CMY3701- ASSIGNMENT 2024-2025
According to Merton an integrated society maintains a
... [Show More] balance between two elements - ANS-social
structure; culture
What specifically refers to shorter processes that use more limited information which
relate mainly to the immediate circumstances and situations? - ANS-Criminal event decisions
Durkheim's work was influential in shifting the analysis of criminality away from sources
rooted in the individual to sources rooted in sociocultural factors. He believed that crime
is a/an... in any society and is therefore ... - ANS-normal phenomenon; functional.
Social-structure theories focus on ... - ANS-social conditions.
Event decisions involve a sequence of choices made at each stage of the criminal act.
This includes "escape" and "the aftermath". What other sequences of choices are also
included in the event decision process? - ANS-Preparation; target selection; commission of the act
According to the routine activity theory a person's lifestyle influences the opportunity for crime because
it controls a person's ... - ANS-ability to be protected
According to Kohlberg's stages of development, people make moral decisions, not just on the basis of
what the law says, but on higher principles. This statement refers to the... - ANS-post-conventional
Which one of the following theories contend that certain changes in the modern world
have provided motivated offenders with a far greater number of opportunities to commit crime? - ANSRoutine activities theory
Neo-classicists (Joyce, 2006) assert that a person is still accountable for his or her
actions but with minor reservations. Which two specific factors will influence the offender to reform? -
ANS-Past history and present situation
The Classical school believes that behaviour is guided by hedonism. The concept
hedonism can be described as ... whereby offenders calculate the risks and rewards of
crime. - ANS-a pleasure-and-pain principle
Process theories attempt to explain how individuals become offenders. The focus is on... as experienced
by the offender rather than the ... - ANS-social interactions; social structure.
What is also referred to as "direct conditioning"? - ANS-Differential reinforcement
Discussing the existence of threatening impulses is called ... - ANS-denial.
In terms of the theory of differential association, learning the techniques for committing crime is less
important than acquiring the disposition needed to commit crime. This includes: - ANS-Motives, attitude
and drives
Akers (Williams, 2004) proposes that behaviour will be repeated when... - ANS-positive reinforcers
outweigh negative reinforcers.
According to Jones (2001) the main strength of the theory of differential association is that it showed
that crime was not just a product of ... but that it could occur in all settings. - ANS-poverty
In relation to society's reaction to anomie, which of the following reactions or modes of adaptations
relates both to the most common reaction and to the most deviant reaction to anomie? - ANSConformity and innovation
The inability of a community structure to realise the common values of its residents and maintain
effective social control refers to which of the following theories? - ANS-Social disorganisation
Which of the following factors is an essential feature of Eysenck's biosocial theory of
crime? - ANS-Genetics
Choose the most correct option: One of the biosocial theory's core principles
include: - ANS-Individual behaviour patterns are produced by genetic traits and the environment
Identify the following statement which best represents the assumptions of the positivistic school of
thought: - ANS-In favour of indeterminate sentences and the individualisation of offenders
The following concept focuses mainly on overt behaviour, its observable antecedents
and consequences, rather than upon internal processes: - ANS-The behavioural perspective
"Offenders are rarely in possession of all the necessary facts about the risks, efforts
and rewards of crime". This statement refers to: - ANS-The decision to commit an offence
Mechanical solidarity refers to? - ANS-Pre-industrial societies where individuals share common
experiences [Show Less]