PETR 3318 Well Drilling and Completion I
Exam 2 (Closed Book)
October 26, 2017
(max 75 min)
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Problem 1. (10%)
a) (6%) What is the name of the systems used by drillships in deep and ultradeep water to
hold the vessel on location over the borehole and compensate for the action of the wind,
waves and currents against the vessel?
b-e) (1% each) List and briefly describe the four main components of those systems?
Problem 1 Solution:
a) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
b) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
c) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
d) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
e) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
PETR 3318 Exam 2 (Closed Book)
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Problem 2. (10%)
a) (6%) What is the name of the pipe to conduct drilling mud from a drillship to the ocean
floor in deep and ultradeep water?
b) (1%) What is the type and function of the joint in this pipe at the drillship floor?
c) (1%) What is the type and function of the joint in this pipe at the ocean floor?
d) (1%) What is the name of the system to secure this pipe to the drillship?
e) (1%) What kind of sections are sometimes added to reduce tension when this pipe is
long and heavy [Show Less]