Concept Check/ Video Quizzes
Chapter 1: Introduction to Information Systems
1) Informaion technology impacts individuals and organizaions, but has litle
... [Show More] impact on our
a. True
b. False
2) Which of the following is not a characterisic of today’s business environment?
a. Global
b. Interconnected
c. Staic
d. Hypercompeiive
3) One of the main reasons for being an informed user is that you will have more efecive
interacions with your IT department
a. True
b. False
4) IT ofers excellent career opportuniies
a. True
b. False
5) A student majoring in MIS can follow a more technical track or a more business-oriented
a. True
b. False
6) Business-oriented MIS majors typically ind jobs as programmer/analysts
a. True
b. False
7) Business analysts act as “interpreters” between the user community and technical specialists
a. True
b. False
8) … consists of informaion that has been processed to convey experise as it applies to a
business problem
a. Data
b. Informaion
c. Knowledge
d. Wisdom
9) Today, all informaion systems are computerized
a. True
b. False
10) IT decreases the number of employees who can report to a single manager
a. True
b. False
11) IT means that managers have less ime to make decisions
a. True
b. False
12) The compeiive advantage of replacing people with computers is increasing rapidly
a. True
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b. False
13) IT can both improve and decrease our quality of life
a. True
b. False
14) Robots are being used in a decreasing number of everyday tasks
a. True
b. False
15) Which of the following is an IT job within an organizaion?
a. Program manager
b. System analyst
c. Network manager
d. CIO
e. All of these
16) Global outsourcing helps an organizaion to:
a. Find the best person for the job
b. Find more economical resources
c. Implement spaial and temporal lexibility
d. All of these
17) Managing informaion systems in a modern organizaion is challenging because:
a. Both of the following are correct: the systems are very expensive to acquire, operate,
and maintain; and the systems are easily replaced
b. The systems are very expensive to acquire, operate, and maintain
c. The systems are criical to the organizaion’s operaions
d. The systems are easily replaced
e. Both of the following are correct: the systems are very expensive to acquire, operate,
and maintain; and the systems are criical to the organizaion’s operaions
18) The core capabiliies of computer-based informaion systems include (select all that apply):
a. Generaing new knowledge
b. Quick access to informaion
c. Managing people
d. Staging and processing of large amounts of data
e. High-speed calculaions
19) HR informaion systems, POM informaion systems, CRM informaion systems, and markeing
informaion systems are usually classiied as:
a. ERP systems
b. Strategic informaion systems
c. Transacion processing systems
d. Funcional area informaion systems
e. None of these
20) IT afects middle managers by …
a. Increasing their producivity
b. Increasing the number of managers needed in a department
c. Increasing their opportuniies for promoion
d. Reducing the number of people who can report to them
21) While informaion systems, such as transacion processing systems, generate more
informaion for managers to process, other informaion systems, such as …, help them
analyze this informaion to make beter-informed decisions
a. Business intelligence systems [Show Less]