NR 511 FINAL 2024-2025 Exam WITH 150
Cipro 500mg BID for 7 days, Cipro XR 1000mg daily for 7 days,
Levaquin 750mg daily for 5
... [Show More] days. - ANSWER-Antibiotics for
Pain relief, thiazide diuretics, Allopurinol, D-penicillamine,
increased water intake, surgical interventions. - ANSWER
Treatment for kidney stones
Coughing, sneezing, straining. - ANSWER-Stress incontinence
Kegel exercises, pelvic floor muscle training, vaginal
cones/pessaries, weight loss, fluid restriction, medications,
surgical intervention. - ANSWER-Management of stress
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Anticholinergic/Antimuscarinic medications like Oxybutynin and
Tolterodine. - ANSWER-Overactive bladder medications
Refer to a nephrologist; indicative of nephrotic syndrome. -
ANSWER-24-hour urine protein result of 4.2 g/day
Instruct patient on Kegel exercises. - ANSWER-Leaking urine
when sneezing
Essential to know last menstrual period, method of birth control,
last unprotected sexual contact. - ANSWER-Prescribing Bactrim
DS for UTI
Tinel sign, Phalen test, Thumb abduction test. - ANSWER-Carpal
tunnel syndrome tests
Shoulder rotator cuff impingement or tear test. - ANSWER
Hawkins test
Test for torn meniscus in the knee. - ANSWER-McMurray test
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Test for medial or lateral collateral ligament instability in the knee. - ANSWER-Valgus-varus stress test
Ottawa Knee Rules for radiograph indications. - ANSWER-Acute
knee injury diagnostic
L4, L5, S1 nerve root irritation test. - ANSWER-Straight leg test
L1-L4 nerve root irritation test. - ANSWER-Femoral stretch/hip
extension test
Test for effusion in the knee. - ANSWER-Bulge sign
Degrees of motion for elbow, shoulder, cervical spine. -
ANSWER-Range of motion for upper and lower extremities
Chronic inflammatory disease affecting vertebral column. -
ANSWER-Ankylosing spondylitis
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The effectiveness of benzodiazepines in treating anxiety disorders
suggests that which of the following neurotransmitters plays a role
in anxiety? - ANSWER-Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
The criteria for diagnosing generalized anxiety disorder in the
American Psychiatric Associations Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (text revision) state that
excessive worry or apprehension must be present more days than
not for at least? - ANSWER-6 months
A 20-year-old woman is seen in the clinic because her boyfriend
was found to have gonorrhea. Which of the following is the
treatment of choice for gonorrhea? - ANSWER-Ceftriaxone
A patient is seen in the clinic with hematuria confirmed on
microscopic examination. The clinician should inquire about the
ingestion of which of these substances that might be the cause of
hematuria? - ANSWER-NSAIDs
A 30-year-old patient presents with pain on urination. The urine
microscopy of unspun urine shows greater than 10 [Show Less]