Appraisal costs - Answer>>> Costs
... [Show More] incurred in the process of uncovering defects
Benchmarking - Answer>>> Studying the business practices of other companies for purposes of
Cause-and-effect diagrams - Answer>>> A chart that identifies potential causes of particular
quality problems.
Checklist - Answer>>> A list of common defects and the number of observed occurrences of
these defects
Conformance to specifications - Answer>>> How well a product o service meets the targets and
tolerances determined by this designers
continuous improvement - Answer>>> A philosophy of never-ending improvement.
Control charts - Answer>>> Charts used to evaluate whether a process is operating within set
Customer-defined quality - Answer>>> an integrated effort designed to improve quality
performance at every level of the organization
Deming Prize - Answer>>> A Japanese award given to companies to recognize efforts in quality
external failure costs - Answer>>> costs associated with quality problems that occur at the
customer site
Fitness for use - Answer>>> A definition of quality that evaluates how well the product performs
for its intended use.
Flowchart - Answer>>> A schematic of the sequence of steps involved in an operation or
Histogram - Answer>>> A chart that shows the frequency distribution of observed values of a
Internal failure costs - Answer>>> costs associated with discovering poor product quality before
the product reaches the customer
ISO 14000 - Answer>>> A set of international standards and a certification focusing on a
company's environmental responsibility
ISO 9000 - Answer>>> A set of international quality standards and a certification demonstrating
that companies have met all the standards specified.
Kaizen - Answer>>> A Japanese term that describes the notion of a company continually
striving to be better through learning and problem solving
Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award - Answer>>> an award given annually to companies
that demonstrate quality excellence and establish best practice standards in industry
Pareto Analysis - Answer>>> A technique used to identify quality problems based on their
degree of importance.
Plan-do-study-act (PDSA) cycle - Answer>>> A diagram that describes the activities that need
to be performed to incorporate continuous improvement into the operation
Prevention Costs - Answer>>> Costs incurred in the process of preventing poor quality from
Psychological criteria - Answer>>> A way of defining quality that focuses on judgmental
evaluations of what constitutes product or service excellence
Quality at the source - Answer>>> The belief that it is best to uncover the source of quality
problems and eliminate it
quality circles - Answer>>> A team of volunteer production employees and their supervisors
who meet regularly to solve quality problems
Quality Function Deployment (QFD) - Answer>>> A tool used to translate the preferences of the
customer into specific technical requirements
Reliability - Answer>>> The probability that a product, service, or part will perform as intended
Robust design - Answer>>> A design that results in a product that can perform over a wide
range of conditions
scatter diagram - Answer>>> Graphs that show how two variables are related to each other [Show Less]