New Notes for PUP

Chemistry Lecture

my chemistry lecture for students studying chemistry can give help and impart knowledge.

By:Wm Pages:15 Uploaded:2021-12-05

Study guide


Algebra lecture

This document is helping students to study mathematics algebra I give some basic information to help

By:Wm Pages:3 Uploaded:2021-12-08

Class Notes


Nervous System

The nervous system is the major controlling, regulatory, and communicating system in the body. It is

By:Ericajoyballon Pages:6 Uploaded:2022-01-20

Class Notes


Immune System

The immune system is the body's defense against infections. The immune system attacks germs and help

By:Ericajoyballon Pages:7 Uploaded:2022-01-20

Class Notes


Endocrine System

The endocrine system is a network of glands in your body that make the hormones that help cells talk

By:Ericajoyballon Pages:7 Uploaded:2022-01-20

Class Notes


Animal Reproduction and Development

Most animals reproduce through sexual reproduction, but some animals are capable of asexual reproduc

By:Ericajoyballon Pages:10 Uploaded:2022-01-20

Class Notes


Animal Nutrition

Animal nutrition entails the study of the composition and characteristics of the material consumed b

By:Ericajoyballon Pages:4 Uploaded:2022-01-20

Class Notes


Skeletal System

The skeletal system is your body's central framework. It consists of bones and connective tissue, in

By:Ericajoyballon Pages:9 Uploaded:2022-01-20

Class Notes


Muscular System

The muscular system is an organ system consisting of skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscles. It permit

By:Ericajoyballon Pages:9 Uploaded:2022-01-20

Class Notes


Sensory Processing

Sensory processing is defined as the organization of sensory information from the body and the exter

By:Ericajoyballon Pages:9 Uploaded:2022-01-20

Class Notes


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