A 23-year-old female is admitted for vaginal
... [Show More] bleeding following a miscarriage two weeks prior
to this admission. She is afebrile at this time and is treated with an aspiration dilation and
curettage. Products of conception are found. Which of the following should be the principle
diagnosis. - Answer>>> O03.1 Delayed excessive hemorrhage following incomplete
spontaneous abortion.
A psychiatrist documents that a patient has wide mood swings from excessive happiness to loss
of energy and crying. What condition is suspected? - Answer>>> Bipolar disorder
A patient with cephalic presentation anticipating a vaginal delivery fails to progress. After a
measurement of the fetal head and a trial f oxytocin, the patient underwent a cesarean section.
What condition should the coder suspect and query the physician about> - Answer>>>
Cephalopelvic disproportion
A 45-year-old woman underwent a carotid bypass and experienced a significant drop in blood
pressure during the surgery. The documentation suggested the patient may have a myocardial
infarction. In accordance with coding guidelines, what should the coding professional do? -
Answer>>> Query the physician to determine if there was a complication of surgery.
If a patient's discharge summary does not contain a diagnosis that is documented by the
anesthesiologist in a preoperative evaluation and that would impact the MS-DRG assignment,
the coder should: - Answer>>> Query the attending physician regarding the clinical significance
of that diagnosis
A patient has documentation of esophageal varies. What condition may be related that may affect
coding? - Answer>>> Liver disease
A patient admitted with acute abdominal pain, is found to have appendicitis, and has an
appendectomy. The patient has a length of stay of two days. What type of patient encounter is
this? - Answer>>> Inpatient
A patient was treated in the emergency department for a swollen knee and an aspiration of the
joint was preformed. The patient was then discharged home. It is important to make sure that
which of the following are documented and captured for billing purposes? - Answer>>> All
services provided including diagnostic and treatment procedures, as well as physician services
A patient has documentation on the discharge summary of urosepsis. The coding staff queries the
attending physician about the condition and is provided further information that the patient has
septicemia. This is in alignment with the laboratory tests and medication given but the diagnosis
of septicemia was not documented by the physician. How should the physician be requested to
document the septicemia - Answer>>> An addendum to the chart should be written [Show Less]