Dysphoria Correct Answer: The term used to describe major depression characterized by loss of interest
... [Show More] in work and home, inability to complete tasks and deep depression.
Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS) Correct Answer: tool used to screen for symptoms of movement disorders (side effects of neuroleptic medications)
Akathisia Correct Answer: intense need to move about; characterized by restless movement, pacing, inability to remain still, and the client's report of inner restlessness
Alogia Correct Answer: a lack of any real meaning or substance in what the client says
Anhedonia Correct Answer: having no pleasure or joy in life; losing any sense of pleasure from activities formerly enjoyed
Blunted Affect Correct Answer: showing little or a slow-to-respond facial expression; few observable facial expressions
Catatonia Correct Answer: psychomotor disturbance, either motionless or excessive motor
Command Hallucinations Correct Answer: disturbed auditory sensory perceptions demanding that the client take action, often to harm self or others, and are considered dangerous; often referred to as "voices"
Delusions Correct Answer: a fixed, false belief not based in reality
Depersonalization Correct Answer: feelings of being disconnected from himself or herself; the client feels detached from his or her behavior
Dystonic Reactions Correct Answer: extrapyramidal side effect to antipsychotic medication; includes acute muscular rigidity and cramping, a stiff or thick tongue with difficulty swallowing and in severe cases laryngospasm and respiratory difficulties
Echolalia Correct Answer: repetition or imitation of what someone else says; echoing what is heard
Echopraxia Correct Answer: imitation of the movements and gestures of someone an individual is observing
Extrapyramidal side effects Correct Answer: reversible movement disorders induced by antipsychotic or neuroleptic medications
Flat Affect Correct Answer: showing no facial expressions
Hallucinations Correct Answer: false sensory perceptions or perceptual experiences that do not really exist
Ideas of Reference Correct Answer: client's inaccurate interpretation that general events are personally directed to him or her, such as hearing a speech on the news and believing the message has personal meaning
Latency of Response Correct Answer: refers to hesitation before the client responds to questions
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS) Correct Answer: a potentially fatal, idiosyncratic reaction to an antipsychotic (or neuroleptic) drug
Neuroleptics Correct Answer: antipsychotic medications
Polydispsia Correct Answer: excessive water intake
Pseudoparkinsonism Correct Answer: a type of extrapyramidal side effect of antipsychotic medications; drug-induced parkinsonism; includes shuffling gait, mask like facies, muscle stiffness (continuous) or cog wheeling rigidity (ratchet-like movements of joints), drooling and akinesia (slowness and difficulty initiating movement)
Psychomotor Retardation Correct Answer: overall slowed movements; a general slowing of all movements; slow cognitive processing and slow verbal interaction
Psychosis Correct Answer: cluster of symptoms including delusions, hallucinations, and grossly disordered thinking and behavior
Tardive dyskinesia Correct Answer: a late-onset, irreversible neurologic side effect of antipsychotic medications; characterized by abnormal, involuntary movements such as lip smacking, tongue protrusion, chewing, blinking, grimacing, and choreiform movement of the limbs and feet
Thought Blocking Correct Answer: stopping abruptly in the middle of a sentence or train of thought; sometimes client is unable to continue the idea
Thought Broadcasting Correct Answer: a delusional belief that others can hear or know what the client is thinking
Thought Insertion Correct Answer: a delusional belief that others are putting ideas or thoughts into the client's head; that is, the ideas are not those of the client
Thought Withdrawal Correct Answer: a delusional belief that others are taking the client's thoughts away and the client is powerless to stop it
Waxy Flexibility Correct Answer: maintenance of posture or position over time even when it is awkward or uncomfortable
Word Salad Correct Answer: flow of unconnected words that convey no meaning to the listener
Aranulocytosis Correct Answer: a lack of bone marrow to make WBCs and can occur suddenly; a side affect of Clozapine; signs include fever, malaise, ulcerative sore throat, leukopenia.
Paranoid Schizophrenia Correct Answer: characterized by persecutory (feeling victimized or spied on) or grandiose delusions, hallucinations, and occasionally, excessive religiosity (delusional religious focus) or hostile and aggressive behavior
Disorganized Schizophrenia Correct Answer: characterized by grossly inappropriate or flat affect, incoherence, loose associations, and extremely disorganized behavior
Catatonic Schizophrenia Correct Answer: characterized by marked psychomotor disturbance, either motionless or excessive motor activity. Motor immobility may be manifested by catalepsy (waxy flexibility) or stupor; also, extreme negativism, mutism, peculiarities of voluntary movement, echolalia, and echopraxia.
Undifferentiated Schizophrenia Correct Answer: characterized by mixed schizophrenic symptoms (of other types) along with disturbances of thought, affect, and behavior. [Show Less]