A correlation coefficient of -1.00 represents a
A positive correlation with a coefficient of 0.4 would label the correlation as
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Correlation indicates if two variables have a
Correlation research can show a relationship, but not prove a change to one variable will cause the other to
Correlation research starts with the assumption that a relationship does
The correlation coefficient measures the
The correlation between the number of vacation days per year and the performance rating of the employee has a correlation coefficient of 0.3. How can the correlation be explained?
The following points of data, (1, 10), (3, 12), (4, 13), (7, 16), have a
The scatterplot is reliable for the type of correlation and the existence of a correlation, but for a more accurate measure of strength, use the
The stronger the correlation, the closer the points will appear as a
When one variable increases as the other variable increases the correlation is
Which of the following apply to a focus group? (Choose 2)
Which of the following apply to participant observation? (Choose 2)
Which of the following apply to structured observation? (Choose 2)
Which of the following best describe structured interviews? (Choose 2)
Which of the following are the primary sources of data collection? (Choose 2)
Which of the following is an advantage to a face-to-face interview? (Choose 2)
Which of the following is an advantage to a static panel group? (Choose 2)
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Which of the following is the advantage of telephone interviews? (Choose 2)
A construct with how many dimensions is called an aggression?
A valid measurement scale of aggression includes items that measure
: Activities that take place during and after data collection
: Activities that take place before data collection begins
What is the next step after defining the construct?
Which of the following is an attribute of an object? (Choose 2)
What items do you need to measure a variable? (Choose 2)
Which of the following cannot be described as an operationalization?
Which of the following represents operationalizing the concept? (Choose 2)
Which of the following is an object? (Choose 2)
Which of the following is a true statement? (Choose 2)
In developing your research question, you are helping your client identify examples of quantitative variables. Which of the following represent quantitative variables?
Which of the following is a step that you should follow when operationalizing a concept?
Your client is trying to better understand variables. You explain that variables are quantities that assume more than one value and can be which of the following?
Your client wants to better understand dependent variables. To better describe characteristics of dependent variables to your client, you offer him which of the following?
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A five-point summary for descriptive statistics includes the minimum, maximum, first quartile, third quartile, and
Both descriptive and inferential work with a
Certain calculations are used in descriptive and inferential statistics. One example is the
If the goal of the research was to express a parameter with a range of usual values with a degree of confidence, then the decision maker would use
If the purpose of a study was to collect an overall description of the salaries in a department, use
Inferential statistics provides a generalization for the
Inferential statistics uses parameters with a defined degree of
Statistics for the population are referred to as
The difference between the maximum and minimum is the
The middle of a data set is the
The most frequent value in the data set is the
The variance in descriptive statistics measures the
Interviews are another form of data collection in qualitative research. Interviews can be accomplished several ways. Which of the following are acceptable interview methods for data collection?
In qualitative research, the role of the researcher in observational data collection can vary. Which of the following support the various roles that a researcher can play in the data collection process for observational data collection?
Qualitative analysis utilizes a process called coding. Which of the following resonates with the coding of data?
Qualitative research also utilizes audio-visual materials to gather data. Which of the following are representative of this type of data source?
To ensure reliability of your research, there are reliability procedures that the researcher should follow. Which of the following are representative of the procedures that one may consider?
There are many values for the use of triangulation in research. Which of the following provide positive reasons to use triangulation in research?
What are advantages to collecting data through the collection and review of various documents?
What tips would you recommend for a researcher designing a survey method?
What types of data collection sources can be utilized in mixed-methods research?
Which of the following are tips that you would recommend for conducting an interview in a research project?
You really want to design a high-quality qualitative procedure for the client. Which of the following questions should be part of your checklist to ensure great quality?
Your client is concerned about how the interviews will take place. You explain to him that qualitative research encompasses various characteristics. Which of the following exhibit the characteristics of qualitative research?
Your client is concerned about the risks related to the quantitative research component you have planned. Which of the following are examples of internal threats to validity in quantitative research?
You really want to design a high-quality qualitative procedure for the client. Which of the following questions should be part of your checklist to ensure great quality?
Your client wonders how you will interpret and report your findings in your final report. Which are important aspects to consider when interpreting and reporting your findings in your final research report?
Your client is wondering which research methodology you will be using. You indicate that a mixed-methods approach is best in this situation. Your client wants to know why. Which of the following represent reasons why a mixed-methods approach is valuable?
A researcher is interested in measuring self-esteem levels using a particular questionnaire. If the results of the questionnaire are indicative of the self-esteem of the participant, these findings are:
How can researcher assure the objectivity of research in data collection an analysis? (Choose 2)
If a researcher conducted a study looking at hunger and brain activation, in order for the researcher to be objective when reporting the results, they should: (Choose 2)
If a researcher implements a specific type of intervention that alleviates stress of employees and finds that other researchers are able to replicate these findings, this means that the results are:
The overall purpose of this section is:
What are some of the consequences of failing to remain objective during data analysis? (Choose 2)
What is the purpose of conducting a research objectively? (Choose 2)
When being objective in data collection, a researcher must use random selection. What does this mean?
Which one of the following concepts should a researcher be cognizant of when analyzing data? (Choose 2)
Why should researchers be extremely clear and concise when reporting the results? (Choose 2)
In the conclusion, the relationships are compared and
In drawing a conclusion, the researcher has to explain observed
In qualitative research, data is collected through notes from
Label the text to group into
Qualitative research may involve repeated sampling and
Showing different research methods lead to the same results is referred to as
The first step is the analytic process where the data are selected, labeled, and
The goal in the first step of the process is to understand the data and to begin to form a
To display qualitative data, use
While creating the display of the data, the researcher may uncover
Why is the qualitative procedure not linear? (Choose 2)
Your client heard you indicate that there are various ways qualitative data can be collected. Unfortunately, he has lost his notes. Which of the following will you share with him regarding the various data collection processes for a qualitative study?
Your client is getting ready for the process. He wants to know the first four steps in the qualitative research process. Which of the following is reflective of qualitative procedures?
Descriptive statistics summarizes the data for the
If the research involved a hypothesis test, the result of the test should indicate the level of
If the sample contains an outlier, the mean for the sample may be
In correlation research, the report should include the correlation type and
In a report for a hypothesis test, the level of significance should be stated to indicate the chance of a
Research for inferential statistics involves a hypothesis formed by an inference for the
Research involving descriptive statistics is often reported with
The average for the data sample may be skewed due to an
The range for a positive correlation coefficient is important even though it is only
When the mean for a sample is skewed due to an outlier in the sample, the outlier should be included in the
When reporting the statistics for a sample of data, it is important to indicate the sample
When stating the conclusion of a hypothesis test, the results should state the
Which represents an accurate report for a positive correlation with a correlation coefficient of 0.79?
Which report of a sample with an outlier is accurate? (Choose 2)
Without providing crucial information from the research, the findings of the research may be
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