Lecture 1 - 1/7/2020
● Oceanography, marine science, study of the ocean
● Science related to observations of:
○ Ocean
○ Coasts
○ Marine
... [Show More] organisms
● Interdisciplinary, biology, chem, geology, physics, engineering, etc
● ⅔ of earth is covered in oceans
○ High heat capacity, determine the planet's climate and weather
○ Food source, huge % of the population lives by the coast
■ Sea level rise implications?
● Study vs. Knowledge
○ The seas- important to humans for millennia
○ Transport, food source, destructive force
○ Knowledge was gained from experience
○ Study is intentional, using scientific method
● What is science?
○ Systematic process of asking questions about the observable world
○ Science interprets raw info
○ Scientists
■ Collect
● Scientific method
○ Observations > question
● 1,4, or 5 oceans
○ One global ocean
○ The different oceans, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern, Arctic ocean
● Ocean or Sea?
○ Commonly used interchangeably
○ Technically, seas are smaller and shallowers which results in some interesting
● Early Ocean Exploration, lots of Mediterranean history
○ Trade records in Mediterranean are earliest record of voyaging
○ 900-700 BC Greeks ventured outside Mediterranean
○ ~450 BC
● Library of Alexandria, Egypt
○ Kept records of every area of human endeavor, began the first systematic study
of ocean
○ Eratosthenes of Cyrene was the 2nd librarian
■ First to calculate the circumference of the earth
■ Later incorrectly improved by Ptolmey
■ Invented a system of latitude and longitude
● Longitude and Latitude
○ Latitude
■ Like rungs of a ladder, lines of latitude are horizontal and parallel
■ Measures angular position north/south relative to the equator
■ Degrees of latitude are evenly spaced in distance: 1 degree latitude
always equals 111km
○ Longitude
■ All lines of longitude are equally long, extending from N to S poles
■ Measures position east/west relative to the prime meridian
■ Degrees of longitude are evenly spaced in angle.time zone but NOT
■ Longitude = timezones
■ 360 degrees in a circle/24 hrs in a day = 15 degrees per hour
■ In reality, timezones are political/economic
● Colonization of Polynesia
○ Polynesia, central and eastern Pacific islands
○ Spread from island to island
○ Between 300 and 600 AD successfully colonized nearly every inhabitable island
● Hawaii
○ Colonization of Hawaii ~450-600 AD
○ No islands within >2000 miles to the south of Hawaii
○ Northern stars unknown to southern navigators
○ Lies beyond equatorial doldrums
● Viking raiders
○ Scandinavian adventures
○ Had europe’s fastest, longest-ranging vessels
○ Dark ages were punctuated by the raids of Vikings
○ Swepts down coasts of Europe form Denmark to Norway
● Summary: Early history
○ First boats ~40kya
○ Main focus: sea food
○ Commerce and military: mediterranean Nation-states
○ Exploration: vikings- plundering, polynesia- resettlement
● Middle Ages, food, military, commerce, and limited exploration
○ Chinese
○ Arab
○ European
● Chinese contributions
○ Zheng he commanded 7 voyages (1405-1433)
○ At least 317 ships and 27,500 men
○ Ships laden with gifts to show China’s wealth and degree of civiliation
○ Invented:
■ Compass
■ Central rudder
■ Water tight compartments [Show Less]