A+] // LATEST 2024/2025 // 100 QUESTIONS
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What is A Personal Property Security Registration (PPSR) search useful for? -
ANSWER-to discover any lien associated with the subject
What other sources can you research when conducting background inquiries -
ANSWER-Bankruptcy records, divorce records, land registry databases and
corporate searches
If an investigator finds that any of the information of the suspect, given by the
client is missing, what should they do - ANSWER-they should consult the file to
locate it or contact their office to confirm if the information is known and may
have been overlooked.
What is the purpose of surveillance - ANSWER-to Locate, Obtain and Prevent?
If the investigator is aware that the subject is represented by a lawyer, general
practice is for the investigator to - ANSWER-avoid having any verbal contact or
interaction with the subject
Private investigators most commonly work alone on most surveillance cases,
however in some cases two or more investigators may be assigned to work
together. Reasons for this may include - ANSWER-the subject's aggressive driving
nature, multiple points of exit from a given location, or the subject's ability to run
counter surveillance
Team surveillance allows for a variety of surveillance techniques to be employed
including - ANSWER-the caravan method, leapfrogging, and parallel coverage.
It is important to remember never to record a conversation without - ANSWER-the
knowledge and consent of one of the parties involved in the communication
Why can you not record a conversation without the knowledge and consent of one
of the parties involved in the communication - ANSWER-It is a criminal offence
What is the purpose of a closing statement after an interview - ANSWER-the
client’s agreement to the statement that was documented?
After an interview what should you tell the witness - ANSWER-to review the
statement and ask for changes to be made before they agree to sign it.
After the witness reviewed the interview statement, and they requested a change,
what should the PI do - ANSWER-a line should be drawn through the item being
removed, with the initials of both the witness and the private investigator at the
beginning of the correction and the end.
After the witness reviews the interview statement what should be done -
ANSWER-each page should be initialed or signed, to confirm that no further
information was added. On the final page of a statement, after the signatures,
common practice would be to draw an "x" through the remainder of the page to
indicate that there is no further information on this page.
The Private Security and Investigative Services Act, 2005 regulates - ANSWER
investigative services and private security industry [Show Less]