Leading cause of EEOC filings
... [Show More] within a Dept. - Answer>>> Failure to act by a supervisor when
an actionable item occurs.
Pre req for fire officer 1 based on NFPA 1021 - Answer>>> FF II
IAFC identifies fire officer II Level as a ____________ fire officer - Answer>>> Manager
Hostile work environment applies to which of the following situations - Answer>>> Broad range
of situations where employee feels discriminated
Political subdivision established by state or county gov. With sole purpose of providing fire
protection within a defined geographic area. - Answer>>> Fire protection dist.
Organization that represents the interest of volunteer fire service - Answer>>> National
volunteer fire council
Supervising officer is classified as what - Answer>>> Fire Officer 1
Organization defines and publishes the requirement for various levels of fire officer -
Answer>>> International association of fire chiefs
Term used in the make up of many fire Departments across the nation to include more minorities
- Answer>>> Diversity
Act of directing or guiding others in a course of action according to Fayol - Answer>>> Leading
Fire officer enforcing a Dept policy that is unpopular with labor - Answer>>> Officer is most
likely a member of the same bargaining unit as the fire fighter they supervise
Fire officer IV job function normally would be - Answer>>> Chief Officer
Federal agency that established the national incident management system which is standard for
emergency med in us - Answer>>> FEMA
Four functions of management - Answer>>> Planning
Basis of a strong positive supervisor/employee relationship - Answer>>> Open and honest
Employee files a hostile work workplace complaint within the fire Dept. Most cases with whom
they file the complaint - Answer>>> Company officer
Company officer does not agree with new policy to enforce what should you do - Answer>>>
Seek clarification in private but enforce the policy as directed
Mediator dealing with problems management and labor contract negotiations - Answer>>> Third
party who is neutral
Equal opportunity act of 1972 amended the civil rights act of 1964 and expanded its coverage to
include public and private employers with _________ or more employees - Answer>>> 15
Based on NIFRS What percentage of the average fire Dept. Workload involves firefighting -
Answer>>> Less then 10 percent
Organization of a fire Dept can be examined based on - Answer>>> Function geography and
What is an important element of the beginning of shift report given by the company officer to a
supervising officer - Answer>>> All reports from the previous shift has been completed
Copy officers can strengthen their abilities and develop has relationships with their supervisors
by doing which of the following - Answer>>> Make appropriate decisions at your level of
responsibility [Show Less]