous system develops from __________ veins, the cardinal veins, and the vitelline veins pulmonary and umbilical arteries - CORRECT ANSWER arteries carry oxygen-rich blood away from the heart with the exception of the ___________ ___ _________ arteries pulmonary and umbilical - CORRECT ANSWER veins carry oxygen-deprived blood from tissues back towards the heart with the exception of the __________ ___ ___________ veins that carry oxygen-rich blood to the heart arterioles - CORRECT ANSWER -small blood vessels in microcirculations -gives blood to capillaries -carries oxygen-rich blood away from heart capillaries - CORRECT ANSWER -small blood vessels in microcirculations -gives blood to venules -"supply cell" -two main types: continuous, fenestrated venules - CORRECT ANSWER -small blood vessels in microcirculations -carry oxygen-deprived blood from capillaries to vein supine - CORRECT ANSWER the position of lying face-up on back prone - CORRECT ANSWER the position of lying face-down on stomach prone position - CORRECT ANSWER what position should patient be in if drawing from the back of the hand 12 - CORRECT ANSWER when collecting samples for glucose testing, the patient should fast for ___hours glycolytic action - CORRECT ANSWER breakdown of glucose large - CORRECT ANSWER when drawing a venipuncture, you are looking to obtain a ______ amount of blood chemistry determinations - CORRECT ANSWER a large amount of blood is required for before - CORRECT ANSWER if blood is collected to determine medication levels, blood should be take ______ next dosage of medication tourniquet - CORRECT ANSWER causes blood to pool median cubital veins - CORRECT ANSWER what veins are preferred for venipuncture 3-4 - CORRECT ANSWER apply tourniquet ________ inches above site 15-30 - CORRECT ANSWER needle angle for venipuncture capillary puncture - CORRECT ANSWER also known as dermal puncture or finger stick small - CORRECT ANSWER capillary puncture used when _____ amount of blood needed, or patient is an infant or anemis 2.0 - CORRECT ANSWER depth of lancet should be less than __ monoject monoletter - CORRECT ANSWER safety device for capillary blood collection interstitial fluid - CORRECT ANSWER another name for tissue fluid blood smear - CORRECT ANSWER what test do you smear blood at a 30 degree angle 90 - CORRECT ANSWER for arterial blood gas, what angle should the needle be at radial - CORRECT ANSWER ABG(arterial blood gas) can be done at the femoral, brachial, and ________ artery centrifuge - CORRECT ANSWER used to separate fluids of different densities urine - CORRECT ANSWER blood and _____ samples should be transported to lab quickly in order to increase chance of detecting pathogen 2 hours - CORRECT ANSWER serum should be transported to lab withing ___ _________ to avoid erroneous results chilled specimens - CORRECT ANSWER What do the following have in common: -blood gasses, gastrin, ammonia, lactic acid, catecholamine, renin, and parathyroid hormone determinations light-sensitive specimen - CORRECT ANSWER bilirubin, beta-caotene, and erythrocyte protoporphyrin 10 minutes - CORRECT ANSWER contact supervisor if patient does not stop bleeding after 15 minutes - CORRECT ANSWER if patient faint, keep patient in sight for ___ _________ before releasing them hematoma - CORRECT ANSWER -occurs as blood that pools in tissue around veins is collected -may result in bruising hemoconcentration - CORRECT ANSWER -increased amount of large molecules and formed elements -cases may be prolonged tourniquet application or occluded veins 3 times - CORRECT ANSWER when drawing on a patient with indwelling line or catheters, samples should be discarded ___ _____ before specimen is collected for further analysis 2 minutes - CORRECT ANSWER prolonged tourniquet application can lead to tissue or nerve damage so tourniquet should not be left on for more than _____ ________ bleeding time - CORRECT ANSWER -a test that identifies function disorders of platelets -measures ability to stop bleeding after wound/injury -incision 1mm deep, 5 mm long 2.5 and 9.5 - CORRECT ANSWER normal bleeding time is _._ ___ _._ minutes 40mmHg - CORRECT ANSWER where should the sphygmomanometer always be at 30-60 seconds - CORRECT ANSWER how long should alcohol be left to dry on arm blood alcohol testing - CORRECT ANSWER -test measures amount of alcohol in body -highest alcohol in blood is 1 hour after consuming alcoholic beverage -used to determine if person intoxicated liver - CORRECT ANSWER the majority of alcohol will be broken down within the ____. the remaining alcohol is present in the urine. blood donor - CORRECT ANSWER who can provide a blood bank with RBCs, plasma, platelets, blood typing reagents, blood clotting factors, proteins and immunoglobulin autologous - CORRECT ANSWER what type of blood donation requires you level of hemoglobin must be at least ll grams blood - CORRECT ANSWER what donation requires you to be in supine position after donation carbohydrates - CORRECT ANSWER breaks down into glucose blood glucose test - CORRECT ANSWER -may be ordered as a fasting blood glucose test or random glucose test -usually for diabetic or suspected diabetic patient 3 hour blood GTT - CORRECT ANSWER -patients blood glucose is lower than 200mg/dl procedure: -patient swallows glucose solution in 5 mintes -collect blood and urine samples at 30min, 1hr, 2hrs, 3hrs, therapeutic phlebotomy - CORRECT ANSWER use this procedure when patient has hemochromatosis, polycythemia, porphyries porphyries - CORRECT ANSWER metabolic disorder that is associated with enlargement of spleen and liver, pigmentation and red color in urine, and sensitivity to ligh timed specimen - CORRECT ANSWER -measurement of the concentration of a specimen in the blood, usually between 8 and 24 hours -such as cretin, glucose, or sodium -must fast 8 hours before test -hold back on exercising lipemia - CORRECT ANSWER -increased amount of lipids are found in the blood stream -these specimen will show a milky, clouded serum toxicology - CORRECT ANSWER branch of chemistry, biology, and medicine that focuses on the study of the adverse effects of chemicals on living organisms heparin - CORRECT ANSWER what is the preferred anticoagulant in clinical chemistry anticoagulant - CORRECT ANSWER substances that prevent blood clotting lithium heparin - CORRECT ANSWER general anticoagulant to study glucose levels acid-citrate dextrose - CORRECT ANSWER anticoagulant used in blood donations yellow tube - CORRECT ANSWER -Additive: ACD(acid-citrate-dextrose) -Mode of Action: complement inactivation -Uses: paternity test, DNA study, HLA tissue typing -Invert: 8-10 times light blue tube - CORRECT ANSWER -Additive:Sodium citrate -Mode of Action: forms calcium salts to remove calcium -Uses: coagulation tests; full draw required -Invert: 3-4 times dark blue tube - CORRECT ANSWER -Additive: Sodium EDTA -Mode of Action: contain no contaminating metals -Uses: trace element testing and toxicology red tube - CORRECT ANSWER -Additive: none -Mode of Action: blood clots -Uses: serum is separated -Invert: 5 times gold tube - CORRECT ANSWER -Additive: none -Mode of Action: serum separator tube -Uses: immunology, serology, chemistry -Invert: 5 times light green tube - CORRECT ANSWER -Additive: lithium heparin -Mode of Action: plasma separating -Uses: chemistry -Invert: 8-10 times dark green tube - CORRECT ANSWER -Additive: sodium heparin or lithium heparin -Mode of Action: inactivates thrombin, thromboplastin -Uses: ammonia and lithium levels -Invert: 8-10 times purple tube - CORRECT ANSWER -Additive: EDTA liquid -Mode of Action: forms calcium salts to remove calsium -Uses: blood bank(cross match) and hematology (CBC) -Invert: 8-10 times white tube - CORRECT ANSWER -Additive: potassium EDTA -Mode of Action: forms calcium salta -Uses: molecular/PCR and bDNA testing -Invert: 8-10 times gray tube - CORRECT ANSWER -Additive: Potassium oxalate Sodium fluoride -Mode of Action: antiglycolytic agen -Uses: glucose requires full draw -Invert: 8-10 times pink tube - CORRECT ANSWER -Additive: potassium EDTA -Mode of Action: forms calcium salts -Uses: immunohematology light brown tube - CORRECT ANSWER -Additive: sodium heparin -Mode of Action: inactivates thrombin,thromboplastin -Uses: serum lease determination black tube - CORRECT ANSWER -Additive: buffered sodium citrate -Mode of Action: forms calcium salts to remove calcium -Uses: sedimentation rate; full draw yellow/black tube - CORRECT ANSWER -Additive: broth mixture -Mode of Action: preserves viability of microorganisms -Uses: microbiology green tube - CORRECT ANSWER which tube needs to be inverted 5-6 times red - CORRECT ANSWER I need to collect blood from the yellow tube, blood culture, red tube, and purple tube, what color tube would you collect from third? gold - CORRECT ANSWER _________ tube and red tube contain no additive dark green - CORRECT ANSWER what color tube can contain the additive lithium or sodium heparin metals - CORRECT ANSWER what does the dark/royal blue tube remove that can contaminate the blood 5-10 - CORRECT ANSWER how many times would you invert the light green tube plasma separator - CORRECT ANSWER what is light green tube's mode of action acid citrate dextrose - CORRECT ANSWER what does the additive ACD stand for human leukocyte antigen - CORRECT ANSWER what does yellow tube's usage HLA stand for yellow/black - CORRECT ANSWER what color is the tube used in microbiology light brown - CORRECT ANSWER _________ and black tubes are used in sedimentation rate tests purple - CORRECT ANSWER color of tube used in hematology and blood banks immunochemistry - CORRECT ANSWER pink and white tubes are the same mode of action, additive, and inversions, except pink belongs to which department gray - CORRECT ANSWER color of tube used for GTT testing polymerase chain reaction - CORRECT ANSWER what does PCR (the usage for the white tube) stand for buffered sodium citrate - CORRECT ANSWER what is the black tube's additive dorsal - CORRECT ANSWER If veins in the arm cannot be used for venipuncture, the alternative lie in the ___________ sides of the hands and wrist hemoglobin - CORRECT ANSWER a person who has too little ______________ or a decreased number of red blood cells, is known to be anemic serum - CORRECT ANSWER ___________ should be transported to the laboratory for testing and separated from blood cells withing 2 hours lymph nodes - CORRECT ANSWER blood cells begin their formation in the _______ ________ and bone marrow sharps container - CORRECT ANSWER the disposal of needles, scalpels, and syringes happens in the ___________ __________ median cubital - CORRECT ANSWER what is the vein that is most preferred contracted - CORRECT ANSWER the systolic pressure is the pressure when the heart is _____________ interstitial fluid - CORRECT ANSWER what is tissue fluid also known as white blood cell differentials - CORRECT ANSWER skin puncture samples are often used for ______ ________ _______ _______________ across - CORRECT ANSWER during a skin puncture procedure, the cut should be ________ the fingerprint lines occluded - CORRECT ANSWER in relation to veins, the term ___________ means obstructed after - CORRECT ANSWER during the venipuncture procedure, the phlebotomist releases the tourniquet, _______ the needle is inserted and blood begins to flow bevel side up - CORRECT ANSWER during the venipuncture procedure, the needle should always be inserted with the ______ ______ __ clot - CORRECT ANSWER normal blood specimen take 30-60 minutes to _____ bar codes - CORRECT ANSWER _____ ________ in phlebotomy applications are not used to denote patient arm preference purple - CORRECT ANSWER a blood cell count requires whole blood to be collected in a _________ topped tube sodium polyanetholesulfonate - CORRECT ANSWER the yellow topped vacuum collection tube has _________ _______________ (SPS) as the additive gauge - CORRECT ANSWER color coding of needles indicates ________ [Show Less]
Medca Study Guide: Medical Assistant 96 Questions with Verified Answers Basal ganglia - CORRECT ANSWER responsible for movement Snellen chart - CORRE... [Show More] CT ANSWER used to measure visual acuity Tinnitus - CORRECT ANSWER characterized by symptoms like a constant buzzing or whistling sounds Vapors - CORRECT ANSWER smells consist of __________ or different substances. brain tumor - CORRECT ANSWER consist of abnormal cells Aveoli - CORRECT ANSWER what is not a part of the upper respiratory tract Bronchi & bronchioles - CORRECT ANSWER lower respiratory tract infections consist of _______. Pneumonia - CORRECT ANSWER common infection of the lungs streptococcus - CORRECT ANSWER scarlet fever infection is caused by this bacteria sinusitis - CORRECT ANSWER inflammation of the sinuses due to viral bacteria or fungal infection Tuberculosis - CORRECT ANSWER treatment included medications lisoniazid call in prescriptions - CORRECT ANSWER medical assistant can _________. Subcutaneous administration - CORRECT ANSWER administering medications by injections under the skin is called what? peniciilin - CORRECT ANSWER common medications include ambien - CORRECT ANSWER common sleeping aids include dehyrdation - CORRECT ANSWER causes the body to lose more water than it takes in beta blockers - CORRECT ANSWER reduces the workload on the heart and opens blood vessels causing the heart to beat slower with less force Calcium Channel Blockers - CORRECT ANSWER helps relax muscles of the blood vessels some to slow the heart rate meninges - CORRECT ANSWER separates the brain from the skull prehypertension - CORRECT ANSWER tends to get worse over time diuretics - CORRECT ANSWER water pills used to elevate the rate of bodily urine excretion health conditions - CORRECT ANSWER normal vital signs can change due to ________. metabolism - CORRECT ANSWER the ______ of nutrients generates heat within the body. 98.6 - CORRECT ANSWER the average oral temperature of an adult drop - CORRECT ANSWER in general, temperatures ________ at night and throughout the night. smoking - CORRECT ANSWER oral temperatures can be affected by fever - CORRECT ANSWER a common medical sign characterized by an increase of temperature above the normal level hypothermia - CORRECT ANSWER the condition in which the core temperature drops below the required temperature level for normal metabolism and body function. systolic and diastolic - CORRECT ANSWER during each heartbeat, blood pressure varies between _________(maximum) and ________(minimum) pressure. postprandial hypotension - CORRECT ANSWER Sudden drop in BP after eating. Shy-Drager syndrome - CORRECT ANSWER along with muscle tremors and speech problems, its main characteristic is sever orthostatic hypotension. age - CORRECT ANSWER hypotension can occur in anyone, though certain types of low bp are more common depending on _____. certain diseases - CORRECT ANSWER hypotension may also be caused by ____________. hypertension - CORRECT ANSWER high blood pressure Chronic orthostatic hypotension - CORRECT ANSWER the drug midocrine is often used to raise standing blood pressure levels in people with _______________. heart disease - CORRECT ANSWER hypertension can cause health problems such as ________________. 120-160 beats per minute - CORRECT ANSWER The normal pulse rate for a newborn infant is increase - CORRECT ANSWER a person's natural response to psychological stress may __________ their heart rate. earlobe - CORRECT ANSWER heart rate sites do not include ______________. 3 pounds - CORRECT ANSWER Average weight of the human brain 16 inches long - CORRECT ANSWER how long is the spinal cord? does not - CORRECT ANSWER the brain ______________ grow, but develops overtime. somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system - CORRECT ANSWER the peripheral nervous system is divided into 2 main parts sympathetic, parasympathetic, and enteric nervous system - CORRECT ANSWER 3 parts of the autonomic nervous system voluntary movement, language, and perception - CORRECT ANSWER cerebral cortex is responsible for: Hypothalamus - CORRECT ANSWER is responsible for hunger movement and sensory processing - CORRECT ANSWER the thalamus is responsible for: memory - CORRECT ANSWER the midbrain is NOT responsible for: hypogeusia - CORRECT ANSWER condition that reduces the ability to taste sweet, salty, sour, and bitter tastes congenital analgesia - CORRECT ANSWER condition causing little, or even no, sense of touch cataracts - CORRECT ANSWER clouding of the lens glaucoma - CORRECT ANSWER group of eye conditions causing damage to the optic nerve Parkinson's disease - CORRECT ANSWER a neurological disease leading to degeneration of brain cells thrombophlebitis - CORRECT ANSWER swelling/inflammation of the the veins caused by a blood clot risk factors include exposure to radiation and possible inherited conditions - CORRECT ANSWER brain tumor sprain - CORRECT ANSWER injury to a ligament bone - CORRECT ANSWER dense type of connective tissue that is impregnates with inorganic salts shafts and ends - CORRECT ANSWER a typical bone of an adult consists of 2 important parts: osteoblasts, osteocytes, osteoclasts - CORRECT ANSWER 3 types of bone cells fat storage - CORRECT ANSWER metabolic function of bones cartilage - CORRECT ANSWER a connective tissue which is composed of cells known as chondrocytes together with collagen and yellow elastic fibers ligaments - CORRECT ANSWER Connect bone to bone 30 bones - CORRECT ANSWER How many bones are in the upper limb? colon cancer - CORRECT ANSWER affects the large intestine constipation - CORRECT ANSWER infrequent or incomplete bowel movements dyspepsia - CORRECT ANSWER indigestion secretion of enzymes - CORRECT ANSWER is NOT an important role of the kidneys hypernatremia - CORRECT ANSWER the increase in plasma sodium levels above normal hormones - CORRECT ANSWER diuretics can either provoke or prevent certain _________ in the body in order to regulate urine production. urinary retenion - CORRECT ANSWER condition where a person is unable to empty the bladder properly cystitis - CORRECT ANSWER bladder infection floroscopy - CORRECT ANSWER a sub-category of diagnostic radiography Osteoporosis - CORRECT ANSWER A disease that causes brittle, fragile bones; can lead to fractures uterus - CORRECT ANSWER once an egg is fertilized where is it implanted? chief complaint - CORRECT ANSWER the main reason for the patient's visit certified mail - CORRECT ANSWER the dismissal of a patient should be delivered via __________. ICD-10 coes - CORRECT ANSWER used to identify a patients diagnosis written request - CORRECT ANSWER before releasing a patients information, a __________ is required from the patient. social history - CORRECT ANSWER an example of subjective data is: intranet - CORRECT ANSWER electronic communication within a facility active records - CORRECT ANSWER records of patients seen in the office within the last 2-5 years medical records - CORRECT ANSWER should be updated daily referral - CORRECT ANSWER authorization for a patient to see another doctor is known as ________________ open booking - CORRECT ANSWER gives patients a range of times to come into the office to be seen superbill - CORRECT ANSWER used for documentation of office visit to determine payment due copay - CORRECT ANSWER collected each time a patient is seen by the primary care physician 3 years - CORRECT ANSWER a patient is considered new if they have not been seen in the office within ___________ years. insurance - CORRECT ANSWER should be updated each office visit demographics - CORRECT ANSWER should be obtained on a patients registration form births, marriages and deaths - CORRECT ANSWER data realting to vital statics irrelevant information - CORRECT ANSWER inappropriate information bradycardia - CORRECT ANSWER heart rate less than 60 bpm hematology - CORRECT ANSWER study of blood pulmonary arteries - CORRECT ANSWER return blood to the right side of the heart HMO - CORRECT ANSWER an organization that provides health coverage for a fixed payment Father or Medicine - CORRECT ANSWER Hippocrates [Show Less]
MedCA Exam 59 Questions with Verified Answers The cerebral cortex controls what? - CORRECT ANSWER Voluntary movement, perception, & language The midb... [Show More] rain controls - CORRECT ANSWER Body movement, vision & hearing The Thalamus is responsible for? - CORRECT ANSWER Sensory processing The Hypothalamus controls - CORRECT ANSWER hunger, thirst, body temperature Condition characterized by the ability to taste sweet, salty, sour and bitter tastes - CORRECT ANSWER Hypogeusia Shy-Drager syndrome can be associated with? - CORRECT ANSWER Muscle tremors and speech problems The drug Midodrine is often used to raise blood pressure in people with? - CORRECT ANSWER Chronic orthostatic hupotension Normal pulse rate for healthy adults - CORRECT ANSWER 50-75 bpm A condition in which someone has little to no sense of touch is known as? - CORRECT ANSWER Analgesia Clouding of the eyes - CORRECT ANSWER Cataract A group of eye conditions causing damage to the optic nerve is known as? - CORRECT ANSWER Glaucoma The skeletal system consists of fused as well as what other type of bone that are supported by tendons, ligaments and muscles? - CORRECT ANSWER Individual According to Hilton's law, the nerve that supplies a muscle also supplies the? - CORRECT ANSWER Joint Connective tissue which is composed of cells known as Chondrocytes together with collagen or yellow elastic fibers? - CORRECT ANSWER Cartilage Fibrous bands that connect adjacent bones and form integral parts of joints - CORRECT ANSWER Ligaments Sprains are injuries to the - CORRECT ANSWER Ligaments Over stretching and excessive work of muscles - CORRECT ANSWER Strain Characterized by symptoms such as a constant buzzing or whistling sound - CORRECT ANSWER Tinnitus Reduces the workload on the heart and opens blood vessels, causing the heart to beat slower and with less force - CORRECT ANSWER Beta blockers Helps relax the muscles of blood vessels and some can also slow the heart rate? - CORRECT ANSWER Calcium channel blockers The basal ganglia is the brain structure responsible for? - CORRECT ANSWER Movement Each Hemoglobin contains how many oxygen molecules? - CORRECT ANSWER 4 What is hypernatremia? - CORRECT ANSWER Increase in PLASMA sodium levels above normal What is cystitis? - CORRECT ANSWER Bladder infection The aorta is an? - CORRECT ANSWER Artery What are bronchoscopes used for? - CORRECT ANSWER Examination of the lungs Shaking a thermometer does what? - CORRECT ANSWER Allows the Colum of mercury to fall below 95 What is the most infectious stage of measles? - CORRECT ANSWER Coryzal stage What is the dick test used for? - CORRECT ANSWER Susceptibility to scarlet fever Specialty concerning no surgical care of an adult - CORRECT ANSWER Internal medicine Definition of biopsy - CORRECT ANSWER Excision and diagnostic study of tissue What is least related to pulse? - CORRECT ANSWER Weight Definition of sterilization - CORRECT ANSWER Complete destruction of all forms of living micro-organisms Branch of medicine that deals with diseases pertaining to women - CORRECT ANSWER Gynecology Is Quinine used to alleviate pain? - CORRECT ANSWER No Papers filed according to date received? - CORRECT ANSWER Chronologically What is therapeutic radiology? - CORRECT ANSWER It's used to treat tumors and cancers What is the Wasserman test used for? - CORRECT ANSWER Determine if the patient has Syphillis Vision defect is also known as? - CORRECT ANSWER Astigmatism The spinal cord is part of which system? - CORRECT ANSWER Nervous Nova Caine is? - CORRECT ANSWER An anesthetic Are ganglions blood vessels. - CORRECT ANSWER No EKG machine is used for? - CORRECT ANSWER Diagnosis of heart disease Medical supplies that should be refrigerated? - CORRECT ANSWER Auromycin What consists of chills, cough, inflammation of the eye? - CORRECT ANSWER Measles How should you care for a child with measles? - CORRECT ANSWER Needs to be kept out of direct sunlight, and use a room that is light and airy. Medical assistants should not? - CORRECT ANSWER Administer local anesthetic What is not part of the skeleton? - CORRECT ANSWER Brain Vitamin K source? - CORRECT ANSWER Spinach What is the Schick test used for? - CORRECT ANSWER diphtheria Which organ secretes bile? - CORRECT ANSWER Liver What is the fatty substance in the blood that goes into artery walls to cause hardening of the arteries? - CORRECT ANSWER Cholesterol What is artificial respiration? - CORRECT ANSWER Air that goes into the lungs by the expansion of the chest cavity Blood takes on oxygen as it passes through what organ? - CORRECT ANSWER Lungs Mass program designed to curb the spread of Palomyelitis is based upon the hypodermic injection of all children? - CORRECT ANSWER Gamma-globulin The esophagus is part of? - CORRECT ANSWER Alimentary canal Birth, death & marriage are all part of what? - CORRECT ANSWER Vital statistics Body temp taken in the rectum is? - CORRECT ANSWER 1 degree higher than oral temp What is commonly associated with nose treatment? - CORRECT ANSWER Argyrol [Show Less]
Phlebotomy Medca Exam 36 Questions with Verified Answers Color coding of needles indicates - CORRECT ANSWER Guage What does a blood cell count requir... [Show More] e - CORRECT ANSWER Whole blood collected in a purple top tube The preferred anticoagulant for the collection of whole blood for STAT situations in a clinical laboratory - CORRECT ANSWER Herapin main cells of the immune system - CORRECT ANSWER White blood cells Plasma makes up what percent of the blood tissue - CORRECT ANSWER 55% Normal pulse rate of a 9 year old - CORRECT ANSWER 75-110 BPM When is a diastolic heart sound heard - CORRECT ANSWER when the heart relaxes What are the formation of blood cells that start in the bone marrow - CORRECT ANSWER Stem cells True or False White blood cells contain chromosomes - CORRECT ANSWER True What are developing red blood cells also called - CORRECT ANSWER Reticulocytes How many red blood cells are produced per second - CORRECT ANSWER About 2 million Amount of time it takes for red blood cells to mature - CORRECT ANSWER 7 days Most numerous blood cells in the body - CORRECT ANSWER Red blood cells When pH level is lowered it makes the blood more..? - CORRECT ANSWER Acidic True or False The Monoject Monoletter is a safety device for capillary blood collection - CORRECT ANSWER True When performing an arterial puncture, the artery should be punctured at what degree angle? - CORRECT ANSWER 90 degrees Where is blood pressure measured? - CORRECT ANSWER inside the elbow True or False Red blood cells contain a nucleus - CORRECT ANSWER False Red blood cells are the bodys major way of delivering what to the bodys tissues? - CORRECT ANSWER Oxygen What happens as the circulating blood moves away from the heart? - CORRECT ANSWER The blood pressure decreases For newborns the penetration depth of lancets for blood collection must be less than..? - CORRECT ANSWER 2.0 mm To chill a blood specimen as it is being transported the health care worker should carry the specimen in what? - CORRECT ANSWER Icy water A blood donor candidate must weigh at least what amount - CORRECT ANSWER 110 pounds What gauge needle is used for blood donation - CORRECT ANSWER 16 gauge Prolonged tourniquet application can lead to - CORRECT ANSWER tissue and nerve damage A tourniquet should not be on a patient for more than..? - CORRECT ANSWER 2 minutes Where in the body is the blood made - CORRECT ANSWER bone marrow Blood makes up what percent of the body weight - CORRECT ANSWER 8% Process of the removal of old and defective red blood cells - CORRECT ANSWER Eryptosis Bradycardia is when pulse drops below..? - CORRECT ANSWER 60 BPM How many layers do veins have - CORRECT ANSWER Two How many layers do arteries have - CORRECT ANSWER Three Where are reserve platelets stored? - CORRECT ANSWER In the spleen Small vessels located in the liver, spleen, & bone marrow - CORRECT ANSWER Sinusoids White blood cells that are responsible for allergic reactions - CORRECT ANSWER Baspohils If blood specimen has a separation device, how many times should it be centrifuged - CORRECT ANSWER Once [Show Less]
Medca EKG Practice 58 Questions with Verified Answers A device on the skin that picks up electrical impulses given off by the heart is known as - CORREC... [Show More] T ANSWER electrode The heart is located - CORRECT ANSWER on the left side of the chest The body returns oxygen-poor blood to the heart via the - CORRECT ANSWER vena cavae In lead l, activity of the heart is being measured from - CORRECT ANSWER the right arm to the left arm The human heart weighs approximately - CORRECT ANSWER 11 ounces What position should the patient be in for an ECG - CORRECT ANSWER supine Where is the chest electrode V2 located - CORRECT ANSWER at the fourth intercostal space at the left margin of the sternum Lead l, ll, lll are called - CORRECT ANSWER standard leads The right and left atrium are the __________chambers - CORRECT ANSWER receiving The atria contains what kind of blood - CORRECT ANSWER both oxygenated and deoxygenated blood The __________ valve separates the left ventricle from the aorta - CORRECT ANSWER aortic The __________ regulate the flow of blood into and out of the proper chambers - CORRECT ANSWER valves Which electrode is used as a ground reference - CORRECT ANSWER right leg The standard ECG consists of how many leads - CORRECT ANSWER 12 The contraction of the heart muscle is cause by the flow of ___________ through the muscle tissue - CORRECT ANSWER electrical impulse The __________ pressure is the pressure inside the arteries during ventricular contraction; when blood is pumped from the heart to the body - CORRECT ANSWER systolic The ECG tracing should be performed in a quiet environment because - CORRECT ANSWER interference is minimized (True or False) The ECG records the actual image of the heart - CORRECT ANSWER false The hardest working chamber if the heart is the - CORRECT ANSWER left ventricle What is the term used to refer to an electrocardiogram that is within normal limits - CORRECT ANSWER normal sinus rhythm The augmented leads are - CORRECT ANSWER unipolar The epicardium is the - CORRECT ANSWER outer layer of the heart wall The ability of the pacemaker cells of the heart to create an electrical impulse without being stimulated from another source - CORRECT ANSWER automaticity The precordial leads include - CORRECT ANSWER leads V1 to V6 The QRS complex represents - CORRECT ANSWER contraction of the ventricles The "rhythm strip" is usually lead - CORRECT ANSWER lead ll (True or False) An ECG can be used to determine blood pressure - CORRECT ANSWER false The heart has how many valves - CORRECT ANSWER four: mitral, tricuspid, aortic, pulmonic If the SA node does not simulate electrical impulses in the heart, this function is usually taken over by - CORRECT ANSWER AV node Which wave is the first wave of the cardiac cycle - CORRECT ANSWER p wave Which wave represents repolarization of the ventricles - CORRECT ANSWER t wave What are artifacts - CORRECT ANSWER interference picked up by the ECG machine (True or False) Patient psychology can be more important in obtaining a diagnostic ECG than the mechanics of administering ECG - CORRECT ANSWER true Name the condition in which the heartbeat is too rapid, and the rhythm is regular - CORRECT ANSWER sinus tachycardia The part of the conduction system of the heart that is conducting the impulses from the AV node to the ventricles is the - CORRECT ANSWER bundle of his Leads V5 and V6 show what view of the heart - CORRECT ANSWER Lateral If purkinje fibers produce the electrical impulse, the EKG would show a heart rate of - CORRECT ANSWER 20 - 40 bpm Infraction occurs when the heart muscle - CORRECT ANSWER is dead due to lack of oxygen What causes sinus bradycardia - CORRECT ANSWER dysfunction of the sinoatrial node; when the sinoatrial node fires less than less than 60 During atrial flutter, the atrial beats could fire as many as how many times per minute - CORRECT ANSWER 250 - 450 bpm Identify the true statement(s) about sinus tachycardia - CORRECT ANSWER - normal response to exercise, stress, fright, flight, anger - increased sympathetic tone with increased catecholamine release - beta blockers are useful treatment option if the cause is sympathetic overactivity In sinus arrhythmia, the heart rate is a variable dependent on - CORRECT ANSWER inspiration How is premature atrial contraction typically diagnosed - CORRECT ANSWER - electrocardiogram - holter monitor - cardiac event monitor Atrial flutter is categorized as the type l atrial flutter or type ll atrial flutter. Which statement below accurately describe type ll? - CORRECT ANSWER - It's faster than type l (349 - 440 bpm) - Different re-entry pathway than type l Why is atrial flutter fibrillation difficult to diagnose - CORRECT ANSWER - It may cause no symptoms - screening is not generally performed The right ventricle pumps oxygen-poor blood through the pulmonary artery to the - CORRECT ANSWER lungs The left ventricle pumps oxygen-rich blood through the aortic valve to the - CORRECT ANSWER tissues all over the body What is the name given to the modified myocardial cells that set the pace of the heart - CORRECT ANSWER SA node Where the blood exchanges carbon dioxide (CO2) for oxygen - CORRECT ANSWER lungs The muscular wall that separates the left and right side of the heart is the - CORRECT ANSWER septum Deoxygenated blood from the body returns to the heart, entering the - CORRECT ANSWER right atrium (True or False) ECG can be used to evaluate the function of the artificial pacemakers - CORRECT ANSWER true Cardiomegaly is - CORRECT ANSWER enlargement of heart The heart is made up of specialized muscle tissue called - CORRECT ANSWER myocardium The American Heart Association's color code for the lead wire to the right leg is - CORRECT ANSWER green Neurological pathways connect the heart with the __________ of the brain - CORRECT ANSWER medulla Diastole is when the heart muscle - CORRECT ANSWER relaxes Systole is when the heart muscle - CORRECT ANSWER contracts [Show Less]
MedCA final for MA 84 Questions with Verified Answers The father of medicine - CORRECT ANSWER Hippocrates Administering local anesthesia is not consi... [Show More] dered to be duties of medical assistant - CORRECT ANSWER If the situation warrants it, the medical assistant is allowed to give emergency care in absence of the physician - CORRECT ANSWER Some medication are dangerous or habit forming and require a prescription in order for pt to obtain them - CORRECT ANSWER A medical assistant should not discuss pt complaint with them or give a prognosis . - CORRECT ANSWER free of clutter - CORRECT ANSWER Neat & tightly Autoclave - CORRECT ANSWER Machine that sterilizes instruments Ø formaldahyde - CORRECT ANSWER A preservative Shock? Keep warm (person who is in shock) - CORRECT ANSWER V/s administering medications, and explaining medical procedures are all part of pt care - CORRECT ANSWER Bacteri flourishes in hot and damp areas and can cause health problems - CORRECT ANSWER Offering pillows for support such as when pt is uncomfortable lying on the side - CORRECT ANSWER Bed cradles are used to: - CORRECT ANSWER To keep weight of upper beds off pt Air rings under buttocks - CORRECT ANSWER If sign of pressure sores at the base of spine Into veins - CORRECT ANSWER intravenous Administering medication by injection beneath the skin is called - CORRECT ANSWER Subcutaneous administration analegesic - CORRECT ANSWER Aspirin & morphine antibiotic (need to be refrigerated - CORRECT ANSWER Aureomycin Penicillin - CORRECT ANSWER Holds stops the growth of organizen Anesthetics - CORRECT ANSWER Novicaine vital statistics that include data relating to birth, deaths and marriage - CORRECT ANSWER When obtaining record information pt should discouraged to give irrelevant info - CORRECT ANSWER Scheduling appt for pt (appt should be scheduled based on pt needs) - CORRECT ANSWER Pt pay a fixed amount or periodic fee for medical care from providers belonging to HMO - CORRECT ANSWER rectal temperature can .5 to 1 F higher than oral temp - CORRECT ANSWER Oral temp can be affected - CORRECT ANSWER Breathing Thermometer reads 95 F, it is shaken down enough - CORRECT ANSWER Mercury in glass thermometer systolic pressure - CORRECT ANSWER Heart is contracting diastolic pressure - CORRECT ANSWER Heart is relaxing Normal BP - CORRECT ANSWER 120/80 sphygmomanometer - CORRECT ANSWER measures blood pressure stethoscope - CORRECT ANSWER an instrument used to listen to sounds of lungs and heart Breaths Adult - CORRECT ANSWER 12-20 The heart can be affected by medication, trauma, illness temp, exercise, stress, bp and emotional stress - CORRECT ANSWER Not weight EKG measures heart problems or heart disease - CORRECT ANSWER central nervous system- spinal cord - CORRECT ANSWER The "Snellen Chart" is used to test - CORRECT ANSWER sight normal vision - CORRECT ANSWER 20/20 astigmatism - CORRECT ANSWER Disorder of the eye cataract - CORRECT ANSWER clouding of the eye lens Epilepsy - CORRECT ANSWER Petit mal Glaucoma - CORRECT ANSWER Group of eye conditions causing damage of the optic nerve Diphtheria - Schick test - CORRECT ANSWER Measles - CORRECT ANSWER Most affected stage Coryzal stage Measle symptoms - CORRECT ANSWER Cough, fever/chills, runny nose, muscle pain, and sensitive to light When caring for affected children with measles is best to protect eyes from direct exposure to light - CORRECT ANSWER scarlet fever - CORRECT ANSWER Dick test sinusitis - CORRECT ANSWER Argyrol used to drain sinus Tb - CORRECT ANSWER Contagious infection of the lung by bacteria Highest tb incidence occurs between 15-30 - CORRECT ANSWER Brochoscope is use to examine the lungs - CORRECT ANSWER Polio - CORRECT ANSWER Treat gammaglobolin The aorta now pumps oxygen rich blood from the left ventricle out into the body - CORRECT ANSWER arteries, capillaries, veins - CORRECT ANSWER Not ganglion Lungs are organ where exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between air and blood take place - CORRECT ANSWER cholersterol - CORRECT ANSWER Build up fatty deposits Edema - CORRECT ANSWER puffy swelling of tissue from the accumulation of fluid Hemmorrhage - CORRECT ANSWER Cold application to reduce blood flow thrombophlebitis - CORRECT ANSWER Coagulate form of clot Tissues - CORRECT ANSWER Tendons fibrous connective tissue band arm - CORRECT ANSWER Bicep Brachii, tricep brachii Thorax - chest - CORRECT ANSWER Film should always be stored in lead container - CORRECT ANSWER X-ray films cardiogram - CORRECT ANSWER Not an X-ray arthiritis - CORRECT ANSWER Diathermy therapeutic generation of heat in body tissue it's commonly use to treat arthritis Doctor use pelvimeters to determine a female pelvis in relation to the birth of baby - CORRECT ANSWER After giving birth women experience physical and emotional changes and therefore receive post partum care Syphilis test called - CORRECT ANSWER Wassermann test alimentary canal - CORRECT ANSWER Esophagus The liver produces what? - CORRECT ANSWER bile Where can you find vitamin K - CORRECT ANSWER Spinach What is use to treat constipation - CORRECT ANSWER Enemas dyspepsia - CORRECT ANSWER Disturbance of digestion What is use to treat gallstones - CORRECT ANSWER Grapefruit juice, medication and/ or surgery urinary incontinence - CORRECT ANSWER Accidental leakage of urine allergology is for - CORRECT ANSWER Is the study of hypersensitive and allergies (abnormal reactions to substances) Aviation Medicine - CORRECT ANSWER Aerospace medicine gastroenterology - CORRECT ANSWER Field of Medicine that focuses on treatment and diagnosis of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (digestive tract) geriatrics - CORRECT ANSWER branch of medicine dealing with older individuals and their medical problems gynecology - CORRECT ANSWER the branch of medicine dealing with disorders and treatment of the reproductive system in women hematology - CORRECT ANSWER study of blood internal medicine - CORRECT ANSWER Specialize in the prevention diagnosis and treatment of diseases and conditions in adults Pathology - CORRECT ANSWER study and diagnosis of disease Psychology - CORRECT ANSWER Medical field which understands, prevents and relieves psychological based stress or dysfunction radiology - CORRECT ANSWER Therapeutic is often used to treat tumor and cancers [Show Less]
Medical Assistant MEDca study guide 311 Questions with Verified Answers What year did Imhotep (Egyptian) described the diagnosis and treatment of 200 di... [Show More] seases - CORRECT ANSWER 2600 BC What year did Alcmaeon of croton characterize the difference between veins and arteries - CORRECT ANSWER 500 BC What is another name for Hippocrates? - CORRECT ANSWER The father of medicine What year was Hippocrates born? - CORRECT ANSWER 460 BC When did Diocles write the first known book anatomy book? - CORRECT ANSWER 300 BC When did Herophilus begin the study of the nervous system - CORRECT ANSWER 280 BC When is Galen born? - CORRECT ANSWER 130 AD Who is Galen? - CORRECT ANSWER A greek physician to Roman emperors and gladiators when did Pedanius Dioscoriddes write "de material medica" - CORRECT ANSWER 60 AD (30 -90 AD) When did Rhazes identify smallpox? - CORRECT ANSWER 910 Who wrote "The Book Of Healing" and "The Canon of Medicine" ? - CORRECT ANSWER Avicena When where "The Book Of Healing" and "The Canon of Medicine" written? - CORRECT ANSWER 1010 Who invented spectacles? - CORRECT ANSWER Roger Bacon When were spectacles invented? - CORRECT ANSWER 1249 Who dissected corpses? - CORRECT ANSWER Leonardo DaVinci When did Leonardo DaVinci dissect corpses? - CORRECT ANSWER 1489 Where were the findings on human anatomy published in? - CORRECT ANSWER "De Fabrica Corporis Humani" Who wrote "De Fabrica Corporis Humani"? - CORRECT ANSWER Versalius When was "De Fabrica Corporis Humani" published? - CORRECT ANSWER 1543 Who invented the microscope? - CORRECT ANSWER Zacharias Janssen When was the microscope invented - CORRECT ANSWER 1590 "An anatomical study of the motion of the heart and of the blood in animals" is published by who? - CORRECT ANSWER William Harvey "An anatomical study of the motion of the heart and of the blood in animals" is the basis of what - CORRECT ANSWER future research on blood vessels, arteries and the heart When was the "An anatomical study of the motion of the heart and of the blood in animals" published? - CORRECT ANSWER 1628 When do experiments with canine blood transfusion take place? - CORRECT ANSWER 1656 Who is credited for experiments with canine blood transfusion - CORRECT ANSWER Sir Christopher Wren When were blood cells discovered? - CORRECT ANSWER 1670 Who discovered blood cells? - CORRECT ANSWER Anton Leeuwenhoek When did observation of bacteria take place? - CORRECT ANSWER 1683 Who started observation of bacteria? - CORRECT ANSWER Anton Leeuwenhoek The first smallpox inoculation was given in? - CORRECT ANSWER 1701 Who gave the first smallpox inoculation? - CORRECT ANSWER Giacomo Pylarini When was "treatise of the scurvy" published - CORRECT ANSWER 1747 Who published "treatise of the scurvy"? - CORRECT ANSWER James Lind What did the "treatise of the scurvy" state? - CORRECT ANSWER That citrus fruits prevent scurvy When was the first successful appendectomy performed? - CORRECT ANSWER 1763 Who preformed the first successful appendectomy? - CORRECT ANSWER Claudia Aymand When was the development of vaccination for smallpox - CORRECT ANSWER 1796 development of vaccination for smallpox was done by - CORRECT ANSWER Edward Jenner When did the development of smallpox vaccine occur? - CORRECT ANSWER 1796 What did Sir Humphrey Davy discover? - CORRECT ANSWER Anesthetic properties of nitrous oxide When did the anesthetic properties of nitrous oxide get discovered? - CORRECT ANSWER 1800 Who invented the stethoscope? - CORRECT ANSWER Rene Laennec When was the stethoscope invented? - CORRECT ANSWER 1816 Who did the first successful transfusion of human blood? - CORRECT ANSWER James Blundell When was the first successful transfusion of blood preformed? - CORRECT ANSWER In 1818 Ether is used as a? - CORRECT ANSWER General anesthetic Who was ether used by? - CORRECT ANSWER Crawford W. Long When was ether used as anesthetic? - CORRECT ANSWER 1842 Nitrous oxide is used as a? - CORRECT ANSWER Anesthetic Who used nitrous oxide as anesthetic? - CORRECT ANSWER Dr. Horace Wells Medical Assistant is what? - CORRECT ANSWER Health care provider that performs medical, administrative tasks to support health professional Who determines the amount of aid needed from a medical assistant? - CORRECT ANSWER Physician What are some routine tasks for a medical assistant? - CORRECT ANSWER Vital signs, recoding info, administration medication, preparing medical supplies, sterilization, collection of fluids and tissue for testing. What is sterilization? - CORRECT ANSWER Destruction of all living microorganisms by chemical disinfectants or boiling How long should you boil teams for disinfecting? - CORRECT ANSWER 20 min What are some administrative duties of a MA? - CORRECT ANSWER Greetings, record keeping, answering telephone, filing insurance claims, scheduling appointments, billing When should a MA call an ambulance if an emergency? - CORRECT ANSWER If there is a serious condition, heart attack, stroke, shock, hemorrhage, if no doctor or nurse present. Can a MA give emergency care - CORRECT ANSWER Yes, Medication that is easily addictive requires a what? - CORRECT ANSWER Prescription What can a MA do in regards to medication? - CORRECT ANSWER Instruct, administer, call in prescriptions, authorize refills. The MA should always have what? - CORRECT ANSWER Basic knowledge of laws and ethics of medicine. How must the MA look/act in public? - CORRECT ANSWER Good manners, neat, well groomed, What is caused by a first impression? - CORRECT ANSWER A positive or negative psychological effect on patient MA must be able to what in regards to patient? - CORRECT ANSWER Put at ease, and explain What must the MA remember NOT TO DO when speaking to a patient? - CORRECT ANSWER Discuss complaint, or give a prognosis What is prognosis - CORRECT ANSWER Outcome Why should patient surroundings always be sanitized? - CORRECT ANSWER Because bacteria flourishes in hot damp areas and can cause health problems What is involved inn Patient care? - CORRECT ANSWER Interaction, vital signs, administrating medications, explains medical procedures Why should the workplace and patient surroundings always be sanitized? - CORRECT ANSWER Because bacteria flourishes in hot damp areas that cause health problems Who was the first to publish the process of using anesthetic properties of nitrous oxide? - CORRECT ANSWER Dentist William Morton What is a must regarding a patient and procedures - CORRECT ANSWER Everything must be explained to the patient as well as listen to any concerns When dealing with bedridden/bed stricken patients what can the MA do to make patients feel more comfortable? - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Support back and joints (prevent strain) 2. Arms and legs in comfortable position if needed supported 3.communication with patients during bed changes- patient cooperation 4. Movement guided rather than lifting 5. Pillow support 6. Bed cradle 7. Air ring under buttocks ( if signs of pressure sores at base of the spine show) When was Nitrous oxide used as anesthetic? - CORRECT ANSWER 1844 What is the intend for administering medication? - CORRECT ANSWER For diagnosis, treatment, prevention of medical conditions Laws regarding administration of medication vary from? - CORRECT ANSWER State to state Who is authorized to prescribe medication? - CORRECT ANSWER Physicians, doctors, NP, nurses, PA What responsible measures should be taken with controlled substances? - CORRECT ANSWER Accountability for discarded substances, counting medical supplies at regular intervals, locked storages What is a prescription? - CORRECT ANSWER Order for medication What does a prescription include? - CORRECT ANSWER Example prescription might include: -Information about the healthcare provider -Patient information and date of prescription -The Rx symbol, latin word that stands for 'recipe' meaning 'to take' -The names and quantity of ingredients -Directions for how the pharmacist is to fill the prescription -Directions for the patient as to how/when to take the medication -Information about refills and special labelling Examples of Topical administration - CORRECT ANSWER Onto the skin (epicutaneous) Inhalation Onto the conjunctiva (eye drops) Ear drops Through mucous membrane in the body Enteral Administration Routes - CORRECT ANSWER Swallowing (oral) Inner cheek or gum (buccaneers route) Under tonnage ( sublingual) Feeding tube Anus Parenteral administration routes - CORRECT ANSWER Veins (intravenous) Arteries (intra-arterial) Bone marrow (intraosseous infusion) Muscles (intra- muscular) Skin (intradermal) What is subcutaneous administration? - CORRECT ANSWER Medication by injection beneath the skin What are analgesics used for? - CORRECT ANSWER To alleviate pain What are analgesics? - CORRECT ANSWER pain relievers Types main types of analgesics? - CORRECT ANSWER Non-narcotic for mild pain, narcotic for severe pain Common Analgesics? - CORRECT ANSWER Codeine, Vicodin, Hydrocodone, OxyContin, Naproxen, Darvon, Aspirin, Tylenol,Morphine, Methadone Antianxiety Drugs are? - CORRECT ANSWER Medication for anxiety and to relax muscles common antianxiety meds - CORRECT ANSWER Zoloft, lexapro, Effexor What are antiarrhythmics? - CORRECT ANSWER Medication used to control irregular heartbeat Antiarrhythmics beta blocker examples? - CORRECT ANSWER Acebutolo, Betaxolo, Esmolo, Nadolo What are non-narcotic analgesics used for? - CORRECT ANSWER Mild pain What are narcotic analgesics used for? - CORRECT ANSWER Severe pain Common Analgesics? - CORRECT ANSWER Codeine, Vicodin, Hydrocodone, OxyContin, Naproxen, Darvon, Aspirin, Tylenol,Morphine, Methadone Who developed. Vaccination for smallpox? - CORRECT ANSWER Edward Jenner What are antianxiety drugs? - CORRECT ANSWER Medication used to suppress anxiety and relaxes muscles What are antiarrhythmics? - CORRECT ANSWER Medication used to control irregular heartbeat What are common types of Antianxiety drugs? - CORRECT ANSWER Zoloft, le apeó, effector What are common beta blockers for antiarrhythmics? - CORRECT ANSWER Acentuó lo, beta olí, demolí, Nadolol What are common sodium channel blockers for antiarrhythmics? - CORRECT ANSWER Disopyramide, Mexiletene, Flecainide, Propafenone What are common potassium channel blockers? - CORRECT ANSWER Amiodarone, Bepridil, Ibutilide, Tedisami What are common calcium channel blockers of antirrhythmics? - CORRECT ANSWER Diltiazim, Verapamil What are antibiotics? - CORRECT ANSWER Medication used to treat infections. Caused by bacteria What do antibiotics do? - CORRECT ANSWER Stop infection from producing organisms What common antibiotics need refrigeration? - CORRECT ANSWER Amoxicillin, Aureomycin Common medications of Antibiotic? - CORRECT ANSWER Penicillins, Cephalosporins, Marcrolides, Sulfonamides What are antidepressants? - CORRECT ANSWER Medication used to treat depression What are the three groups of antidepressants? - CORRECT ANSWER Tricyclics antidepressants, benzodiazepines and serotonin boosting medications Tricyclics antidepressants example? - CORRECT ANSWER Elavil, Flexeril, Pamelor, Sinequan, Desyrel Benzodiazepines antidepressant example? - CORRECT ANSWER Xanax and Kloopin Serotonin boosting example? - CORRECT ANSWER Prozac, Effexor, Serzone, Zoloft What are Antifungals? - CORRECT ANSWER Medication to treat fungus ex. Ringworms What is systemic? - CORRECT ANSWER Taken by mouth or injection What is topical? - CORRECT ANSWER Applied on skin Example of systemic antifungal drugs? - CORRECT ANSWER Mizoram, diflucan, sporanex, Monistat Examples of Topical Drugs? - CORRECT ANSWER Ciclopirox, Econazole, Nystatin, Terconazole Antihistamines? - CORRECT ANSWER Medication used to treat effects of allergic reactions Common antihistamines medication? - CORRECT ANSWER Benadryl, Ataraxia, Hismanal, Chlor-Tripolitania, and Claritin Antihypertensive? - CORRECT ANSWER a medication administered to lower blood pressure Common Antihypertensive medications? - CORRECT ANSWER Diuretics, beta blockers, ACE inhibitors Anti-inflammatories? - CORRECT ANSWER reduce inflammation What are Anti-inflammatory es divided into? - CORRECT ANSWER Steroids and non-steroidal anti-imnflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) What do steroids know as Corticosterone do? - CORRECT ANSWER Reduce inflammation or swelling What are common steroids? - CORRECT ANSWER Corticosterone, Cortisone, Aldosterone Common NSAID? - CORRECT ANSWER Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Celebrex What do NSAIDs do? - CORRECT ANSWER Alleviate pain by counteracting Antipsychotics? - CORRECT ANSWER drugs used in the treatment of psychotic disorders Common antipsychotics? - CORRECT ANSWER Butyrophenones, Phenothiazinez, Thioxanthenes What are Antivirals? - CORRECT ANSWER Medication used to treat Viral infections Most antivirals are used to what? - CORRECT ANSWER Treat HIV Common Antivirals? - CORRECT ANSWER Arríela, Darunavir, Nevrapine, Truvada What are Beta-Blockers? - CORRECT ANSWER Medication used to reduce oxygen needs of the heart Common Beta-Blockers? - CORRECT ANSWER Betaxolol, Esmolol, Carteolol, Penbutolol,Labetalol What are cold remedies? - CORRECT ANSWER Medication to treat common colds What are common cold medications? - CORRECT ANSWER Aspirin, Acetaminophen, decongestants , What is a cough suppressant? - CORRECT ANSWER Medication to relieve coughs What do cough suppressant contain and do? - CORRECT ANSWER Honey, menthol and soothe throat irritation What are Decongestants? - CORRECT ANSWER Medication used to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane What are Decongestants most commonly used for? - CORRECT ANSWER Relieve nasal stuffiness What are Diuretics? - CORRECT ANSWER Medication used to increase urine output Common Diuretics? - CORRECT ANSWER Aldactazide, Dyazide, Maxzide, Moduretic What are hormones? - CORRECT ANSWER Medication used to restore hormone deficiency Hypoglycemic is what? - CORRECT ANSWER Medication used to lower level of glucose in blood What are common medications for Hypoglycemic? - CORRECT ANSWER Thiazolidinedione, Iguanid, Sulfonylurea What are immunosuppressive? - CORRECT ANSWER Medication used to rest autoimmune diseases Common immunosuppressive medications are? - CORRECT ANSWER Methotrexate, Azathioprine, Alkylating Agents What are Laxatives? - CORRECT ANSWER Medications used to increase frequency of and ease bowel movements Common medications for Laxatives? - CORRECT ANSWER Enclose, Cilium, Konsyl, colace, Colette What are sleeping aids? - CORRECT ANSWER Medication used to help with sleeping disorders Common medication for sleeping aids? - CORRECT ANSWER Benzodiazepines, Barbiturates, Ambien What are anesthetics? - CORRECT ANSWER Medication cause the reversible loss of sensation also know an anesthesia What are the 2 categories of anesthetics? - CORRECT ANSWER Local and general Name local anesthetics? - CORRECT ANSWER Procaine, Amethocaine, prilocaine, Ropivacaine, Novocaine, Dibucaine, Mepivacaine, Trimecane, Propxycaie, Chloroprocaine Name general anesthetics? - CORRECT ANSWER Inhaled ( Enflurane, Halothane, Sevoflurane, Isoflurane) Intravenous( Barbiturates,Etoidate, Benzodiazepines, Propofol) What are examples of administrative duties a MA has? - CORRECT ANSWER Record keeping, billing, scheduling appointments, answering phones, What are examples of methods of filling? - CORRECT ANSWER Subject,, numerical, alphabetical, chronological, geographical Vital signs? - CORRECT ANSWER Measurements of the body's most basic functions and useful in detecting or monitoring medical problems. Taking vital signs include? - CORRECT ANSWER Body temperature, blood pressure, respiration, pulse What factors can affect Normal vital signs? - CORRECT ANSWER Age, sex, weight, exercise, health conditions What is the normal temperature for a healthy adult? - CORRECT ANSWER 97.8 - 99.1 F Normal Blood pressure for a health adult? - CORRECT ANSWER 120/80 mm/Hg Normal respiratory rate for a healthy adult? - CORRECT ANSWER 16-20 respiration's per minute Heart rate for a healthy adult? - CORRECT ANSWER 60-199 beats per minute What are two main types of Analgesics? - CORRECT ANSWER Non-narcotic and narcotic What is a Thermometer? - CORRECT ANSWER a device used to measure temperature What equipment is need to record vital signs? - CORRECT ANSWER Thermometer, sphygmomanometer, stethoscope, watch What is a stethoscope? - CORRECT ANSWER instrument used to convey/hear sounds in the body What is a watch used for in vital? - CORRECT ANSWER Used to to measure pulse What is a sphygmomanometer? - CORRECT ANSWER instrument used to measure blood pressure Changes in body temperature normally indicate what? - CORRECT ANSWER Disease or other abnormal conditions What is body temperature? - CORRECT ANSWER Amount of heart produced and sustained by the body processes How is heat lost? - CORRECT ANSWER Convection, radiation, evaporation of perspiration What controls the production and loss of heat? - CORRECT ANSWER Hypothalamus and the brainstem Does the metabolism generate heat? - CORRECT ANSWER Yes How is lost of heat caused? - CORRECT ANSWER Interference with regulatory centers Orr problems to hypothalamus How is a fever cause? - CORRECT ANSWER Increase in heat production Which temperatures are well correlated? - CORRECT ANSWER Oral, rectal, gut, core temperature What temperature is the lowest correlated? - CORRECT ANSWER Oral If the average adult temp is 98.6 F what is it through the other forms of measurement? - CORRECT ANSWER Axillary- 0.5 to 1 lower Rectal temp- 0.5 to 1 higher Is rectal temperature accurate? - CORRECT ANSWER Yes What factors affect oral temp? - CORRECT ANSWER Smoking, food, breathing What can affect temperature? - CORRECT ANSWER Food diets,alcohol, physical activity, emotions, sleep changes. Which is the lowest temperature? - CORRECT ANSWER Axillary Rectal temperature? - CORRECT ANSWER Anus Oral temperature? - CORRECT ANSWER Mouth temperature Axillary temp - CORRECT ANSWER Under arm Tympanic temperature? - CORRECT ANSWER Ear Can temperature be taken on forehead, gut, temporal artery? - CORRECT ANSWER Yes Health body temperature measurement in the rectal, vaginal, tympanic is what? - CORRECT ANSWER 99.7 F Healthy adult body temperature for oral temperature is what? - CORRECT ANSWER 98.6 Vaginal temperature? - CORRECT ANSWER Vagina Normal health adult axillary temp is what? - CORRECT ANSWER 97.6 What are the 2 different type of thermometers? - CORRECT ANSWER Liquid filled and mercury filled The thermometer consists of what? - CORRECT ANSWER Temperature sensor, scale Mercury- in glass thermometers are what? - CORRECT ANSWER The most accurate liquid filled themometers Describe liquid filled thermometers? - CORRECT ANSWER Glass tube with bulb at end, when he's ouches liquid it expands, must be left in area for about 3 minutes. What must one do when wanting to clear the temperature reading on a mercury filled thermometer? - CORRECT ANSWER Shaking down WHat is another name for electronic thermometers? - CORRECT ANSWER Digital thermometers Is mercury toxic? - CORRECT ANSWER Yes Contact thermometers measure temperature by? - CORRECT ANSWER Contact, thermometer is placed in area temperature is measured and left until equilibrium is reached What is the accuracy reading of a digital thermometer? - CORRECT ANSWER 0.2 F What is an example of remote measure my? - CORRECT ANSWER Eardrum temperature Basal thermometers? - CORRECT ANSWER Special basal glass, other digital thermometers can be used but accuracy must be tested Causes for most fevers? - CORRECT ANSWER Infectious diseases, medication, immunization, heat exhaustion, tumors Treatment for fevers? - CORRECT ANSWER Over the counter meds, ibuprofen, acetaminophen or aspirin (adults) Remote thermometers work through? - CORRECT ANSWER Sensing, a sensor will respond to radiation from location producing a measurement Hyperthermia? - CORRECT ANSWER Abnormally high body temperature Hypothermia? - CORRECT ANSWER abnormally low body temperature Hyperthermia or Hypothermia in core body temperature can cause what? - CORRECT ANSWER Persistent, incompatible with human life What is basal body temperature? - CORRECT ANSWER Lowest temperature of body usually during sleep When is basalbody temp measured? - CORRECT ANSWER Right after waking up and befor any physical activity What is Hypothermia temperature level? - CORRECT ANSWER 95 F What can cause Hypothermia? - CORRECT ANSWER Exposure to cold and unable to replenish heat the drop in temperature will occur What are treatments for Hypothermia/ - CORRECT ANSWER Noninvasive, passive external warming to external rewarding, to active core rewarding. In severe cases resuscitation and removal from cold management of airway, breathing, circulation When temperature is very high what happens? - CORRECT ANSWER Medical emergency o prevent disability or death What is core temperature? - CORRECT ANSWER temperature of the deep tissues Treatment for hyper Mia depends on what? - CORRECT ANSWER Cause What temperature is considered hyperthermia? - CORRECT ANSWER 104 F What is blood pressure BP ? - CORRECT ANSWER It is the pressure of the circulating blood against the walls of the blood vessels. Blood pressure readers to what? - CORRECT ANSWER Arterial pressure of systemic circulation Most common causes to hyperthermia? - CORRECT ANSWER Drugs,heat stroke, or heat exposure How is B measurement expressed? - CORRECT ANSWER Systolic over diastolic During a heartbeat what does np Cary upon? - CORRECT ANSWER Systolic and diastolic presure What is systolic? - CORRECT ANSWER The maximum arterial pressure during contraction of the left ventricle of the heart What is low blood pressure called? - CORRECT ANSWER Hypotension What is Diastolic? - CORRECT ANSWER The minimum arterial pressure during relaxation and dilation What is orthostatic hypotension? - CORRECT ANSWER When a person's blood pressure falls when moving from a seated or lying position to a standing position. What are symptoms of signs of low BP? - CORRECT ANSWER Dizziness, lightheaded, fainting Why is pregnancy a cause of low BP? - CORRECT ANSWER Due to circulatory system expanding very fast What happens if BP is low enough to cause an insufficient blood flow to organs? - CORRECT ANSWER Stokes, heart attacks, kidney failure, and shock What heart conditions can cause loe BP? - CORRECT ANSWER Heart attack, heart valve problems, bradycardia, heart failure What is Bradycardia? - CORRECT ANSWER slow heart rate Why are heart problems a cause for low blood pressure? - CORRECT ANSWER Because they can prevent the body from circulating enough blood What is dehydration? - CORRECT ANSWER insufficient amount of tissue fluid Can dehydration cause low BP? - CORRECT ANSWER Yes What causes dehydration? - CORRECT ANSWER Vomiting, diarrhea, fever, physical axtivitty What can dehydration cause? - CORRECT ANSWER Dizziness, weakness and fatigue Can endocrine problems cause BP? - CORRECT ANSWER Yes How does loss of blood cause low BP? - CORRECT ANSWER Reduces amount of blood in body which gives a low BP What is Hyperthyroidism? - CORRECT ANSWER overactive thyroid What is Hypothyroidism? - CORRECT ANSWER underactive thyroid What is hypoglycemia - CORRECT ANSWER low blood sugar Can a severe infection cause BP? - CORRECT ANSWER Yes When can septicemia happen? - CORRECT ANSWER When an infection enters the bloodstream What is anaphylaxis? - CORRECT ANSWER Severe allergic reaction What is Addison's disease? - CORRECT ANSWER Adrenalinsufficieny What can anaphylaxis cause? - CORRECT ANSWER Itching, hives, breathing problems, swollen throat and drop in BP What is anemia? - CORRECT ANSWER Anemia is a deficiency in red blood cells or hemoglobin. Insufficiency of vitamin what causes anemia? - CORRECT ANSWER B-12 What medications cause low BP? - CORRECT ANSWER Alpha blockers, beta blockers, Diuretics, tricyclics antidepressants, drugs for Parkinson's disease, sidenafil with combination of heart medication nitroglycerin. Triggers for anaphylaxis? - CORRECT ANSWER Food, medications, insect venoms, latex What is postural/ orthostatic hypotension? - CORRECT ANSWER Drop in BP when switching positions from lying to standing position. What is postprandial hypotension? - CORRECT ANSWER blood pressure reduction after eating Who does postprandial hypotension normally affect? - CORRECT ANSWER People with High BP, and people suffering form autonomic nervous system disorders What can reduce the symptoms of postprandial hypotension? - CORRECT ANSWER Smaller food portions, eat low carbohydrate meals, low BP meds What medications can cause postural/ orthostatic hypotension? - CORRECT ANSWER Antidepressants, high BP meds, meds for erectile dysfunction, meds for Parkinson's disease What are symptoms of NeurallyMediated Hypotension? - CORRECT ANSWER Nausea, dizziness, fainting What is neurally mediated hypotension? - CORRECT ANSWER Miscommunication between heart and brain that decreases blood pressure after standing for long periods of time. Are alpha blockers at a higher risk of low blood pressure? - CORRECT ANSWER Yes Hypotension depends on ? - CORRECT ANSWER Age, medications, certain diseases How is BP treated? - CORRECT ANSWER By finding source and stopping or changing source Orvaten and proamatine do what in regards to BP? - CORRECT ANSWER Raise staniding BP in people with chronic orthostatic hypotension by restricting ability of blood vessels to expand which raises BP What is blood pressure? - CORRECT ANSWER force of blood against arterial walls is high enough to cause health problems What happens if high blood pressure is left uncontrolled? - CORRECT ANSWER Can cause severe health problems such as heart attack and stroke What are the 2 types of blood pressure? - CORRECT ANSWER Primary (essential) hypertension and secondary hypertension Are there identifiable causes for hypertension? - CORRECT ANSWER No Primary hypertension? - CORRECT ANSWER denotes high blood pressure from an unidentified cause; also called essential hypertension How does primary hypertension form? - CORRECT ANSWER Slowly over the course of many year's What is secondary hypertension? - CORRECT ANSWER Hypertension cause by complication brought on by another disease How does secondary hypertension form? - CORRECT ANSWER Appears suddenly and causes a higher pressure than primary hypertension What does fludrocortisone do? - CORRECT ANSWER In BP it helps by boosting blood volume which raises blood pressure What medical conditions can lead to secondary hypertension? - CORRECT ANSWER Kidney problems, adrenal gland tumor, defects in blood vessels What medications can lead to secondary hypertension? - CORRECT ANSWER Birth control, over the counter meds, cold remedies, decongestants, cocaine, amphetamines With age High BP does what? - CORRECT ANSWER Increase When is it common for men to get high BP? - CORRECT ANSWER Early middle ages When is it common for women to get high blood Pressure - CORRECT ANSWER After menopause High blood pressure is more common in what race? - CORRECT ANSWER African Americans Stroke and heart attacks are more common In what race? - CORRECT ANSWER African Americans Does high blood pressure run in families? - CORRECT ANSWER Yes Being physically inactive causes high blood pressure? - CORRECT ANSWER Yes What happens when the blood pressure increases? - CORRECT ANSWER The heart works harder Weight and obesity do what to blood pressure? - CORRECT ANSWER If the weight is higher then more blood is needed for oxygen supply which increases pressure in the artery walls What does smoking Tobacco do to blood pressure? - CORRECT ANSWER Raise BP temporary and chemicals can damage the lining of artery walls c An second hand smoke also affect BP - CORRECT ANSWER Yes What does alcohol do to BP ? - CORRECT ANSWER 2-3 drinks at once can increase BP temporarily, and affect the heart over time What does sodium do to BP? - CORRECT ANSWER Can cause the body to retain fluids which cause high blood pressure What does potassium do in the body? - CORRECT ANSWER promotes fluid movement out of cells and the bloodstream, lowers blood pressure If not enough potassium what happens? - CORRECT ANSWER Sodium can accumulate in blood Stress can cause high BP? - CORRECT ANSWER Yes temporary yet dramatic What chronic conditions can increase risk of high BP? - CORRECT ANSWER Cholesterol, diabetes, kidney disease and sleep apnea Can pregnancy contribute to high BP? - CORRECT ANSWER Yes Can children get hypertension? - CORRECT ANSWER Yes 'What are hypertension risk factors ? - CORRECT ANSWER Age, race, family history, physically inactive, overweight or obese, tobacco use, alcohol, sodium, potassium, stress, chronic conditions, pregnancy Thiazide diuretics do what? - CORRECT ANSWER Diuretics act on kidneys to help the body eliminate sodium and water to reduce blood volume. Diuretics are also called? - CORRECT ANSWER Water pills What do beta blockers do? - CORRECT ANSWER Reduce workload on heart, open blood vessels which cause heart the beat slower and with less force Alone beta blockers don't work as well on? - CORRECT ANSWER African Americans or in the elderly , must combine with thiazide diuretics ACE inhibitors full name? - CORRECT ANSWER Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors What do ACE inhibitors do? - CORRECT ANSWER Relaxes blood vessels as they are blocking formation of natural chemicals that narrow blood vessels What do angiotensin 2 receptor blockers do? - CORRECT ANSWER Helps relax blood vessels as they block the action not formation of natural chemical that narrow blood vessels Calcium Channel Blockers? - CORRECT ANSWER Help relax muscle of blood vessels Renin Inhibitors (tekturna) - CORRECT ANSWER Slows down production of renin What is renin? - CORRECT ANSWER Secreted by the kidney starts chemical steps to raises BP What do alpha blockers do? - CORRECT ANSWER Reduce nerve impulses to blood vessels Alpha beta blockers - CORRECT ANSWER Reduce nerve impulses to blood vessels Central acting agents do what? - CORRECT ANSWER Prevent the brain from signaling the nervous system to increase heart rate and narrow blood vessels Vasodilators do what? - CORRECT ANSWER Work directly on the muscles in the walls of the arteries preventing the muscles from tightening and arteries from narrowing What are the four general categories and which blood pressure is classified - CORRECT ANSWER Normal blood pressure, pre-hypertension, stage one hypertension, and stage two hypertension What is normal blood pressure? - CORRECT ANSWER 120/80 mmHg What is pre-hypertension? - CORRECT ANSWER Systolic: 120-139 Diastolic: 80-89 [Show Less]
MedCA Medical Assistant Ch 1& 3|30 Questions with Verified Answers Vital signs -CORRECT ANSWER Routine tasks for the medical assistant. Physician - C... [Show More] ORRECT ANSWER medical doctor. may decide on the amount of appropriate aid needed from the medical assistant Back and Joints - CORRECT ANSWER Caring for a bed-ridden patient in a clinical setting may include providing support of these areas to prevent strain. Prescriptions - CORRECT ANSWER In order for patients to obtain certain medications, these are written by physicians. Abused - CORRECT ANSWER because they are considered to be controlled substances .The distribution of and access to certain medications is restricted by state and federal laws and can lead to them being.... Enteral administration - CORRECT ANSWER Orally Topical - CORRECT ANSWER means onto the skin (epicutaneous) Analgesics - CORRECT ANSWER medications used to alleviate pain Antianxiety drugs - CORRECT ANSWER medications to suppress anxiety and relax muscles Parentenal administration - CORRECT ANSWER means that a medication is given into the veins Diuretics - CORRECT ANSWER medications administered to increase urine secretion in order to rid the body of excess water and salt laxatives - CORRECT ANSWER medications or foods given to stimulate bowel movements Subcutaneous administration - CORRECT ANSWER administration of a drug into the layer of connective tissue beneath the skin HMO - CORRECT ANSWER A group plan offering prepaid medical care to its members Chronological filing - CORRECT ANSWER System that allows one to locate documents according to date, month, or year. 3 pounds - CORRECT ANSWERS average weight of the adult brain Epilepsy - CORRECT ANSWERS brain disorder that causes repeated seizures Degeneration of brain cells - CORRECT ANSWERS leads to neurological diease called Parkinson's disease Sensory organs - CORRECT ANSWERS Eyes, Ears, Nose, Tongue, Skin Brain Tumor - CORRECT ANSWERS group of abnormal cells taste buds - CORRECT ANSWERS tongue receptors for taste Nerve - CORRECT ANSWERS endings in the skin and other body parts transmit sensations to the brain EEG - CORRECT ANSWERS performed to diagnose epilepsy Brain stem - CORRECT ANSWERS regulates heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure Ansomnia - CORRECT ANSWERS condition characterized by an inability to smell at all. central nervous system - CORRECT ANSWERS the spinal cord and the brain Spinal Cord - CORRECT ANSWERS measures 17 inches Glaucoma - CORRECT ANSWERS eye conditions causing damage to the optic nerve Ageusia - CORRECT ANSWERS inability to taste Tinnitus - CORRECT ANSWERS characterized by symptoms such as a constant buzzing or whistling sound [Show Less]
EKG MEDCA TEST 57 Questions with Verified Answers How to measure temp: - CORRECT ANSWER 1.Skin on forehead 2.Oral 3.Vaginal 4.Rectal 5.Tympanic 6.A... [Show More] xillary 7.Temporal artery In gut Temperature regulated by - CORRECT ANSWER hypothalamus. Short-term sleep deprivation causes higher temp. Long-term sleep deprivation causes lower temp. Normal temperature range - CORRECT ANSWER oral: 98.2 Armpit: 97.6 Rectal: 99.7 Normal vital signs range - CORRECT ANSWER Temp: 97.8-99 Blood Pressure: 120/80 Respiratory Rate: 16-20 per min Heart Rate: 60-100 bpm Problems that can cause low blood pressure - CORRECT ANSWER 1.Pregnancy 2.Loss of blood 3.Dehydration 4.Heart problem: heart attack, heart failure, bradycardia etc. 5.Infection 6.Allergic reaction 7.Lack of nutrients: vitamin B12 8.Endocrine problems: diabetes, hyper and hypo thyroidism, low blood sugar, low adrenal... Types of low blood pressure - CORRECT ANSWER 1.Postural/orthostatic hypotension: maybe caused by pregnancy, dehydration, diabetes, heart problems, burns, excessive heat, large varicose veins, and certain types of neurological disorders. 2.Postprandial hypotension: after eating. Mostly poeple suffering autonomic nervous system disorders or high blood pressure. 3.Neurally mediated hypotension: caused by miscommunication between the heart and brain. 4.Shy-drager syndrome: this rare disorder causes progressive damage to the autonomic nervous system, which controls in voluntary functions such as blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, and digestion. Main characteristics-- severe orthostatic hypotension in combination with very high blood pressure when lying down. blood pressure - CORRECT ANSWER described as systolic and diastolic pressure Hypertension or high blood pressure treatment - CORRECT ANSWER 1.Alpha-blocker 2.Beta-blocker 3.AlphaBeta-blocker 4.Calcium-channel blocker 5.Renin inhibitor 6.Angiotensin II receptor blocker 7.Thiazide diuretics 8.Vasodilator 9.Central acting agents 10.ACE inhibitor Measurement of blood pressure - CORRECT ANSWER Normal: 120/80 Prehypertension: 120-139/80-89 Stage I: 140-159/90-99 Stage II: over 160/100 Heart rate/ pulse rate can be measured at - CORRECT ANSWER carotid artery, radial artery, popliteal artery, posterior tibial artery, ulnar, brachial, femoral, abdominal, facial, dorsalis pedis, superficial temporal, apex of heart. Newborn 120-160 1-12 month: 80-140 1-2 year: 80-130 2-6: 75-120 6-12: 75-110 Above 13: 60-100 Adult athlete: 40-60 Upper limb - CORRECT ANSWER axillary, brachial, ulnar, radial Lower limb - CORRECT ANSWER popliteal, tibial posterior, dorsalis pedis, femoral torso - CORRECT ANSWER apical head/neck - CORRECT ANSWER facial, temporal, carotid the right coronary artery branches into and supplies... - CORRECT ANSWER the right marginal artery and posterior descending artery, supply the right atrium and right ventricle the left coronary artery branches into and supplies... - CORRECT ANSWER the circumflex artery and the left anterior descending artery, supply the left atrium and left ventricle. medulla - CORRECT ANSWER controls autonomic functions such as breathing, heart function, and blood vessel function. blood flowing through the lungs - CORRECT ANSWER oxygen-deprived CO2 bonds to hemoglobin to form - CORRECT ANSWER bicarbonate aortic arch 1 forms - CORRECT ANSWER maxillary arteries Aortic arch 2 forms - CORRECT ANSWER stapedial arteries aortic arch 3 - CORRECT ANSWER carotid arch 4 - CORRECT ANSWER subclavian arch 6 - CORRECT ANSWER pulmonary vitelline arteries form - CORRECT ANSWER abdominal arteries eg. superior arteries, inferior mesenteric arteries and the celiac arteries of GI tract umbilical arteries form - CORRECT ANSWER function of cardiovascular system - CORRECT ANSWER 1. protection 2. transportation 3. regulation P-wave duration - CORRECT ANSWER 0.08-0.1 s missing p wave - CORRECT ANSWER atrial fibrillation long p wave - CORRECT ANSWER left atrial enlargement spike formed p wave - CORRECT ANSWER atrial flutter high amplitude p wave - CORRECT ANSWER right atrial enlargement or hypokalemia short PR - CORRECT ANSWER early depolarization of the ventricles long PR - CORRECT ANSWER AV block PR interval duration - CORRECT ANSWER 0.12 to 0.20 QRS complex duration - CORRECT ANSWER 0.04 to 0.12 long QRS - CORRECT ANSWER impairment within the ventricles ST seg vs. ST interval duration - CORRECT ANSWER 0.08-0.12 and 0.32 ST seg downwards or flat - CORRECT ANSWER coronary ischemia ST seg Upwards - CORRECT ANSWER myocardial infarction (A heart attack usually occurs when a blood clot blocks blood flow to the heart) RR interval duration - CORRECT ANSWER 0.6-1.2 J-point - CORRECT ANSWER the point where QRS stops and ST segment starts J-Wave - CORRECT ANSWER a wave after QRS Where is U wave - CORRECT ANSWER follow the T-waves noticeable U-wave - CORRECT ANSWER hypokalemia inverted U-wave - CORRECT ANSWER myocardial ischemia atrial fibrillation - CORRECT ANSWER rapid irregular heart rate cardiomyopathy - CORRECT ANSWER weakening or change of the heart muscle arrhythmia - CORRECT ANSWER heart rate too fast or too slow atherosclerosis - CORRECT ANSWER fatty materials collect on the artery walls coronary heart disease - CORRECT ANSWER vessel narrows. treat with ACE inhibitors or beta-blocker heart attack - CORRECT ANSWER Myocardial infarction. death to the tissue heart murmur - CORRECT ANSWER turbulent blood flow congestive heart failure - CORRECT ANSWER unable to pump enough blood to the body myocardial ischemia - CORRECT ANSWER blood flow to the heart is temporarily decreased. treat with nitroglycerine and or beta-blocker thrombophlebitis - CORRECT ANSWER inflammation or swelling of veins caused by blood clots. treat with antibiotics and or NSAIDs ventricular fibrillation - CORRECT ANSWER severe arrhythmia. can be caused by heart attack, congenital heart disease, and or ischemia. 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MEDCA Phlebotomy Exam Prep CHAPTER 3 Questions with Verified Answers What is supine position? - CORRECT ANSWER patient is laying face-up in their back ... [Show More] What is prone position? - CORRECT ANSWER patient is laying face-down on their stomach What are 2 tests that a patient would fast for? - CORRECT ANSWER glucose or cholesterol What is the most requested timed specimen? - CORRECT ANSWER glucose level What is glycolytic action? - CORRECT ANSWER breakdown of glucose What are the 3 methods of collection blood? - CORRECT ANSWER -venipuncture -capillary -arterial To determine a level of medication, when should the blood be collected? - CORRECT ANSWER just before the next does of medication What is the most preferred site for blood drawing? - CORRECT ANSWER medial cubital veins What is an alternative site for venipuncture when arms cant be used? - CORRECT ANSWER Basilis vein and dorsal hand veins What areas should you avoid in a blood draw? - CORRECT ANSWER those with a hematoma or scars of previous mastectomy Where should the tourniquet be applied? - CORRECT ANSWER 3-4 inches above selected puncture site What angle should the needle be inserted? - CORRECT ANSWER 15-30 degrees The bevel side should be facing? - CORRECT ANSWER side up Lancets for newborns should be less than? - CORRECT ANSWER 2.0 mm Finger stick is also known as a? - CORRECT ANSWER capillary stick Where are capillary sticks done on infants? - CORRECT ANSWER in the heel When performing a finger stick, why do we wipe the first drop? - CORRECT ANSWER it is contaminated with tissues fluids Arterial punctures are done for? - CORRECT ANSWER further analysis of blood gas What is the preferred angle for the arterial draw? - CORRECT ANSWER 90 degrees [Show Less]
MedCA Medical Assistant Specialty fields Questions with Verified Answers Allergology - CORRECT ANSWER medical specialty concerned with diagnosis and tre... [Show More] atment of allergy and sensitivity Serology - CORRECT ANSWER The field of study of blood serum and other bodily fluids Angiography - CORRECT ANSWER the study of the circulatory system and the lymphatic systems, such as arteries, veins, and their diseases. Andrology - CORRECT ANSWER field of medicine that focuses on male health, especially pertaining to the male reproductive system and urological problems. Pathologists - CORRECT ANSWER the study and diagnoses of diseases Rheumotology - CORRECT ANSWER the medical field that focuses on the treatment of arthritis and vasculitis syndromes. Aviation Medicine - CORRECT ANSWER medicine is also known as aerospace medicine. Pulmonology - CORRECT ANSWER the field that deals with diseases of the respiratory system Podiatry - CORRECT ANSWER the medical field that deals with treatment and disorders of the feet and ankles Geriatrics - CORRECT ANSWER the field of medicine that deals with the healthcare of elder adults Hematology - CORRECT ANSWER study of the blood and blood diseases Hepatology - CORRECT ANSWER the study of diseases of the liver and pancreas Gynecology - CORRECT ANSWER the branch of medicine dealing with disorders and treatment of the reproductive system in women Radiology - CORRECT ANSWER study of X rays and radioactive substances and their uses in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases Toxicology - CORRECT ANSWER The branch of medicine that deals with the study of chemicals on living organisms. [Show Less]
MED CERT EXAM 92 Questions with Verified Answers (T/F) A medication error documentation must be completed before the end of the shift by the person who ... [Show More] made or discovered the error - CORRECT ANSWER TRUE (T/F) In the state of CT, medical doctors, pediatricians, psychiatrists, physician assistants, advanced practice registered nurses and dentists are all considered licensed practitioners - CORRECT ANSWER TRUE (T/F) A licensed practitioner's order (prescription) is required for all medications administered - CORRECT ANSWER TRUE The most common signs of asthma attack are (5) - CORRECT ANSWER Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, and chest tightness (T/F) Every time you remove a controlled medication for administration you must document that on the controlled medication count sheet - CORRECT ANSWER TRUE Medications used to suppress cough are - CORRECT ANSWER Antitussives (T/F) Always place a cotton ball, tissue or gauze in the ear after administration of ear medication - CORRECT ANSWER FALSE (T/F) Staff do not have to be med admin certified to be trained in emergency medications, therefore, emergency medications must be stored in a secure location that is easily accessible to all trained staff but away from all youth - CORRECT ANSWER TRUE DCF med admin certified staff MUST consult directly with the LP before administration of any psychotropic PRN medications - CORRECT ANSWER TRUE These meds are used to treat abnormal muscle movements associated with antipsychotic medications - CORRECT ANSWER Anticholinergics Explain how to administer a transdermal patch: (4) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Remove the old patch before applying the new one. 2. It should be applied to clean, intact, dry skin that is not infected, scarred, callused or tattooed. 3, Change application sites to avoid skin irritation. 4. Peel backing off the patch, press onto the skin and apply pressure to assure that it sticks to the skin. You must hold the medication and immediately contact the chain of command when you notice the following from the youth (6) - CORRECT ANSWER Drooling/difficulty swallowing, muscle stiffness especially in the mouth or neck area, Tics and twitches, Fever, Changes in how the youth walks or move, confusion or increased sedation. Dispensing - CORRECT ANSWER The act of placing a medication into a container, labeling the container and giving the container for someone else to administer (T/F) Guidelines for destroying non-controlled meds are different than those for controlled medications - CORRECT ANSWER TRUE To reduce fever you will use: - CORRECT ANSWER Antipyretic According to the DCF med admin program, if/when you discover a discrepancy in the controlled med count you must: (2) - CORRECT ANSWER Contact the chain of command and follow your agencies' policies and procedures. 2. Document and forward the report of the incident to DCF (T/F) DCF med cert staff are not trained or certified to administer rectal or genital medications. If prescribed the youth must be able to self administer or a LP must be available to administer the meds - CORRECT ANSWER TRUE Describe the correct storage practices for refrigerated meds: (3) - CORRECT ANSWER The temp of the refrigerator must be kept at 36-46 degrees. A locked, immobile box may be installed in the regular refrigerator. Only DCF med admin and licensed staff may have the key to the med box. 3. The refrigerator must be locked and accessible to DCF med admin or licensed staff (T/F) The FDA requires a generic drug to have the same basic components as the trade name drug - CORRECT ANSWER TRUE (T/F) PRN orders can be vague and there is no need for a detailed description of when to administer the medication - CORRECT ANSWER FALSE When a trade name medication is prescribed but the pharmacy dispensed the generic version you must: (1) - CORRECT ANSWER Hold the medication and contact the chain of command for directions Identify what you must know about a medication before you administer it (6) - CORRECT ANSWER Medication's name, use/action, controlled or noncontrolled, usual dosage, side effects, precautions/special considerations Translate these abbreviations - CORRECT ANSWER QD: Everyday BID: 2x a day TID: 3x a day QID: 4x a day HS: At Bedtime PRN: As needed AC: Before a meal PC: After a meal PO: By mouth NPO Not my mouth NKA: No known allergies NKDA No known drug allergies NTE: Not to exceed When this type of medication is prescribed blood pressure and pulse must be monitored periodically - CORRECT ANSWER Cardiovascular medications Medication storage keys must be: (1) - CORRECT ANSWER Carried by the medication certified or licensed staff responsible for medication administration for that shift at all times These meds kill lice - CORRECT ANSWER Pediculocides In regards to medication refusal: (2) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. It is the youth's right to refuse medication. 2.. Report any refusal to chain of command/follow instructions Meds may be administered: - CORRECT ANSWER One hour before until one hour after the scheduled time When a med is given on an empty stomach, the medication should be given: - CORRECT ANSWER One hour before a meal or two hours after a meal The following are acceptable tools for measuring medications: (3) - CORRECT ANSWER Calibrated measuring cup, medication syringe, calibrated measuring spoon (T/F) The DCF med cert person responsible for an error will have their certification suspended, there is no need to notify the DCF med admin program - CORRECT ANSWER FALSE To clean an infected eye you will: (6) - CORRECT ANSWER Wash hands and wear gloves, use a clean disposable washcloth, gauze or cotton ball moisten in warm water, Never use the same area of the washcloth for more than one wipe, wipe the infected eye gently from the inner corner to the outer corner. Remove gloves wash hands and put on clean gloves before handling the medication. Before administering a medication you must contact the chain of command when: (7) - CORRECT ANSWER -There is no LP's order for the medication or you can't perform the Rule of Three -The licensed practitioner's order on the pharmacy label is not legible -Medication is not stored and or safeguarded properly -Any of the five rights are violated -The medication looks unfamiliar to you or the youth -The youth refuses to take the medication -A youth has a sudden change in physical or mental condition. (T/F) No medication can be crushed without a licensed practitioner's or pharmacist approval. - CORRECT ANSWER TRUE (T/F)Anaphylaxis is a severe, potentially life threatening allergic reaction. - CORRECT ANSWER TRUE (T/F) In order to effectively manage asthma you should have a clear asthma management plan for all youth in your care who are diagnosed with asthma - CORRECT ANSWER TRUE (T/F) The route of administration will affect how quickly a medication will relieve the symptoms. Oral medication might take 30-60 min to help. - CORRECT ANSWER TRUE Medication administration certified staff cannot take verbal medication orders, any changes to an order must be: - CORRECT ANSWER Available to you in writing from the licensed practitioner LP's order reads: Haldol 5mg. Concentration: 5mg. How many tablets will you administer? - CORRECT ANSWER 1 tablet Lithium 450mg. Concentration: 150mg/tab. How many tablets will you administer? - CORRECT ANSWER 3 tablets (T/F) It is not required to wash hands before and after medication administration and between each child you administer the medication to - CORRECT ANSWER FALSE These drugs are used to treat a range of medical conditions caused by bacteria - CORRECT ANSWER Antibiotics What is the correct way administer nasal spray? - CORRECT ANSWER Ask the youth to blow his/her nose gently to clear nostrils. Remove cap and shake the bottle. While plugging one nostril, place the tip of the sprayer into the other nostril and ask the youth to breathe through his/her nose as the spray is administered. Have the youth exhale through his/her mouth after the spray is administered. Discourage the youth from blowing his/her nose for 5 mins (T/F) You must administer the inhaler according to the technique taught by the youth's healthcare professional. - CORRECT ANSWER TRUE How many DCF med cert or licensed staff do you need to destroy non-controlled medications? - CORRECT ANSWER 2 (T/F) Frequent hand washing is the best way to prevent the spread of infection - CORRECT ANSWER TRUE This group of medications is used to relieve symptoms of allergic reactions - CORRECT ANSWER Antihistamines (T/F) Internal medications must be kept separate from external topical medications - CORRECT ANSWER TRUE List the steps of the DCF Medication Administration procedure - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Approach the task in a calm manner 2. Wash hands before and after med admin 3. Assemble appropriate equipment 4.Perform the rule of three 5. Pour the correct dose of medication 6. Identify the correct youth 7. Administer the medication utilizing the proper technique 8. For oral medication perform a mouth check 9. Document 10. Return the medication to the locked area and clean up The MAR must include the following: (5) - CORRECT ANSWER The month and the year for which it's being used, the 5 rights, the medication's start date, any special considerations and instructions. All incident report or medication error forms must contain the following: (5) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. The date and time of incident 2.The staff involved 3.The youth's name and the medication involved in the incident 4.Who was contacted and the status of the youth 5. An objective description of what happened and immediate actions taken to ensure the safety and well being of the youth Describe the physical changes in the lungs of people with asthma. (3) - CORRECT ANSWER Bronchial constriction Inflammation Increased mucus The DCF Medication Administration procedure is a ten step process that must be followed: - CORRECT ANSWER Every time you administer medication to a youth in your care The Five Rights are: - CORRECT ANSWER -The right time -The right dose -The right route -The right youth -The right medication To administer eye ointment you will - CORRECT ANSWER Have the youth tilt his/her head backwards, ask the youth to look up and away and gently pull down the lower eyelid using the side of your finger exposing the lower eyelid. Beginning in the outer corner of the eye, place a thin ribbon of the ointment into the lower lid and have the youth close his/her eyes for a few minutes. If other eye medication is ordered, wait 10 minutes before giving the second medication The equation for correct amount to give: - CORRECT ANSWER Dose/Concentration X Unit = Amount to give Identify the components of a licensed practitioner's order: (4) - CORRECT ANSWER The five rights, signature, date, and special instructions (T/F) You can use white out to erase a documentation error - CORRECT ANSWER FALSE (T/F) Taste, smell, color, consistency, of a medication and/or parental approval can affect a youth's compliance with taking medications. - CORRECT ANSWER TRUE If a youth needs medical attention as a result of a medication error, DCF requires the following: (3) - CORRECT ANSWER The youth's parents or guardian should be notified The social worker should be notified A copy of the incident report must be forwarded to the DCF risk management within one business day of the event. Some of the examples of medical attention are: (3) - CORRECT ANSWER The licensed practitioner orders special monitoring of the youth. The licensed practitioner orders an adjustment to the youth's medication because of the error The youth was sent to a hospital emergency room (T/F) You should not accept the controlled medication keys unless the controlled medication count was performed with the person handing the keys to you - CORRECT ANSWER TRUE Liquid medication must be measured very carefully to avoid over/under medicating a youth. In order to do that you must do the following: (4) - CORRECT ANSWER Always used calibrated measuring tools that come with the medication and those approved by your facility. The medication cup must be place on a flat surface at eye level. Never use household utensils to administer medications. Hold the bottle with the label facing upward. To relieve pain you will use - CORRECT ANSWER Analgesics The three documents necessary for safe medication administration are: - CORRECT ANSWER The LP's order, the pharmacy level, and the MAR The Rule of Three is: - CORRECT ANSWER Comparing the LP's order, the pharmacy label and the MAR with the Five Rights every time you administer the medication When should an LP's order be questioned? (3) - CORRECT ANSWER When directions are not clearly stated When dose is not clearly stated. What times of administration are not clearly stated. Drug to drug interaction is defined as: - CORRECT ANSWER The effects of one medication are changed by the presence of another medication in the body. May occur whenever there is more than one medication in the youth's system. These medications are controlled medications that may suppress the appetite therefore you should monitor weight and food intake: - CORRECT ANSWER Stimulants Dispensing is the same as medication administration - CORRECT ANSWER FALSE (T/F)If you find that a medication error has occurred, your first responsibility to assure the safety and well being - CORRECT ANSWER TRUE (T/F) DCF regulation requires that all medication orders be reviewed every 90 days by an LP who knows the outh has assessed his/her current needs. - CORRECT ANSWER TRUE Asthma rescue medications: - CORRECT ANSWER Are quick acting: used during an asthma attacks (T/F)When you are caring for a youth with asthma you don't need to know what triggers his/her asthma - CORRECT ANSWER FALSE (T/F) When you are caring for a youth with asthma you don't to know what triggers his/her asthma - CORRECT ANSWER FALSE To prevent damaging the ear canal or the eardrum you will never insert cotton swabs into the ear canal - CORRECT ANSWER TRUE (T/F) The presence of food in the stomach affects how medication is absorbed. Food can change the effect of the medication. - CORRECT ANSWER TRUE (T/F) Registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and medication administration staff cannot dispense medication - CORRECT ANSWER TRUE To administer ear medication you will: - CORRECT ANSWER Position the youth with the ear to be treated upward and straighten the ear canal by gently pulling the ear lobe down and back. Place the prescribed number of drops in the ear and have the youth remain with affected ear upward for 10 min. If medication is ordered for both ears wait 10 min before asking the youth to switch position BID - CORRECT ANSWER 2x a day TID - CORRECT ANSWER 3x a day QID - CORRECT ANSWER 4x a day QD - CORRECT ANSWER Everyday HS - CORRECT ANSWER At bedtime PRN - CORRECT ANSWER As needed AC - CORRECT ANSWER Before meal PC - CORRECT ANSWER After meal PO - CORRECT ANSWER By mouth NPO - CORRECT ANSWER Not by mouth NKA - CORRECT ANSWER No known allergies NKDA - CORRECT ANSWER No known drug allergy NTE - CORRECT ANSWER Not to exceed [Show Less]
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