Globus- Quiz 2 - Part 2 / Globus Quiz 2 Part 2
Quiz 2 - Answers - Part 2
Which one of the following is NOT a way to improve the P/Q rating of a
... [Show More] company's brand of UAV
2. Which one of the following is unlikely to be an attractive and effective way to reduce the design,
assembly. marketing, and other costs of UAV drones and help achieve a sizable competitive
advantage over rival companies based on lower overall costs per UAV drone sold?
3. Which one of the following actions is MOST likely to REDUCE the productivity of camera/drone
4. 11Which of the following is an action that merits serious consideration in trying to improve a
company's credit rating? In answering this question, you may wish to consult the Help section
for page 5 of the Camera & Drone Journal and read the discussion pertaining to The Credit
Rating Measures."
5. As a general rule, it is important for company managers to be aware of the regions where the
company's UAV drone business was most profitable and least profitable in the just-completed
decision round (so they can pursue corrective actions in the underperforming regions in the
upcoming decision round); the best information, then the best place(s) to look for this
information is
6. A company's managers should almost always give serious consideration to making significant
adjustments in its camera/drone strategies and competitive approaches when
7. The makers of action-capture cameras have good reason to sell their camera models to camera
retailers in Europe-Africa at lower average wholesale prices than the average wholesale prices
charged to camera retailers in Latin America because
8. Which of the following actions does NOT help improve a company's image rating/brand
9. If a company adds 40 new workstations at a cost of $75,000 each and also spends $14 million
for addition space in its camera/drone assembly facilities to accommodate more workstations,
then its annual depreciation costs will rise by
10. Which of the following actions are most likely to catch the eye of action camera shoppers,
generate the biggest boost in overall buyer appeal for a company's camera models versus rival
brands. and cause the biggest number of additional camera shoppers to purchase its brand
instead of rival brands?
11. Which of the following results from the latest decision round are LEAST important in providing
guidance to company managers in making their strategic moves and decisions to improve their
company's competitiveness and rank among the top-performing companies in the upcoming
decision round?
12. If your company earns $3.00 per share of common stock (in a year when the investor-expected
EPS target is $3.60), if another company has an industry-leading EPS of S5.00, and if EPS has
a scoring weight of 20 points, then your company's EPS score on the Best-in-Industry scoring
standard will be
13. The industry-low. industry-average. and industry-high benchmarks on pp. 6-7 of each issue of
the Camera & Drone Journal
14. Which of the following is an action company co-managers can take that will help the company
meet or beat the investor-expected ROE targets in upcoming years?
15. Which one of the following is NEITHER an advantage or disadvantage of shifting to roboticsassisted camera assembly methods?
Installing robots at each camera workstation enables the size of PATs to be cut by one
16. As explained in the Help section for the Workforce Compensation, Training, and Product
Assembly decision screen, if (1) a company pays a drone PAT member an annual base wage of
$25.000, an $800 year-end bonus for perfect attendance, and provides a company-paid annual
fringe benefits package worth $3,600 and (2) a PAT is paid a $4 assembly quality incentive per
UAV drone assembled that is equally divided among 4 PAT members, then if a drone PAT's
17. One of the benefits of pursuing a strategy of social responsibility and corporate citizenship that
involves spending sizable sums of money for social responsibility initiatives and good corporate
citizenship over a multi-year period is
18. If a company earns net income of S55 million in Year 8, has 10 million shares of common stock
outstanding, pays a dividend of $1.50 per share, and has annual interest costs of $15 million,
19. If company co-managers wish :o pursue efforts aimed specifically at helping the company meet
or beat the investor-expected stock price appreciation targets in upcoming years, then comanagers should consider
issuing new shares of common stock to help fund needed capital investment expenditures in
those decision rounds when internal cash flows are insufficient to cover all the expenditures
20. A company's EPS can most always be bolstered by managerial actions to [Show Less]