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Once students decode well, which statement describes the relationship between vocabulary and reading comprehension? - ANS - Vocabulary is the best single ... [Show More]
primary activity - >>>> the part of the economy that draws raw materials form the natural environment. secondary activity - >>>> transforms raw materials... [Show More]
Phonics - >>>>> relationship between letters and sounds. Code based instruction. Phonemic Awareness - >>>>> awareness of individual speech sounds (consona... [Show More]
Proficient word reading requires rapid recognition of all relevant layers of word structure in a mental process called ___________ ________________. - ANS... [Show More]
_ represents the two major components of learning to read: word recognition and language comprehension. - ANS - SVR The Reading Rope identifies three maj... [Show More]
The brain's phonological processing system must be _______ and _____ educated to perceive and produce the speech sounds of language for an individual to r... [Show More]
What characteristic makes English a "deep" alphabetic orthography? - ANS - Its spelling system represents meaningful parts (morphemes) as well as sounds. ... [Show More]
Why did the National Institute of Health and Human Development classify reading difficulties as a major health concern? - The inability to read well is as... [Show More]
What is one important distinction between the Four-Part Processing Model for Word Recognition and the Three Cueing Systems model? a. The Four-Part Proces... [Show More]
Which statement best describes the relationship between reading comprehension and word decoding in a beginning reader's development? - ANS - Accurate, fas... [Show More]
early literacy - >>>>>foundational skills learned from birth to 5-6 years of age. Big 5 Ideas in Reading - >>>>>phonemic awareness phonics vocal fluenc... [Show More]
Key ideas to _______ the selection and use of assessments; not all poor readers are alike, phase of development will determine focus, assessments should b... [Show More]
What is one important distinction between the Four-Part Processing Model for Word Recognition and the Three Cueing Systems model? a. The Four-Part Proces... [Show More]
Informed teachers are _____ assurance against reading failure. - >>>>> - our best phonics - >>>>> - the study of the relationships between letters and the... [Show More]
Phonological processor - - - Which works with speech sounds Phonological awareness - - - Awareness of all levels of the speech sound system is the founda... [Show More]
How is the word pl - ay divided in this example? - onset-rime How many spoken syllables are there in buttered? - 2 How many spoken syllables are there in... [Show More]
Which of the following is not one of the strands in Scarborough's Reading Rope? - not vocabulary How can code-emphasis or phonics-emphasis instruction be... [Show More]
During reading, your eyes typically stop on a word for about 250 milliseconds. In what situation(s) do your eyes need to fixate longer on a word? a. when... [Show More]
If a class is at grade level in reading achievement, what can the teacher expect of the class's writing achievement? - Significantly more students will be... [Show More]
Based on the grapheme representing /sh/, which word is probably from French? - machine Which of the following words is most probably from the Anglo-Saxon ... [Show More]
phoneme - - - in language, the smallest distinctive sound unit Grapheme - - - the written or printed representation of a phoneme Phonics - - - The predic... [Show More]
Which term relates to a students ability to use word meanings in both speaking and writing? - expressive vocabulary In teaching the antonyms and synonyms... [Show More]
In the later stages of reading development (grades 5 and up) which strand of the "reading rope" takes on more and more importance in explaining reading co... [Show More]
academic language - - - written or spoken language that is more stylistically formal than spoken conversational language; language that is most often used... [Show More]
Outcome assessments - >>>>>Outcome assessments assess the overall effectiveness of instruction given to a large student population—for example, all stud... [Show More]
Based on the grapheme representing /sh/, which word is probably from French? - >>>>>machine Which of the following words is most probably from the Anglo-S... [Show More]
The ability to translate a word from print to speech, usually by employing knowledge of sound symbol correspondences; also the act of deciphering a new wo... [Show More]
Which is a characteristic of discourse in spoken language? a. It generally uses complete, well-formed sentences. b. It does not use paragraphs and tends ... [Show More]
Phoneme - >>>>>the smallest unit of sound in any language used to build words ex: the word shoe has 2 (/sh/-/u/) Phonological Processing System - >>>>> ... [Show More]
components of oral language - >>>>> 1) phonology 2) semantics 3)morphology 4)syntax 4) prosody what is phonology? - >>>>>sound system of a language ... [Show More]
Which of the following words best completes the sentence when inserted into blank 1? - >>>>>phonology, phonological processing, or phoneme Which of the f... [Show More]
Reading fluency - >>>>>oral reading with sufficient speed and accuracy to support comprehension of text. It is later applied to silent reading and include... [Show More]
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